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2018 Call for Board Nominations

The Guild of Book Workers is accepting nominations for the following positions: President, Communications Chair, Exhibitions Chair, Newsletter Chair, and Standards Seminar Chair.

The individuals who currently hold these positions have each indicated that they are willing to continue in their positions. However, if you would like to nominate anyone else, please send an email to Please be aware that persons making nominations do not need to ask the person's permission to nominate them. The deadline for nominations ends March 1. A last reminder will go out at the end of February. Position descriptions are as follows:

President: The President is the Chief executive office of the Corporation, Chairman of the Board of Directors, general supervisor of the business and affairs of the Corporation and overseer of all orders and resolutions of the Board. The President presides at all meetings of the Board and at the Annual General Meeting, oversees the management of the Corporation, signs contracts for the Corporation, co-ordinates the organization’s activities nationwide and works with all the members of the Board to ensure that Board decisions are carried out. Each year the President appoints a committee to choose nominees for the Lifetime Achievement Award and the Laura Young Award for Service to the Guild of Book Workers, and presents the nominees to the Board for approval. The President also is responsible for finding candidates for vacancies that may occur on the Board and performs other duties and powers that may be prescribed by the Bylaws or by the Board. The President makes every effort to see that historical materials relating to the Corporation’s presidency are forwarded to the Corporation’s archives in Iowa City.

Communications Chair: The Communications Standing Committee Chair leads and organizes the communication efforts of the Guild of Book Workers, including the GBW website. Duties include: update the Guild webpage using Adobe Contribute and FTP; update the web calendar on a regular basis and post timely information on GBW events; maintain and troubleshoot the GBW blog with the blog editors; manage the GBW listserv; maintain the GBW Board communications (listserv and email forwarding); work with the GBW webpage developer on form and content. The Communications Chair also monitors costs and prepares a budget for web services, making sure that the webmaster and services are paid for each year. He or she also manages the other communication avenues for the Guild (such as Facebook and Twitter). The Communications Chair writes an Annual Report, makes general reports at Board meetings and sees that historical materials relating to GBW Communications are forwarded to the Corporation’s archives in Iowa City.

Exhibitions Chair: The Exhibitions Standing Committee Chair is responsible for coordinating a committee that oversees the Guild’s traveling exhibit. Duties of the committee include: determine a theme for the exhibit and number of pieces to be exhibited; produce a budget and loan fees; selection of jurors; find venues nationwide; arrange shipping and insurance for artwork; oversee the production of a catalog, including necessary fundraising; coordinate with the GBW Communications Chair to publicize the exhibit and seek publicity in the general community. The Committee also coordinates with the receiving venues on the arrival of the exhibition pieces. These duties include photography, condition reports and preparation for display and shipping. The Exhibitions Chair writes an Annual Report, prepares a budget, makes general reports at Board meetings and sees that historical materials relating to GBW exhibitions are forwarded to the Corporation’s archives in Iowa City.

Newsletter Chair: The Newsletter Standing Committee Chair is responsible for editing six bimonthly issues of the GBW newsletter each fiscal year, beginning with the August issue. The Newsletter Chair oversees a committee that gathers and writes columns or calendars of activities related to the mission of the Guild. This may include: information about and registration forms for the Standards Seminar; members exhibitions information; GBW election information and ballots; annual reports of the Board of Directors; reports of Standards seminars; reviews of recent publications; new sources of supplies and book related meetings and workshops. The committee also collects ads from book related vendors. The Newsletter Chair manages the work of the production editor, a paid contractor who bills for services below the market rate. The Newsletter Chair writes an Annual Report, prepares a budget, makes general reports at Board meetings and sees that historical materials relating to the GBW newsletter are forwarded to the Corporation’s archives in Iowa City.

Standards Seminar Chair: The Standards Chair oversees a committee charged with organizing the annual Standards of Excellence Seminar. The committee is mainly comprised of the Local Host (Guild members residing near the venue where the seminar will be held). Other members of the committee include GBW Board members such as the Treasurer. The Standards Chair coordinates the work of the committee in planning and organizing the Standards of Excellence seminar. Duties include: perform final negotiations with the conference hotel/venue and sign contracts; select and invite presenters; coordinate AV needs including videography; coordinate presenter needs (tools and equipment, AV needs, photocopies); organize a GBW fundraiser auction; coordinate finances with the GBW Treasurer; coordinate vendor room and arrangements; get information to GBW members via the Communications and Newsletter Chairs; keep the GBW President informed of all progress. These duties may be shared with the Local Host as necessary. The Standards Chair writes an Annual Report, makes general reports at Board meetings and sees that historical materials relating to the Standards of Excellence Seminar are forwarded to the Corporation’s archives in Iowa City.

Thank you!
The Nomination Committee