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Journal Index

Alan Shalette created an index of the entire run of GBW Journals up to 2009: Index of Contents 1962 - 2009 (PDF)
The index below has been updated to 2024: PDF version: Index of Contents 1962 - 2024


Journal Index of Content 1962 - 2024 (alphabetical).


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A Selection Of Bookbindings In The Metropolitan Museum Of Art, by Mindell Dubansky, reprinted from the Gazette of the Grolier Club, edited by Kimberly A. LoDico, XXXIV:2A, 1 (1998)
A Textbook for Rebinding Rare Books Based on a New Technical Principle by Alfred Launder, Conclusion, XXXVI:1, 75 (2000)
A Textbook for Rebinding Rare Books Based on a New Technical Principle by Alfred Launder, Final Note, XXXVI:1, 74 + illus. (2000)
Abbey Library, Report on sale of library of Major J.R. Abbey, at Sotheby's, London, 1965–1967, by Duncan Andrews, VI:1, 25–26 (Fall 1967
About Premeditated Style by Fritz Eberhardt, XXXVII:2, 100 (Fall 2002)
Accordion fold construction, Garlan, Bonnie, Peter Fisher: Archival Portfolio Books, XXIX:1, 16–26 (Spring 1991)
Action on the Case, presentation by Maureen Duke at 19th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1999), XXXVIII:1, 6 (Fall 2003)
Adams, Frederick B., Jr., Report on French bookbinding exhibition, La Reliure Originale Francaise, New York, January–February 1964, II:2, 3–6 (Winter 1963–4)
Adams, Harriet Dyer, Report, When a 'B–A,L' Goes to Europe to Enjoy Bookish Matters, III:2, 3–5 (Winter 1964–65)
Addams, Jane, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 3, 6, 7 (Fall 1995)
Adhesives: An evaluation of adhesives in paper conservation by N.S. Baer, W.H. Phelan, and N. Indictor, X:1, 3, 17–35 (Fall 1971)
Adhesives: Will glue outlast Auden?, XV:, 10–16 (1976– 7)
Adhesives: XVIII:1, 4, 24–31; XVIII:2, 40–41; XXII:1,
Adler, Rose, Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, 51 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Adler, Rose, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 25 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Africa, Dorothy, description of Conservation of Historic Bindings Using Adhesive and Nonadhesive Methods, presentation by Nancy Southworth at 24th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2004), XLI:1, 7 (Summer, 2006)
Africa, Dorothy, editor of Edge Decoration Techniques, 24th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2004) presentation by Peter Geraty, text and illustrations by Peter Geraty, XLI:1, 36 (Summer, 2006)
Agee, Woodrow, H., Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Agle, Joanna, 1989 binding for 1985 Passion et Raison pictured in The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 5 (Spring 1995)
Akers, Robert C., John Baron Corderoy, X:2, 3 (Winter 1971–2)
Akers, Robert, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXXVIII:1–2, 31 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Albro, Tom, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXXVIII:1–2, 38, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Albums: Horton, Richard W., Photo Album Structures, 1850–1960, XXXII:1, 32–43 (Spring 1994)
Albums: structure and history, illustrated in Photo Album Structures, 1850–1960 by Richard W. Horton, XXXII:1, 33–43 (Spring 1994)
Allen, Eric W., discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 30 (Fall 1995)
Allen, Greer, The Exhibition Catalog: First Principles of Design, XXIII:, 1–4 (1985)
Allen, Sue, Machine–Stamped Bookbindings, 1834–1860, XVIII:2, 1–24 (1979–80)
Allen, Sue, seminar on the history of bookbinding, 1973, XI:3, 19–21 (Spring 1973)
Alotta, Sylvia Ramos, illustrations with text by Priscilla Anderson, description of Covering in Leather, 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003), presentation by Mark Esser, XL:1, 27 (Summer, 2005)
Alotta, Sylvia Ramos, images of installation Sanctum presented at 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003), Friday Night Forum, XL:1, 42 (Summer, 2005)
Altered Materials and Bounded States: Applications and Possibilities in Contemporary Bookbinding from the Leather Book to the Extraterrestrial Book by Timothy C. Ely, XXXII:2, 1–4 (Fall 1994) 
Alum: XVIII:1, 7; XXII:2, 17–19 (see Chronology for Dates)
Ameline, Paule, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXXVIII:1–2, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
An Artist‟s Eye View of a Book Exhibit (Explorations & Transformations) by Laura Wait, XXXVI:2, 5
An Early Medieval Binding Structure, presentation by Jiri Vnoucek at 21st Standards of Excellence Seminar (2001) XXXIX:1, 60 (Spring 2004)
An evaluation of adhesives in paper conservation by N.S. Baer, W.H. Phelan, and N. Indictor, XIV:3, 17–35 (Spring 1976)
An Oral History of Fritz and Trudi Eberhardt by Valerie A. Meltzer, XXXVII:2, 8 (Fall 2002)
Anderle, Sylvia, Carolyn Komer, XV:, 43–45 (1976–7) Anderle, Sylvia, exhibition of Lloyd J. Reynolds, XV:, 43–44 (1976–7)
Anderson, Priscilla with illustrations by Sylvia Ramos Alotta, Covering in Leather, description of 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003) presentation by Richard Baker, XL:1, 27 (Summer, 2005)
Andersson, Mark, Danish Paper Bindings: More than Millimeter, LIII: 13-20 (2024)
Andersson, Mark, Half–leather Trade Binding, presentation at 24th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2004), article by Clair Grund, XLI:1, 21 (Summer, 2006)
Andrews, Duncan, exhibition of Florence Brooks, XII:1, 13–14 (Fall 1973)
Andrews, Duncan, Footloose and Bookish in the British Isles, IV:1, 14–16 (Fall 1965)
Andrews, Duncan, history of the Guild in preparation, XIV:3, 41–42 (Spring 1976)
Andrews, Duncan, Letter from London, IX:1, 8–13 (Fall 1970)
Andrews, Duncan, report on Abbey Library Sale, VI:1, 25–26 (Fall 1967)
Andrews, Duncan, report on visit to the Beinecke Rare Book Library at Yale University, May 8, 1965, III:3, 29–35 (Spring 1965)
Andrews, Duncan, report on visit to the Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection, April 18, 1964, II:3, 28–32 (Spring 1964)
Andrews, Duncan, S.S.I. Calligraphy Summer School, 1970, IX:2, 14–19 (Winter 1971)
Andrews, Duncan: book review, A Book of Sample Scripts: The House of David, His Inheritance, V:3, 27 (Spring 1967)
Anthony, Bill, binding pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 15 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Anthony, Bill, Bookbinding and Conservation by Hand, book review, XX:, 39–40 (1981–82)
Anthony, Bill, pupils of, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IIa (Spring–Fall 1990)
Anthony, Bill, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 14, 38, Chart I, Chart IIa (Spring–Fall 1990)
Anthony, Bill, tributes to and remembrances of, XXVII:1 (Spring 1989)
Approaching Contemporary Edition Bookbinding, 15th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1995) presentation by Mindell Dubansky, XXXIV:1, 15 (1998)
Arizona State University, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 38 (Fall 1995)
Armory Center for The Arts (Pasadena), discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 38 (Fall 1995)
Arnoult, Roger, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Arregui, Carmencho and Manne Dahlstedt, Put A Frame To Your Bindings, XXXV:2A, 113 (2000)
Art Students League, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 30 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Artemisia Bindery, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 17 (Fall 1995)
Arts & Crafts Movement: Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered by Joseph Newman, XXXIII:1, 32 (Spring 1995)
Arts & Crafts Movement: Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 4, 13, 14, 25 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Ascona – Scuola d'Art, history, IX:3, 26–28 (Spring 1971)
Ashendene Press, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 14 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Askew, Rual, Report on Guild exhibitions at the Dallas Public Library, March 1963, I:3, 21 (Spring 1963)
Aufschneider, Pierre, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Badet, , Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 30 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Baer, George, Binding pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 4 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Baer, George, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 8, Teaching Genealogies la, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Baer, N.S., N. Indictor, & W.H. Phelan, Shelf life of commercial poly (vinyl acetate) emulsions..., XIV:3, 36– 38 (Spring 1976)
Baer, N.S., W.H. Phelan, and N. Indictor, An evaluation of adhesives for use in paper conservation, XIV:3, 17– 35 (Spring 1976)
Baker, Cordelia, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 25 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Baker, Richard, assisting Peter Verheyen, description of Springback Ledger Bindings, 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003) presentation by Richard Baker, XL:1, 19 (Summer, 2005)
Baker, Richard, Springback Ledger Bindings  presentation at 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003); article by Peter Verheyen with the assistance of Richard Baker, XL:1, 19 (Summer, 2005)
Bakewell, Euphemia, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 39, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Baldwin, Genevieve, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 3, 6 (Fall 1995)
Baldwin, Janet E., The Fukuro–toji: Three Construction Elements, XXI:2, 2–9 (Spring 1983)
Balloffet, Nelly, Paste Paper (samples), XVIII:1, 35 (1979–80)
Balloffet, Nelly, The New York Chapter–A Diversified Group, XXV:1, 2 (Fall 1987)
Balloffet, Nelly, workshops, XVIII:2, 68; XIX:, 55 (see Chronology for Dates)
Banister, Manly, Bookbinding as a Handcraft, review of, XII:3, 23–25 (Spring 1974)
Banks, Paul N., letter to Laura S. Young on Bookbinding as an Applied Art, VI:2, 24–26 (Winter 1967–8)
Banks, Paul N., News Notes, II:2, 24–26 (Winter 1963– 4)
Banks, Paul N., report on paper cleaning, V:1, 8–22 (Fall 1966)
Banks, Paul N., report on program on leather, March 28, 1963, I:3, 22–28 (Spring 1963)
Banks, Paul N., report on tour of Wolff Book Manufacturing Co., December 4, 1962. I:2, 20–23 (Winter 1963)
Banks, Paul N., report, Peter Waters' Visit to Chicago. VII:2, 4–5 (Winter 1968–9)
Banks, Paul N., report, The Treatment of the First Edition of Melville's The Whale, VII:3, 15–21 (Spring 1969)
Banks, Paul, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 32, 39, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Barclay, Alegria, The Education of Daniel E. Kelm, XLIII: 5-15 (2009)
Barios, Pamela, poster description: Incorporating Original Spine Fragments Into Repair Material, presented at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002) Friday Night Forum, XXXIX:2, 57 (Fall 2004)
Barret, Tim, Recommendations for Establishing a Paper Mill, Tomaso of Pinerolo, 1407, XLV: 43-50 (2012)
Barrett, Timothy, The Effects of Dry Fiber Length Manipulation (Shredding) Prior to Beating on the Fold Endurance, Tear Resistance, Opacity and Formation Quality of a Linen Rag Paper, XXII:1, 23–28 (Fall– Winter 1983)
Barrios, Pamela, description of Medieval Limp Vellum/Leather Bindings, presentation by Adam Larsson at 24th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2004), XLI:1, 12 (Summer, 2006)
Barrios. Pamela, demonstration of technique for foredge reinforcement of a clamshell box, presented at 25th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003) Friday Night Forum, XL:1, 42 (Summer, 2005)
Bartlett, Guilford H., Jr., Annette J. Lauer, XIII:3, 21– 23 (Spring 1975)
Bartlett, Guilford H., Jr., Charlotte M. Ullman, XIII:2, 27–29 + illus. (Winter 1974–5)
Bartlett, Guilford H., Jr., Hope G. Weil and her students, XIII:2, 25–27 (Winter 1974–5)
Basic Paper Treatments for Printed Book Materials by Peter D. Verheyen, XXIX:1, 1–15 (Spring 1991)
Batik papers: Beinecke Rare Book Library Visit to, at Yale University, May 8, 1965, III:3, 29–35 (Spring 1965)
Batik papers: technique to produce wax resist batik paper, V:2, 17–18 (Winter 1966–7)
Baughman, Mary, Book Conservation Training Deep in the Heart of Texas, XXV:2, 11–19 (Spring 1988)
Baughman, Mary, Fine Binding with James Brockman, XXVI:, 12–30 (Fall 1988)
Beinecke Rare Book Library, Yale University: Program, May 8, 1965, III:3, 29–35 (Spring 1965)
Belknaps, Barbara, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 8 (Spring 1995)
Belloff, Mindy, Printed By A Woman: The Declaration of Independence in the Eighteenth and Twenty-first Centuries, XLIV: 85-96 (2010-2011)
Benedict, Vida G., The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:l, 9 (Spring 1995)
Bennett, Jeanne, demonstration of a double–bladed channel knife, presented at 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003) Friday Night Forum, XL:1, 42 (Summer, 2005)
Bennett, Paul: discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 34 (Fall 1995)
Bennett, Whitman, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 2 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Berger, Sidney E., discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 28–44 (Fall 1995)
Bertelson, Christine, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 35 (Fall 1995)
Bibliography and internet resources: Covering in Leather, XL:1, 27 (Summer, 2005)
Bibliography: 200 Decorative Title Pages, 400 Years of Design, edited by Alexander Nesbitt, Dover Publications, New York, IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Bibliography: A Guide to the Care and Administration of Manuscripts by Lucille M. Cane, The American Association for State and Local History, Madison, Wisconsin, II:2, 30 (Winter 1963–4)
Bibliography: A Handwriting Manual by Alfred Fairbank, Faber & Faber, London, IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Bibliography: ABC of Lettering and Printing Types by Erik Lindegren, Museum Books, New York–, V:1, 28 (Fall 1966)
Bibliography: About Leather, included in report about program on leather, March 28, 1963, I:3, 22–28 (Spring 1963)
Bibliography: Acid Paper and Ink Drying, The British Federation of Master Printers, London, IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Bibliography: All the King's Horses: Rare Books and Manuscript Preservation Techniques, reprint of book originally published by the Extra Bindery at the Lakeside Press – The American Association for State and Local History, Madison, Wisconsin, II:2, 30 (Winter 1963–4)
Bibliography: An Annotated list of Works on Fine Bindings by John R. Payne, American Book Collector, Chicago, V:3, 18 (Spring 1967)
Bibliography: Articles on bookbinding, Craft Horizons, 1949–1964, III:1, 25–27 (Fall 1964)
Bibliography: Bennett, H.S., English Books & Readers 1475 to 1557 Being a Study in the History of the Book Trade from Caxton to the Incorporation of the Stationers' Company, Cambridge University Press, England 1969, VIII:2, 31 (Winter 1970)
Bibliography: Bennett, Paul A. (ed.), Books and Printing, A Treasury for Typophiles, Forum Books, The World Publishing Co., Cleveland and New York, 1963, V:2, 14 (Winter 1966–7)
Bibliography: Berkovits, Ilona, Illuminated Manuscripts from the Library of Matthias Corvinus, W. Heffer and Sons, Ltd., Cambridge, England, V:1, 28 (Fall 1966)
Bibliography: Bookbinding literature, preparation of, VII:1, 33 (Fall 1968)
Bibliography: Books and Printing, A Treasury for Typophiles, edited by Paul A. Bennett, Forum Books, The World Publishing Co., Cleveland and New York, 1963, V:2, 14 (Winter 1966–7)
Bibliography: Bulletin d'information sur la athologie des documents et leur protection aux archives de France, Service d'edition et de Vente des Publications Officielles, Section Education Nationale, Paris, IV:2, 31 (Winter 1966)
Bibliography: Calligraphy and Palaeography, essays presented to Alfred Fairbank on his 70th birthday, edited by A.S. Osley, Faber & Faber, London, IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Bibliography: Cane, Lucille M., A Guide to the Care and Administration of Manuscripts, The American Association for State and Local History, Madison, Wisconsin, II:2, 30 (Winter 1963–4)
Bibliography: Cleaning and Preserving Bindings and Related Materials by Carolyn Horton, Library Technology Program, American Library Association, Chicago, Rev. 1969, VII:1, 17 (Fall 1968)
Bibliography: Collection of Materials on the Preservation of Library Resources by R.R. Yabrova et al, (OTS 64– 11053), translated from the Russian, Office of Technical Services, U.S. Dept of Commerce, Washington, D.C., VIII:1, 13 (Fall 1969)
Bibliography: Coremans, Paul, Problems of Conservation in Museums, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., Hertfordshire, England, 1969, VIII:2, 31 (Winter 1970)
Bibliography: discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 41–44 (Fall 1995)
Bibliography: Durer, Albrecht, Of the Just Shaping of Letters, Dover Publications, New York, IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Bibliography: English Books & Readers 1475 to 1557 Being a Study in the History of the Book Trade from Caxton to the Incorporation of the Stationers' Company by H.S. Bennett, Cambridge University Press, England 1969, VIII:2, 31 (Winter 1970)
Bibliography: Erik Lindegren, ABC of Lettering and Printing Types, Museum Books, New York–, V:1, 28 (Fall 1966)
Bibliography: Fabrics for Book Cloths, (TS–115), National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Dept Commerce, V:2, 15 (Winter 1966–7)
Bibliography: Fache, Jules, La Dorure et la Decoration des Reliures, M. Fache, Paris, IV:2, 31 (Winter 1966)
Bibliography: Fairbank, Alfred, A Handwriting Manual, Faber & Faber, London, IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Bibliography: Fisher, Leonard E., The Papermakers, Colonial American Craftsman, Franklin Watts, New York, IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Bibliography: Fore–edge Painting by Carl Weber, Harvey House, New York, V:1, 28 (Fall 1966)
Bibliography: From Cover to Cover, in Book Production Industry by Stefan Salter, Vol. 41, No 11, November, 1965, A short description of the Gutenberg Museum at Mainz, New York, IV:3, 15 (Spring1966)
Bibliography: Gerardus Mercator, Literarum Latinarum, Quas Italicas Cursorias que Vocant, Scriben arum Ratio, Jan Schalkwijk Harlem, Holland, V:1, 28 (Fall 1966)
Bibliography: gilding, XXXIX:2, 23 (Fall 2004) Bibliography: gold leaf, XII:1, 6–10 (Fall 1973) Bibliography: Hector, L.C., The Handwriting of English Documents, Arnold Ltd, London, V:2, 14 (Winter 1966–7)
Bibliography: Hobson, A.R.A., The Book Number Two The Literature of Bookbinding, National Book League, Cambridge Press, London, 1954 IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Bibliography: Horton, Carolyn, Cleaning and Preserving Bindings and Related Materials, Library Technology Program, American Library Association, Chicago, Rev. 1969, VII:1, 17 (Fall 1968)
Bibliography: Illuminated Manuscripts from the Library of Matthias Corvinus, by Ilona Berkovits, W. Heffer and Sons, Ltd., Cambridge, England, V:1, 28 (Fall 1966)
Bibliography: Italic Calligraphy and Handwriting, Exercises and Text by Lloyd J. Reynolds, Pentalic Corporation, New York, 1969, VIII:1, 18 (Fall 1969)
Bibliography: Italic handwriting, catalogue of books on, Drummond, Bookseller, London, V:2, 14–15 (Winter 1966–7)
Bibliography: Italimuse Italic News, VIII:1, 34 (Fall 1969)
Bibliography: La Dorure et la Decoration des Reliures by Jules Fache, M. Fache, Paris, IV:2, 31 (Winter 1966)
Bibliography: Lehmann–Haupt, Hellmut, Gutenberg and the Master of the Playing Cards, Yale University, New Haven and London, 1966, V:1, 28 (Fall 1966)
Bibliography: Modern Design in Bookbinding, The Work of Edgar Mansfield, with introduction by Howard M. Nixon, Peter Owen, London, 1966, V:1, 28 (Fall 1966)
Bibliography: Nesbitt, Alexander (ed.), 200 Decorative Title Pages, 400 Years of Design, Dover Publications, New York, IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Bibliography: New Methods for the Restoration and Preservation of Books by Petrova–Zavgordnyaya et al, (OTS 64–11054), translated from the Russian, Office of Technical Services, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Washington, D.C., VII:1, 13 (Fall 1968)
Bibliography: Nineteenth Century photograph album structures and conservation, XXXIX:2, 24 (Fall 2004)
Bibliography: Nixon, Howard M. (intro.), Modern Design in Bookbinding, The Work of Edgar Mansfield, Peter Owen, London, 1966, V:1, 28 (Fall 1966)
Bibliography: Of the Just Shaping of Letters by Albrecht Durer, Dover Publications, New York, IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Bibliography: Ornament in Medieval Manuscripts by Lucia N. Valentine, Faber & Faber, Lon on, IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Bibliography: Osley, A.S. (ed.), Calligraphy and Palaeography, essays presented to Alfred Fairbank on his 70th birthday, Faber & Faber, London, IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Bibliography: Papermaking: Art and Craft, The Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., VII:1, 13 (Fall 1968)
Bibliography: Payne, John R., An Annotated list of Works on Fine Bindings, American Book Collector, Chicago, V:3, 18 (Spring 1967)
Bibliography: Petrova–Zavgordnyaya et al, New Methods for the Restoration and Preservation of Books, (OTS 64–11054), translated from the Russian, Office of Technical Services, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Washington, D.C., VII:1, 13 (Fall 1968)
Bibliography: Preservation of Documents and Papers, translated from the Russian, Clearinghouse or Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, Virginia, VI:2, 14–15 (Winter 1967–8)
Bibliography: Problems of Conservation in Museums, by Paul Coremans, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., Hertfordshire, England, 1969, VIII:2, 31 (Winter 1970)
Bibliography: Recent Advances in Conservation, edited by G. Thomson, Butterworth's, London, 1963 IV:1, 26 (Fall 1965)
Bibliography: Reliure–Brochure–Dorure, Hotel du Cercle de la Librarie, Paris, VIII:2, 31 (Winter 1970)
Bibliography: Restaurator, International Journal for the Preservation of Library and Archival Material, Restaurator Press, Copenhagen, Denmark, VIII:2, 31 (Winter 1970)
Bibliography: Reynolds, Lloyd J., Italic Calligraphy and Handwriting, Exercises and Text, Pentalic Corporation, New York, 1969, VIII:1, 18 (Fall 1969)
Bibliography: Salter, Stefan, From Cover to Cover, in Book Production Industry, Vol. 41, No. 11, November, 1965, A short description of the Gutenberg Museum at Mainz, New York, IV:3, 15 (Spring1966)
Bibliography: See also, Books and Pamphlets of Interest
Bibliography: Silver, Rollo G., The American Printer 1787–1825, The University Press of Virginia for the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VIII:2, 31 (Winter 1970)
Bibliography: springback ledger bindings, XL:1, 19 (Summer, 2005)
Bibliography: Stained the Water Clear, A Festschrift for Lloyd J. Reynolds, Reed College, Portland, Oregon, 1966, V:2, 14 (Winter 1966–7)
Bibliography: Synthetic Materials Used in the Conservation of Cultural Property, International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property, Rome, IV:1, 26– 27 (Fall 1965)
Bibliography: Tanning in the United States to 1850, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, 1964, IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Bibliography: The American Printer 1787–1825, Rollo G., Silver, The University Press of Virginia for the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VIII:2, 31 (Winter 1970)
Bibliography: The Book Collector, Shenval Press, London, V:3, 18 (Spring 1967)
Bibliography: The Book Number Two The Literature of Bookbinding by A.R.A. Hobson, National Book League, Cambridge Press, London, 1954 IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Bibliography: The Calligrapher's Handbook, Faber & Faber, London, 1956, IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Bibliography: The Handwriting of English Documents, by L.C. Hector, Arnold Ltd, London, V:2, 14 (Winter 1966–7)
Bibliography: The Papermakers, Colonial American Craftsman, Leonard E. Fisher, Franklin Watts, New York, IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Bibliography: The Script Letter, Its Form, Construction and Application by Tommy Thompson, Dover Publications, New York IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Bibliography: Thompson, Tommy, The Script Letter, Its Form, Construction and Application, Dover Publications, New York IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Bibliography: Thomson, G. (ed.), Recent Advances in Conservation, Butterworth's, London, 1963 IV:1, 26 (Fall 1965)
Bibliography: Valentine, Lucia N., Ornament in Medieval Manuscripts, Faber & Faber, Lon on, IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Bibliography: Weber, Carl, Fore–edge Painting, Harvey House, New York, V:1, 28 (Fall 1966)
Bibliography: Women Bookbinders of the Second Cities During the Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 1–27 (Fall 1995)
Bibliography: Yabrova, R.R., et al, Collection of Materials on the Preservation of Library Resources, (OTS 64–11053), translated from the Russian, Office of Technical Services, U.S. Dept of Commerce, Washington, D.C., VIII:1, 13 (Fall 1969)
Binderies: A. Horowitz & Son, XIV:1, 25–26 (Fall 1975)
Binderies: An informal visit to the studio of Mrs. Hope G. Weil, March 16, 1965, III:3, 21–24 (Spring 1965)
Binderies: Ascona., IX:3, 26–28 (Spring 1971)
Binderies: Harcourt Bindery of Boston, XIV:2, 3–8 (Winter 1975–6)
Binderies: visit to bindery at the Craft Students League, New York, January 26, 1965, III:2, 32–33 (Winter 1964–65)
Binderies: Visit to bindery of Mrs. Inez Pennybacker, October 13, 1962, report of Program Committee, I:1, 15–17 (Fall 1962)
Binders’ Guild Newsletter XXI–1 reprint, Japanese Handmade Paper by Nancy Jacobi, presented at 17th Standards of Excellence Seminar, Ann Arbor MI (1997), XXXV:2A, 1 (2000)
Binders’ Guild Newsletter XXI–2 reprint, Conservation Uses of Japanese Paper by Don Etherington, presented at 17th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1997), Ann Arbor MI (1997), XXXV:2A, 18 (2000)
Binders’ Guild Newsletter XXI–4 reprint, Wooden Boards by Dag–Ernst Petersen, presented at 17th Standards of Excellence Seminar, Ann Arbor MI (1997), XXXV:2A, 38 (2000)
Binders’ Guild Newsletter XXI–6 reprint, Gold Tooling by Donald Glaister, presented at 17th Standards of Excellence Seminar, Ann Arbor MI (1997), XXXV:2A, 18 (2000)
Binders’ Guild Newsletter XXI–8 reprint, Long and Link Stitch Bindings by Pamela Sptizmueller, presented at 17th Standards of Excellence Seminar, Ann Arbor MI (1997), XXXV:2A, 86 (2000)
Binders’ Guild Newsletter XXI–8 reprint, Long Stitch For Conservation Structure Or Sketch Book by Pamela Sptizmueller, presented at 17th Standards of Excellence Seminar, Ann Arbor MI (1997), XXXV:2A, 110 (2000)
Binders’ Guild Newsletter XXII–2 reprint, Decorated Papers, presenter not identified, XXXVII:1, 2 (2002)
Binders’ Guild Newsletter XXII–4 reprint, Pop–up Demonstration, presenter not identified., XXXVII:1, 37 (2002)
Binders’ Guild Newsletter XXII–8 reprint, Leather Paring by L. Blaser, and F. Mowrey, XXXVII:1, 65 (2002)
Bindery: Idah M. Strobridge's bindery pictured in Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 18 (Fall 1995)
Binding: A maquette with onlays and blind tooling by September Lynne Kirk, a student in the Book Arts Program at the University of Alabama, XXXIV:1, front Cover (1998)
Bindings of the Ellsemere Chaucer, Open–Boarded Covering/Plus, special report by Anthony G. Cams, XXXVII:1, 15 (2002)
Bindings–incunables: Zurawski, Elizabeth and Paul F. Gehl. Incunables Bound by Elizabeth Kner: The 1950– 1951 Project for the Newberry, XXXI:1–2, 1–35 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Bindings: [title not listed], by Pamila Spitzmueler, pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 24 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Bindings: a binding featuring embroidery and hand cut–outs by Nancy Lev–Alexander, Conservator at the Library of Congress, XXXIV:2A, front Cover, (1998)
Bindings: Heaven on Earth by James Wiley, XXXV:2A, front Cover (2000)
Bindings: Japanese style, by Olive May Percival, pictured in Women Bookbinders of the Second Cities During the Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 22 (Fall 1995)
Bindings: Photograph album structures and conservation at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center (Austin, TX), 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002) discussion by Olivia Primanis, XXXIX:2, 24 (Fall 2004)
Bindings: The Relationship Between Fine Binding and Fine Printing by Tom Taylor, XXXIII:2, 57–61 (Fall 1995)
Bindings: The Value of Visible Structure to Historical Binding Research by Julia Miller, XLI:2, 21, (Fall, 2007)
Biography: Alfred Launder, by Mindel Dubansky, XXXVI:1, 1 + illus. (2000)
Blackman, Gwendolyn Y., Conservation of library materials at the New York Botanical Garden, XIV:1, 8–11 (Fall 1975)
Blackman, Gwendolyn Y., Jeanne F. Lewisohn, XIV:3, 47–49 (Spring 1976)
Blackman, Gwendolyn Y., Nancy Russell, XIV:1, 30 (Fall 1975)
Blackwell–Bennett Bindery, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 2 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Blaser, L. and F. Mowrey, Leather ParingBinders’ Guild Newsletter XXII–8 reprint, XXXVII:1, 65 (2002)
Blaser, Linda A., pictured in The Development of Endpapers, XXXII:1, back of title page (Spring 1994)
Blaser, Linda, Display Cradles for Books: Board Construction, XXX:1, 1–16 (Spring 1992)
Blaser, Linda, The Development of Endpapers, XXXII:1, 128 (Spring 1994)
Bley, Nelly, Monjardim Exhibition, XIV:2, 28 (Winter 1975–6)
Bleyl, Gerlinde, 1990 binding for Die Drei Falken pictured in Eldridge, Betsy Palmer. The German Bookbinding Tradition, XXXIII:2, 51 (Fall 1995)
Bleyl, Werner, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 39, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Blue Sky Press, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 12 (Fall 1995)
Blumenthal, Joseph, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 30, 34 (Fall 1995)
Blunn, Denis, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Boal, Gillian, Conroy, Tom, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders, XXVIII:1–2, 39 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Boards: Construction (German style) illustrated in The Logic and Techniques of German Bookbinding by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:1, 40 (Spring 1991)
Boards: Lacing–in (French style) pictured in Lallier, Monique, The French Technique of Bookbinding, XXXIII:1, 16 (Spring 1995)
Bock, Max, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Bogle, Sophia S.W., description of Lacunose, An Artistic Invention, presentation by Paul Delrue at 25th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2005), XLI:2, 5 (Fall, 2007)
Bohemia Guild, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 10 (Fall 1995)
Bonet, Paul, Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, 51 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Bonet, Paul, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII 1, 10, 12 (Spring 1995)
Book Arts: discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 28–44 (Fall 1995)
Book Arts: Ely, Timothy C., Altered Materials and Bounded States: Applications and Possibilities in Contemporary Bookbinding from the Leather Book to the Extraterrestrial Book, XXXII:2, 1–4 (Fall 1994)
Book Cradles, Display Cradles for Books: Board Construction by Linda Blaser, XXX:1, 1–16 (Spring 1992)
Book Cradles: construction illustrated in Display Cradles for Books: Board Construction by Linda Blaser, XXX:1, 2–16 (Spring 1992)
Book design: Modern Design in Bookbinding, The Work of Edgar Mansfield, with introduction by Howard M. Nixon, Peter Owen, London, 1966, V:1, 28 (Fall 1966)
Book design: Talk by Marshall Lee, January 12, 1965, III:2, 20–32 (Winter 1964–65)
Book Repair: Etherington, Don, Selected Repair of Joints and Bindings, XXX:1, 24–28 (Spring 1992)
Book Repair: Illustration of technique and tools: Selected Repair of Joints and Bindings by Don Etherington, XXX:1, 25, 26 (Spring 1992)
Book review A Book of Sample Scripts: The House of David, His Inheritance by Edward Johnston, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1966, V:3, 27 (Spring 1967)
Book review, Bookbinding as a Handcraft, by Manly Banister, XII:3, 23–25 (Spring 1974)
Book Review: A Collector's Guide to Bookbinding, XXI:1, 59–60 (Fall 1982)
Book review: A History of English Craft Bookbinding Technique by Bernard C. Middleton, Hafner Publishing Co., London and New York, 1963, II:2, 1 2–13 (Winter 1963–4)
Book review: A Rod for the Back of the Binder, The Lakeside Press, R.R. Donnelly & Sons, Chicago, 1928, I:2, 48 (Winter 1963)
Book review: All the King's Horses, The Lakeside Press, R.R. Donnelly Sons, Chicago, no date, I:2, 48 (Winter 1963)
Book review: American Institute of Graphic Arts, Journal, New York, 1947–1953, I:2, 39 (Winter 1963)
Book review: An Album of Selected Bookbindings by Clara Louisa Penney, The Hispanic Society of America, New York, 1967, VI:3, 31 (Spring 1968)
Book review: Ancient Skins by Ronald Reed, XI:3, 28– 32 (Spring 1973)
Book Review: Apprenticeship in Craft, XX:, 37–39 (1981–82)
Book review: Armorial Bindings from the Libraries of the Kings and Emperors of France from Francis I to Napoleon III (in the Pierpont Morgan Library), Morgan Library, 1902, I:3, 30 (Spring 1963)
Book review: Basic Bookbinding by A.W. Lewis, Dover Publications, New York 1957, I:2, 49 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Blind Panels of English Binders by J. Basil Oldham, University Press, Cambridge, 1958, I:3, 31 (Spring 1963)
Book review: Book Production Magazine, New York, March 1925 to date, I:2, 39 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Bookbinders and Their Craft by S.T. Prideaux, Scribner's, New York, 1903, I:3, 32 (Spring 1963)
Book Review: Bookbinding & Conservation by Hand, XX:, 39–40 (1981–82)
Book review: Bookbinding and the Care of Books by Douglas Cockerell, Pitman, London, 1925, I:2, 41 (Winter 1963)
Book Review: Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books, XX:, 40–44 (1981–82)
Book review: Bookbinding as a Handcraft  by Banister, XIII:3, 23–25 (Spring 1975)
Book review: Bookbinding by Hand by Laurence Town, Faber and Faber, London, 1951, I:3, 32 (Spring 1963)
Book review: Bookbinding for Amateurs by W.J.E. Crane, L. Upcott Gill, London, 1899, I:2, 42 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Bookbinding in Colonial Virginia by C. Clement Samford and John M. Hemphill, Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Va., 1966, VI:1, 12–14 (Fall 1967)
Book review: Bookbinding in France by William Y. Fletcher, Seeley & Co., London, 1894, I:2, 44 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Bookbinding: Its Background and Technique by Edith Diehl, Rinehart & Co., New York, 1946, I:2, 43 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Bookbindings by John P. Harthan, Victoria and Albert Museum Illustrated Booklet No. 2, His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950, I:2, 45 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Bookbindings for Schools by J.S. Hewitt– Bates, Dryad Press, Leicester, 1948, I:2, 45–46 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Buffum, Clara, Hand–Bound Books, the Old Method of Bookbinding, Akerman–Standard Co., Providence, 1935, I:2, 39–40 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Calligraphy & Handwriting in America, 1710–1962, Catalogue of an exhibition at the Peabody Institute Library, Baltimore, November 1961 – January 1962, Compiled by P.W. Filby, Assistant Director, Peabody
Book review: Catalogue des reliures de style et objets artistiques en cuir ciselé exposés par Léon Gruel, relieur, 418, rue Saint–Honoré, Paris by Leon Gruel, Exposition Universelle de Chicago, 1893, I:2, 44–45 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Cleaning and Preserving Bindings and Related Materials by Carolyn Horton, American Library Association, Chicago, 1967, VI:1, 14–15 (Fall 1967)
Book review: Cockerell, Douglas, Bookbinding and the Care of Books, Pitman, London, 1925, I:2, 41 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Cockerell, Douglas, Some Notes on Bookbinding, Oxford, University Press, London, Humphrey Milford, 1929, I:2, 41 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Cockerell, Sydney M., The Repairing of Books, Sheppard Press, London, 1958, I:2, 42 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Conservation of Library Materials by George Cunha, XIV:3, 39–41; X:3, 3–6, XI:1, 19–20, 25–27 (see Chronology for Dates)
Book review: Conservation of Library Materials, A manual and bibliography on the care, repair and restoration of library materials by George M. Cunha, The Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, N.J., 1967, VI:2, 22–23 (Winter 1967–8)
Book review: Crane, W.J.E., Bookbinding for Amateurs, L. Upcott Gill, London, 1899, I:2, 42 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Cundall, Joseph, On Bookbindings Ancient and Modern, George Bell & Sons, London, 1881, I:2, 42–43 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Cunha, George M., Conservation of Library Materials, A manual and bibliography on the care, repair and restoration of library materials, The Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, N.J., 1967, VI:2, 22–23 (Winter 1967– 8)
Book review: Diehl, Edith, Bookbinding: Its Background and Technique, Rinehart & Co., New York, 1946, I:2, 43 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Eager, Fred and Miller, George, Guide to Italic Handwriting, Italimuse Inc., Caledonia, N.Y., 1963, II:2, 13–15 (Winter 1963–4)
Book review: Eager, Fred, Write Italic, Italimuse, Caledonia, N.Y., IV:2, 32–33 (Winter 1966)
Book review: English Armorial Bindings (in the Pierpont Morgan Library) Morgan Library, I:3, 30 (Spring 1963)
Book review: English Binding Before 1500 by G.D. Hobson, The Sanders Lectures, 1927, University Press, Cambridge, 1929, I:2, 46 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Enzo, Carli, Les Tablettes Peintes de la ‘Biccherna Electa Editrice, Milan–Florence, 1951, I:2, 40 (Winter 1963)
Book Review: Excerpts on Leather, XXII:1, 54–55 (Fall– Winter 1983)
Book review: Fahey, Herbert & Peter, Finishing in Hand Bookbinding, Fahey, San Francisco, 1951, I:2, 43–44 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Filby, P.W., compiler, Calligraphy & Handwriting in America, 1710–1962, Catalogue of an exhibition at the Peabody Institute Library, Baltimore, November 1961 – January 1962, Assistant Director, Peabody
Book review: Finishing in Hand Bookbinding by (Edna) Peter & Herbert Fahey, XIV:3, 26 (Spring 1976)
Book review: Finishing in Hand Bookbinding by Herbert & Peter Fahey, Fahey, San Francisco, 1951, I:2, 43– 44 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Fletcher, William Y., Bookbinding in France, Seeley & Co., London, 1894, I:2, 44 (Winter 1963)
Book review: French Art of the Book, Catalogue of an exhibition held at the California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, March 4–31, 1949, I:2, 44 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Gilding and the Making of Gold Leaf, published by Richard H. Barnes, Philadelphia, 1962, I:1, 14–15 (Fall 1962)
Book review: Gruel, Leon, Catalogue des reliures de style et objets artistiques en cuir ciselé exposés par Leon Gruel, relieur, 418, rue Saint–Honoré, Paris by Leon Gruel, Exposition Universelle de Chicago, 1893, I:2, 44–45 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Guide to Italic Handwriting, Fred Eager, Capitals by George Miller, Italimuse Inc., Caledonia, N.Y., 1963, II:2, 13–15 (Winter 1963–4)
Book review: Hand–Bound Books, the Old Method of Bookbinding by Clara Buffum, Akerman–Standard Co., Providence, 1935, I:2, 39–40 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Harthan, John P., Bookbindings, Victoria and Albert Museum Illustrated Booklet No. 2, His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950, I:2, 45 (Winter 1963)
Book Review: Headbands, How to Work Them, XXIV:2, 54–55 (Spring 1987)
Book review: Hewitt–Bates, J.S., Bookbindings for Schools, Dryad Press, Leicester, 1948, I:2, 45–46 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Hobson, G.D., English Binding Before 1500, The Sanders Lectures, 1927, University Press, Cambridge, 1929, I:2, 46 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Hoe, Robert, One Hundred and Seventy–Six Historic and Artistic Bookbindings Dating from the Fifteenth Century to the Present Time pictured by Etchings Artotypes, and Lithographs after the Originals Selected from the Library of Robert Hoe, Dodd Mead & Co., New York, 1895, I:2, 46–47 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Horne, Herbert P., The Binding of Books, An Essay on the History of Gold Tooled Bindings, Kegan Paul, Trench, Truebner & Co., Ltd. London, 1894, I:2, 47 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Horton, Carolyn, Cleaning and Preserving Bindings and Related Materials, American Library Association, Chicago, 1967, VI:1, 14–15 (Fall 1967)
Book review: Hulme, E. Wyndham, Leather for Libraries, published for the Sound Leather Committee of the Library Associates by the Library Supply Co., London, 1905, I:2, 47 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Johnston, Edward, A Book of Sample Scripts: The House of David, His Inheritance, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1966, V:3, 27 (Spring 1967)
Book review: Johnston, Edward, Writing and Illuminating Lettering, Pitman, London, 1932, I:2, 47–48 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Journal, American Institute of Graphic Arts, New York, 1947–1953, I:2, 39 (Winter 1963)
Book review: La Reliure Francaise by Louis–Marie Michon, Librarie Larousse, Paris, 1957, I:3, 29 (Spring 1963)
Book review: Lakeside Press, A Rod for the Back of the Binder, R.R. Donnelly & Sons, Chicago, 1928, I:2, 48 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Lakeside Press, All the King's Horses, R.R. Donnelly Sons, Chicago, no date, I:2, 48 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Leather for Libraries by E. Wyndham Hulme, published for the Sound Leather Committee of the Library Associates by the Library Supply Co., London, 1905, I:2, 47 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Lejard, Andre, The Art of the French Book, Paul Elek, London, 1947, I:2, 48–49 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Les Tablettes Peintes de la ‘Biccherna by Carli, Enzo, Electa Editrice, Milan–Florence, 1951, I:2, 40 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Lewis, A.W. , Basic Bookbinding Dover Publications, New York 1957, I:2, 49 (Winter 1963)
Book Review: Library Materials Preservation Manual, XXII:1, 53–54 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Book review: Manual of the Art of Bookbinding… by James B. Nicholson, Henry Carey Baird, Philadelphia, 1902, I:3, 30 (Spring 1963)
Book review: Michon, Louis–Marie, La Reliure Francaise, Librarie Larousse, Paris, 1957, I:3, 29 (Spring 1963)
Book review: Middleton, Bernard C. A History of English Craft Bookbinding Technique, Hafner Publishing Co., London and New York, 1963, II:2, 1 2–13 (Winter 1963–4)
Book review: Miner, Dorothy, The History of Bookbinding 525–1950 A.D., An exhibition held at the Baltimore Museum of Art, November 12, 1957 to January 12, 1958, The Trustees of the Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, 1957, I:3, 29 (Spring 1963)
Book review: Modern Bookbinding by Alex J. Vaughan, Charles Skilton Ltd, London, 1960, I:3, 33 (Spring 1963)
Book review: Modern French Illustrated Books, catalogue of an exhibition and public auction sale at Parke– Bernet Galleries, Inc., New York, April 12, 1955, I:3, 30 (Spring 1963)
Book review: Morgan Library, Armorial Bindings from the Libraries of the Kings and Emperors of France from Francis I to Napoleon III (in the Pierpont Morgan Library), 1902, I:3, 30 (Spring 1963)
Book review: Morgan Library, English Armorial Bindings (in the Pierpont Morgan Library), I:3, 30 (Spring 1963)
Book review: New Directions in Bookbinding by Philip Smith, XIV:1, 30–31 (Fall 1975)
Book review: Nicholson, James B., Manual of the Art of Bookbinding…, Henry Carey Baird, Philadelphia, 1902, I:3, 30 (Spring 1963)
Book review: Oldham, J. Basil, Blind Panels of English Binders, University Press, Cambridge, 1958, I:3, 31 (Spring 1963)
Book review: On Bookbindings Ancient and Modern by Joseph Cundall, George Bell & Sons, London, 1881, I:2, 42–43 (Winter 1963)
Book review: One Hundred and Seventy–Six Historic and Artistic Bookbindings Dating from the Fifteenth Century to the Present Time pictured by Etchings Artotypes, and Lithographs after the Originals Selected from the Library of Robert Hoe by Robert Hoe, Dodd Mead & Co., New York, 1895, I:2, 46–47 (Winter 1963)
Book Review: Paper–making by Hand, A Book of Suspicions, XX:, 44–46 (1981–82)
Book review: Parke–Bernet Galleries, Inc., Modern French Illustrated Books, catalogue of an exhibition and public auction sale at New York, April 12, 1955, I:3, 30 (Spring 1963)
Book review: Penney, Clara Louisa, An Album of Selected Bookbindings, The Hispanic Society of America, New York, 1967, VI:3, 31 (Spring 1968)
Book review: Penney, Clara Louisa, Printed Books 1468 to 1700 in the Hispanic Society of America – A Listing, Hispanic Society of America, New York, 1965, IV:1, 25 (Fall 1965)
Book review: Plenderleith, H.J., The Presentation of Leather Bookbindings, British Museum, London, 1946, I:3, 31 (Spring 1963)
Book review: Prideaux, S.T. Bookbinders and Their Craft, Scribner's, New York, 1903, I:3, 32 (Spring 1963)
Book review: Printed Books 1468 to 1700 in the Hispanic Society of America – A Listing by Clara Louisa Penney, Hispanic Society of America, New York, 1965, IV:1, 25 (Fall 1965)
Book review: Samford, C. Clement and Hemphill, John M., Bookbinding in Colonial Virginia, Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Va., 1966, VI:1, 12–14 (Fall 1967)
Book review: Some Notes on Bookbinding by Douglas Cockerell, Oxford, University Press, London, Humphrey Milford, 1929, I:2, 41 (Winter 1963)
Book review: The Art of Bookbinding, A Practical Treatise by Joseph W. Zaehnsdorf, George Bell, London, 1880, I:3, 33–34 (Spring 1963)
Book review: The Art of the French Book  by Andre Lejard, Paul Elek, London, 1947, I:2, 48–49 (Winter 1963)
Book review: The Binding of Books, An Essay on the History of Gold Tooled Bindings by Herbert P. Horne, Kegan Paul, Trench, Truebner & Co., Ltd. London, 1894, I:2, 47 (Winter 1963)
Book review: The History of Bookbinding 525–1950 A.D., An exhibition held at the Baltimore Museum of Art, November 12, 1957 to January 12, 1958 by Dorothy Miner, The Trustees of the Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, 1957, I:3, 29 (Spring 1963)
Book review: The Presentation of Leather Bookbindings by H.J. Plenderleith, British Museum, London, 1946, I:3, 31 (Spring 1963)
Book review: The Repairing of Books by Sydney M. Cockerell, Sheppard Press, London, 1958, I:2, 42 (Winter 1963)
Book review: The Restoration of Leather Bindings by Bernard Middleton, X:3, 49–50 (Spring 1972)
Book Review: Three Recent Books on Paper Marbling, by George Huber, XXII:1, 46–52 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Book review: Town, Lawrence, Bookbinding by Hand, Faber and Faber, London, 1951, I:3, 32 (Spring 1963)
Book review: Vaughan, Alex J., Modern Bookbinding, Charles Skilton Ltd, London, 1960, I:3, 33 (Spring 1963)
Book review: Victorian Publishers' Bookbindings in Cloth & Leather by Ruari McLean, XII:3, 32 (Spring 1974)
Book review: Write Italic by Fred Eager, Italimuse, Caledonia, N.Y., IV:2, 32–33 (Winter 1966)
Book review: Writing and Illuminating Lettering by Edward Johnston, Pitman, London, 1932, I:2, 47– 48 (Winter 1963)
Book review: Zaehnsdorf, Joseph W., The Art of Bookbinding, A Practical Treatise, George Bell, London, 1880, I:3, 33–34 (Spring 1963)
Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 49, Chart (Spring–Fall 1990)
Bookbinders Guild Of California: Cloonan, Michele Valerie, Women Bookbinders of the Second Cities During Progressive Era, XXXIII:2, 19 (Fall 1995)
Bookbinders' Guild of California, XVI:1, 10–17 (1977– 78)
Bookbinding – as an applied art, letter to Laura S. Young from Paul N. Banks, VI:2, 24–26 (Winter 1967–8)
Bookbinding – business: A Binder's Training by J. Franklin Mowery, XX:, 21–27 (1981–82)
Bookbinding – business: A Hand Bookbinding Program at the University of Alabama by Paula M. Gourley, XXV:1, 7–12 (Fall 1987)
Bookbinding – business: Binding–Binder–Buyer: A Strained Trinity by Decherd Turner, XXII:1, 39–43 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Bookbinding – Business: Making a Masterpiece by W. Thomas Taylor, XX 10–15 (see Chronology for Dates)
Bookbinding – Business: Reply by David and Anne Bromer, XXII:1, 43––45 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Bookbinding – Business: Washington, D.C. Standards Seminar–April 1982, XX:, 2–10 (1981–82)
Bookbinding – business:'Fine Bookbinding with James Brockman: A Report on the Inaugural Program of the Institute of Fine Binding and Book Conservation at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, May and June, 1987 by Mary C. Baughman, XXVI:, 12–30 (Fall 1988)
Bookbinding – By Country: America, XVIII:2, 1–24; XX 10–15; XXII:1, 57–59 (see Chronology for Dates)
Bookbinding – By Country: Canada, XXV:2, 1–3 (Spring 1988)
Bookbinding – By Country: China, XXI:2, 2–37 (Spring 1983)
Bookbinding – By Country: England, XVIII:2, 1–24; XXII:1, 3–22 (see Chronology for Dates)
Bookbinding – By Country: Japan, XXI:2, 2–36 (Spring 1983)
Bookbinding – By Country: Korea, XXI:2, 2–36 (Spring 1983)
Bookbinding – Collections: Papantonio, XI,2, 15–16; XI:3, 9 (Spring 1973)
Bookbinding – Collections: Schimmel, X:2, 12–13 (Winter 1971–2)
Bookbinding – Collections: Schrag, XI:3, 21–22 (Spring 1973)
Bookbinding – Collections: see also Libraries Bookbinding – Country: America, XVII: 25–37 (1978–79)
Bookbinding – Country: England, XII:1, 10–16; XVI:1, 30–33 (see Chronology for Dates)
Bookbinding – Country: Holland, XII:2, 17–31 (Winter 1974)
Bookbinding – Country: Japan, IX:2, 3–10 (Winter 1971)
Bookbinding – Country: Switzerland, IX:3, 26–28 (Spring 1971)
Bookbinding – Education: About Books by Polly Lada– Mocarski, XIV:3, 3–7 (Spring 1976)
Bookbinding – Education: Bookbinding in Holland by Elizabeth Menalda, XII:2, 17–31 (Winter 1974)
Bookbinding – Education: GBW's Opportunities for Study… XIV:3, 38–39 (Spring 1976)
Bookbinding – Education: Mills College course, XI:1, 24–25 (Fall 1972)
Bookbinding – Equipment: see Materials (see Chronology for Dates)
Bookbinding – Equipment: see under Materials Bookbinding – Exhibitions: A Guide to the Oriental Binding Exhibition, XXI:2, 18–37 (Spring 1983)
Bookbinding – Exhibitions: Art of the Book Exhibition, Nantucket, XXI:1, 1–14 (Fall 1982)
Bookbinding – Exhibitions: BEAUTIFUL BOOKS– BEAUTIFUL BINDINGS, an exhibition of bindings by four GBW members, XXIII:, 1–4 (1985)
Bookbinding – Exhibitions: Book Work: Diversity and Standards in the Modern Craft of Hand Bookbinding, an Educational Travelling Exhibit Produced by the Standards Committee, XXIV:1, 31–34 (Fall 1986)
Bookbinding – Exhibitions: Bookbinding in America: 1680–1910, review by Pamela Rash, XXII:1, 57–60 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Bookbinding – Exhibitions: Gerard Charriere, Fine Art Bindings, XXI:1, 56–58 (Fall 1982)
Bookbinding – Exhibitions: Michael Wilcox Bindings, XXII:2, 20–23 (Spring–Summer 1984)
Bookbinding – Exhibitions: Oriental Binding Exhibition, XXI:2, 17 (Spring 1983)
Bookbinding – Future: Ellenport, Sam, The Future of Hand Bookbinding, XXXI:1–2, 36–49 (Spring/ Fall 1993)
Bookbinding – History: 18th C. American bookbinders, XVII: 25–37 (1978–79)
Bookbinding – History: A. Horowitz & Son Bindery Museum, XVI: 25–26 (1977–78)
Bookbinding – History: About Books, XIV:3, 3–7 (Spring 1976)
Bookbinding – History: Eldridge, Betsy Palmer, The German Bookbinding Tradition, XXXIII:2, 45–56 (Fall 1995)
Bookbinding – History: Ellenport, Sam, The Future of Hand Bookbinding, XXXI:1–2, 36–49 (Spring/ Fall 1993)
Bookbinding – History: English bookbinding, 8th C. to present by M. Foot, XVI: 30–33 (1977–78)
Bookbinding – History: English Craft Bookbinding, 1880–1980 by Bernard C. Middleton, XXII:1, 3–22 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Bookbinding – History: Harcourt Bindery, XIV:2, 3–8 (Winter 1975–6)
Bookbinding – History: index of Howard Nixon articles, XII:1, 10–16 (Fall 1973)
Bookbinding – History: Machine–Stamped Bookbindings, 1834–1860 by Sue Allen, XVIII:2, 1– 24 (1979–80)
Bookbinding – History: Orihon's Triumph by Hedi Kyle, XXI:2, 10–16 (Spring 1983)
Bookbinding – History: Schliessen, Clausuren, A Guide to the Manufacture and the Literature of Clasps by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:2, 1–58 (Fall 1991)
Bookbinding – History: Seminar on the History of Bookbinding, XI:3, 19–21 (Spring 1973)
Bookbinding – History: The Bound Codex from its origin to the early Middle Ages, XVII: 1–25 (1978–79)
Bookbinding – History: The Guild of Women Binders  by Ainslie C. Waller, XXIV:2, 31–53 (Spring 1987)
Bookbinding – History: Women & the book, XV:, 1–10 (1976–7)
Bookbinding – Philosophy: A contemporary approach to the craft of hand bookbinding by Frost, XIV:2, 17–20 (Winter 1975–6)
Bookbinding – Philosophy: Arno Werner on Bookbinding, XX:, 15–20 (1981–82)
Bookbinding – Philosophy: On binding by Eberhardt, XVI: 23–24 (1977–78)
Bookbinding – Philosophy: On Binding Limited Editions by Carol Joyce, XIX:, 10–29 (1980–81)
Bookbinding – Philosophy: The Anatomy of a Dated Boston Binding: Jonathon Edwards' Religious Affections by Jane Greenfield, XXIV:2, 21–30 (Spring 1987)
Bookbinding – Teachers and Pupils, Chart I, Pupils of Ignatz Wiemeler, XXVIII:1–2 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Bookbinding – Teachers and Pupils, Chart Ia, Pupils of Paul Kersten, XXVIII:1–2 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Bookbinding – Teachers and Pupils, Chart II, English Background, XXVIII:1–2 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Bookbinding – Teachers and Pupils, Chart IIa, Pupils of Bill Anthony, XXVIII:1–2 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Bookbinding – Teachers and Pupils, Chart III, GBW Founders, XXVIII:1–2 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Bookbinding – Teachers and Pupils, Chart IV, San Francisco French Tradition, XXVIII:1–2 (Spring– Fall 1990)
Bookbinding – Techniques: English Craft Bookbinding by Bernard C. Middleton, XXII:1, 3–22 (Fall– Winter 1983)
Bookbinding – Techniques: Machine–Stamped Bookbindings, 1834–1860 by Sue Allen, XVIII:2, 1– 24 (1979–80)
Bookbinding – Techniques: Mylar Envelopes, XI:3, 23– 27; XVI:1, 27–30 (see Chronology for Dates)
Bookbinding – Techniques: Philip Smith lectures, XVI: 27–30 (1977–78)
Bookbinding – Techniques: Textbook for Rebinding Rare Books Based on a New Technical Principle by Alfred Launder, with an introduction by Michael Dubansky, XXXVI:1, 1 (2000)
Bookbinding – Techniques: The Bay Area's Rich Tradition Continues by Jeannie Sack, XXV:2, 23–26 (see Chronology for Dates)
Bookbinding – Techniques: The Fukuro–toji: Three Construction Elements by Janet E. Baldwin, XXI:2, 2–9 (Spring 1983)
Bookbinding – Techniques: Tooling, XIV:1, 27–29 (Fall 1975)
Bookbinding – Techniques: Transparent Vellum in Fine Bookbinding by Jan Sobota, XXIV:1, 3–12 (Fall 1986)
Bookbinding – Terminology: need for standard, Editorial by Laura S. Young, VI:1, 16–17 (Fall 1967)
Bookbinding – Training for: Ecole Estienne (Paris), brief review of two–year course, I:3, 17–18 (Spring 1963)
Bookbinding – Training for: Regulations for Professional Training of Apprentices for the Journeyman's Examination in the Bookbinders' Craft, translated from the German by Lotte Burg, Reprinted, in condensed and revised form, by permission of the Deutscher Handiwerkskammertag, 53 Bonn, VIII:2, 3–14 (Winter 1970)
Bookbinding – Training for: Training Programs, Editorial by Laura S. Young, VIII:2, 29–30 (Winter 1970)
Bookbinding – Training History: England, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 1–64 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Bookbinding – Training History: France, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 1–64 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Bookbinding – Training History: Germany, Eldridge, Betsy Palmer. The German Bookbinding Tradition, XXXIII:2, 45–56 (Fall 1995)
Bookbinding – Training History: Germany, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 1–64 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Bookbinding – Training History: United States, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 28–44 (Fall 1995)
Bookbinding – Training History: United States: Conroy, Tom, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders, XXVIII:1–2, 1–64 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Bookbinding Collections: Hope G. Weil, XVIII:2, 25– 38, 57 (1979–80)
Bookbinding: at Williamsburg, report by Thomas W. Patterson, III:1, 34–36 (Fall 1964)
Bookbinding: Banks, Paul N., letter on bookbinding as an applied art to Laura S. Young, VI:2, 24–26 (Winter 1967–8)
Bookbinding: bibliography of bookbinding literature, preparation of, VIII:1, 33 (Fall 1969)
Bookbinding: Bookbinding – Progress in the Art During the Past Year – Exhibitions of Bookbindings, reprinted from the New Times Saturday Review of Books, January 9, 1904, VII:3, 23–26 (Spring 1969)
Bookbinding: Craft Horizons, bibliography of articles published in, 1949–1964, III:1, 25–27 (Fall 1964)
Bookbinding: Craftsman? Designer? Artist?, Editorial by Laura S. Young, V:1, 23–25 (Fall 1966)
Bookbinding: Early American... talk by Hannah D. French at the Grolier Club, March 30, 1965, III:3, 25–28 (Spring 1965)
Bookbinding: Lettering and... Talk by Fritz Eberhardt, January 22, 1963, I:2, 23–29 (Winter 1963)
Bookbinding: The Path of Czech Bookbinding by Ivan J. Ruzicka, VII:1, 21–26 (Fall 1968)
Bookbinding: The State of Modern Hand Bookbinding, Editorial by Laura S. Young, III:2, 15–17 (Winter 1964–65)
Boone, F., Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Boone, Terry, Jesse Munn and Mary Wootton, Know Your Endpapers! presentation at 19th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1999), XXXVIII:1, 42 (Fall 2003)
Bosses: Clasps, Schliessen, Clausuren; A Guide to the Manufacture and the Literature of Clasps by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:2, 1–58. lllustrations (Fall 1991)
Bosses: pictured and illustrated throughout: Clasps, Schliessen, Clausuren; A Guide to the Manufacture and the Literature of Clasps by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:2, 1–58 (Fall 1991)
Boston Athenaeum, seminar at the Athenaeum, 1971, IX:3, 16–24 (see Chronology for Dates)
Bourbeau, David P., Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 39, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Bourbeau, David, binding for The Raven pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 5 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Bourbeau, David, Paste Paper (samples), XVIII:1, 35 (1979–80)
Box and Sculptural Bindings by Jan Sobota, XXX:2, 1– 47 (Fall 1992)
Box Bindings: Box and Sculptural Bindings by Jan Sobota, XXX:2, 1–46 (Fall 1992)
Box Bindings: illustrated and pictured throughout: Box and Sculptural Bindings by Jan Sobota, XXX:2, 1–46 (Fall 1992)
Bradel Bindings: structure illustrated in The Simplified Bindings by Sun Evrard, XXXII:2, 5–10 (Fall 1994)
Brandt, Charles A. E., Restoration in Europe, XIV:3, 8– 25 (Spring 1976)
Brasses, Brass plate dies of the Harcourt Binderies, XIV:2, 9–13 (Winter 1975–6)
Brasses, Houghton–Mifflin's collection on exhibition, 1974, XII:3, 21–27 (Spring 1974)
British Library, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 1–15 (Spring 1995)
Brock, David, Conroy, Tom, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders, XXVIII:1–2, 39, Chart I, Chart IIa (Spring–Fall 1990)
Brockman, James, fine binding with, XXVI:, 12–30 (Fall 1988)
Brockman, James: pictured on: XXIX:1, front Cover (Spring 1991)
Bromer, Anne and David, Introduction (The GBW's New England Chapter, Fall Exhibition), XXI:1, 17 (Fall 1982)
Bromer, Anne and David, Reply (Dialog), XXII:1, 43– 45 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Bromer, Anne, James Reid-Cunningham, and Christina Amato,  Anne Bromer on Irresistible Books: A Rare Book Dealer Looks at Modern Design Bindings, XLIV: 7-17 (2010-2011)
Brooks, Florence, Exhibition, 1974, XIII:1, 13–14 (Fall 1974)
Brown, Jane McCutchen, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 8, 9 (Spring 1995)
Brown, Margaret Wright, Cloonan, Michele Valerie, Women Bookbinders of the Second Cities During the Progressive Era, XXXIII:2, 13 (Fall 1995)
Bruckman, Robert, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 39, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Bryson, Charles Lee, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 9 (Fall 1995)
Buckley, Terry, The Flexible Medieval Binding, presentation at 20th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2000), XXXVIII:1, 48 (Fall 2003)
Buffum, Clara, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 38, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Burke, Diane C. (later Diane Burke Laddin), Hedi Kyle, XV:, 48–51 (1976–7)
Burke, Diane C. (later Diane Burke Laddin), Mirjam M. Foot lectures, XVI: 30–33 (1977–78) Burns, Janet L., see also Janet Saint Germain
by Don Etherington, XXX:1, 24–28 (Spring 1992)
Cains, Anthony, 1989 binding for Book of Gospels pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 16 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Cains, Anthony, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 39, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
California College Of Arts And Crafts, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 36, 38 (Fall 1995)
California, See Bookbinders' Guild of California; Hand Bookbinders of California
Calligraphy : Paul Standard, example by, IX:1, 25 (Fall 1970)
Calligraphy: Eager, Fred, and Miller, George, Guide to Italic handwriting, Italimuse, Inc., Caledonia, N.Y. 1963, II:2, 13–15 (Winter 1963–4)
Calligraphy: Eager, Fred, Write Italic, Italimuse, Caledonia, N.Y. IV:2, 32–33 (Winter 1966)
Calligraphy: Fairbank, Alfred, A Handwriting Manual, Faber F, Faber, London, IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Calligraphy: Filby, P.W., talk by, Assistant Director of the Peabody Institute Library of Baltimore, November 8, 1963, II:1, 14–18 (Fall 1963)
Calligraphy: Gold in illuminating, XII:3, 28–31 (Spring 1974)
Calligraphy: Hector, L.C., The Handwriting of English Documents, Arnold Ltd., London, V:2, 14 (Winter 1966–7)
Calligraphy: Ilona Berkovits, Illuminated Manuscripts is from the Library of Matthias Corvinus, W. Heffer and Sons, Ltd., Cambridge, England, V:1, 28 (Fall 1966)
Calligraphy: Italic Writing:Tthicks and Thins Versus the Hairline, IX:1, 26–29 (Fall 1970)
Calligraphy: Janes, Mary L., Italic Handwriting in Elementary Grades, V:3, 21–23 (Spring 1967)
Calligraphy: Karr, Edward A., slide talk, 2,000 Years of Calligraphy, 3–part exhibition organized by the Baltimore Museum of Art, Peabody Institute Library and Walters Art Gallery, June 6 – July 18, 1965, talk given May 9, 1966, IV:3, 28–31 (Spring1966)
Calligraphy: Listing of Guild members' works in 2,000 Years of Calligraphy, exhibition at The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, 1965 III:3, 18 (Spring 1965)
Calligraphy: P.W. Filby lecture, X:3, 42–46 (Spring 1972)
Calligraphy: Raymond Da Boll exhibition, XI:1, 18–19 (Fall 1972)
Calligraphy: Reynolds, Lloyd J., Italic Calligraphy and Handwriting, Exercises and Text, Pentalic Corporation, New York, 1969, VIII:1, 18 (Fall 1969)
Calligraphy: Schimmel collection, visit to, X:2, 12–13 (Winter 1971–2)
Calligraphy: Sheila Waters lecture, XIV:3, 42–43 (Spring 1976)
Calligraphy: Slide talk by Edward A. Karr on 2,000 Years of Calligraphy, 3–part exhibition organized by the Baltimore Museum of Art, Peabody Institute Library and Walters Art Gallery, June 6 – July 18, 1965, talk given May 9, 1966, IV:3, 28–31 (Spring1966)
Calligraphy: Society of Scribes and Illuminators calligraphy summer school, 1970, IX:2, 14–19 (Winter 1971)
Calligraphy: Standard, Paul, Hopes and Fears for the Italic Hand, V:3, 3–8 (Spring 1967)
Calligraphy: The Art of the Letter exhibition, IX:1, 11 (Fall 1970)
Calligraphy: Thompson, Tommy, The Script Letter, Its Form, Construction and Application, Dover Publications, New York, IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Camberwell School Of Art & Crafts, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 13, 31, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Camberwell School Of Art & Crafts: discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 36, 39 (Fall 1995)
Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts, binding program at,  Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 31 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Cams, Anthony G., Bindings of the Ellsemere Chaucer, Open–Boarded Covering/Plus, special report, XXXVII:1, 15 (2002)
Camus, Albert, Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, 52 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Canary, Jim, description of Illumination: Creation of an Illuminated Page on Vellum, presentation by Dennis Ruud at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002), XXXIX:2, 11 (Fall 2004)
Canary, Jim, description of Papermaking, Before and After: Pulp, Paper, and Beyond, presentation by Bridget O'Malley at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002), XXXIX:2, 6 (Fall 2004)
Capricornus School Of Bookbinding & Restoration: Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 40, Chart II (Spring– Fall 1990)
Capricornus School of Bookbinding and Restoration, binding taught by Anne & Teodore Kahle, XXVIII:1–2, 31, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Carey, Graham, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 34 (Fall 1995)
Carriage House Handmade Paper Works, XIV:2, 13–17 (Winter 1975–6)
Carter, Deborah, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Center For Book Arts, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 38 (Fall 1995)
Central School Of Arts & Crafts: Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 13 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Centro del bel libro, Ascona, founded by Joseph Stemmle, XXVIII:1–2, 1, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Centro del Bel Libro, IX:3, 26–28 (Spring 1971) Centro del Bel Libro, review of first two years' operations and schedule of seminars and work weeks in restoration, Ascona, Switzerland, June – July 1969, VII:1, 26–28 (Fall 1968)
Centro del bel libro, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 31, 38, 40 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Chaika, Betty Lou, Binding pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 26 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Chaika, Betty Lou, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 36, 40 (Fall 1995)
Chaika, Betty Lou, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 32, Chart Ia, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Chained Books, pictured and illustrated in Clasps, Schliessen, Clausuren A Guide to the Manufacture and the Literature of Clasps  by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:2, 2–4 (Fall 1991)
Chained Books: Clasps, Schliessen, Clausuren, A Guide to the Manufacture and the Literature of Clasps by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:2, 1–58 (Fall 1991)
Chambre Syndicale Nationale, XVII:56 (1978–79)
Charriere, Gerard, binding for 1983 Traveling Through Dream Landscapes pictured on XXXIII:1 (Spring 1995), Cover and XXXIII:2, Cover (Fall 1995)
Charriere, Gerard, binding for 1990 Teoti Huacan pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 27 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Charriere, Gerard, binding for The Rime of the Ancient Mariner pictured on volume XXXIII:1 (Spring 1995), front Cover , ii (inset)
Charriere, Gerard, binding pictured in Lallier, Monique, The French Technique of Bookbinding, XXXIII:1, 19 (Spring 1995)
Charriere, Gerard, bookbinder, XXVIII:1–2, 30 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Charriere, Gerard, photographic still life by Charriere pictured on: XXXIII:2 (Fall 1995), Cover (inset)
Charriere, Gerard, pictured in The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 4 (Spring 1995)
Charriere, Gerard, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 30, 40 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Charriere, Gerard, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 2, 4, 12, 13 (Spring 1995)
Chatfield–Taylor, Hobart C. and Michele Valerie Cloonan, Women Bookbinders of the Second Cities During the Progressive Era, XXXIII:2, 4, 6 (Fall, 1995)
Chatfield–Taylor, Rose Farwell, pictured in Cloonan, Michele Valerie, Women Bookbinders of the Second Cities During the Progressive Era, XXXIII:2, 5 (Fall 1995)
Chatfield–Taylor, Rose Farwell, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 1–27 (Fall 1995)
Chemise and Slipcase, presentation by Monique Lallier at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002), article by Sonia K. Jordan, XXXIX:2, 45 (Fall 2004)
Chen, Julie, Presentation Considerations in the Design and Creation of Artist's Books 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003) presentation, article by Julie Leonard with illustrations by Sylvia Ramos Alotta, XL:1, 40 (Summer, 2005)
Child, Fredericka, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 2, 12 (Spring 1995)
Claremont College, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 34 (Fall 1995)
Clarkson, Chris, XIV:2, 20 (Winter 1975–6)
Clarkson, Christopher, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 40, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Clasps: Construction pictured and illustrated in Clasps, Schliessen, Clausuren. A Guide to the Manufacture and the Literature of Clasps by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:2, 43–48 (Fall 1991)
Clasps: Mowery, J. Franklin, Clasps, Schliessen, Clausuren. A Guide to the Manufacture and the Literature of Clasps, XXIX:2, 1–58. (Fall 1991)
Clasps: pictured and illustrated throughout in Clasps, Schliessen, Clausure, A Guide to the Manufacture and the Literature of Clasps  by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:2, 1–58 (Fall 1991)
Clasps: Schliessen, Clausuren, A Guide to the Manufacture and the Literature of Clasps by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:2, 1–58 (Fall 1991)
Climate Control: Basic Paper Treatments for Printed Book Materials by Peter D. Verheyen, XXIX:I, 1–15 (Spring 1991)
Cloonan, Michele Valerie, Women Bookbinders of the Second Cities During the Progressive Era, XXXIII:2, 1-27 (Fall 1995)
Cloonan, Michele Valerie, Women Bookbinders of the Second Cities During the Progressive Era, XXXIII:2, 1–27 (Fall 1995)
Cloth Case Bindings–Repair & Restoration, Selected Repair of Joints and Bindings by Don Etherington, XXX:1, 24–28 (Spring 1992)
Club Bindery, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 2, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Cobden–Sanderson, T.J., Binder, Printer, Mystic, Talk by Norman H. Strouse, May 27, 1964, II:3, 35–46 (Spring 1964)
Cobden–Sanderson, T.J., Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered by Joseph Newman, XXXIII:1, 32, 50 (Spring 1995)
Cobden–Sanderson, T.J., Straus, Norman H., talk on Binder, Printer, Mystic, May 27, 1964, II:3, 35–46 (Spring 1964)
Cobden–Sanderson, T.J., Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 2, 14, 25, 26 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Cobden–Sanderson, T.J., The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 9 (Spring 1995)
Cobden–Sanderson, T.J., Thomas James: binding (with Ellen Gates Starr) for A Dream of John Bull pictured in Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 8 (Fall 1995)
Cobden–Sanderson, T.J., Thomas James: binding for 1850 Poems pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 16 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Cobden–Sanderson, T.J., Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 1, 8, 9, 14, 40 (Fall 1995)
Cobden–Sanderson, Thomas James, binding by, IX:1, Cover, 31 (Fall 1970)
Cockerell, Douglas, Binding pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, J XXVIII:1–2, 17 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Cockerell, Douglas, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 13, 14, 25, 40, Chart I, Chart II, Chart III, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Cockerell, Douglas, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 9, 10 (Spring 1995)
Cockerell, Douglas, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 6, 10 (Fall 1995)
Colorado College, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 38 (Fall 1995)
Colp, Norman B., One Cubic Foot, exhibition review, XXII:1, 65 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Columbia University Conservation And Preservation Education Program, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 31, 32, 41 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Committee, with bibliography, II:1, 25–29 (Fall 1963)
Competition: Harrison Memorial Competition, IX:1, 11 (Fall 1970)
Conn, Donia and Peter Verheyen, demonstration of oversized wooden mockups of historic endband models, presented at 25th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2005) Friday Night Forum, XL:1, 42 (Summer, 2005)
Conn, Donia, and Peter Verheyen, poster description: The Springback, presented at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002) Friday Night Forum, XXXIX:2, 58 (Fall 2004)
Conn, Donia, poster, The Molded Paper Spine, presented at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002) Friday Night Forum, XXXIX:2, 57 (Fall 2004)
Conroy, Tom, Finishing Tools and Their Makers, XL:1, 43 (Summer 2005)
Conroy, Tom, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders, XXVIII:1–2, 1–64 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Conservation - Philosophy: A contemporary approach to the craft of hand bookbinding by G. Frost, XIV:2, 17– 20 (Winter 1975–6)
Conservation - Philosophy: Aesthetics in restoration work by L. Young, IX:1, 17 (Fall 1970)
Conservation - Philosophy: On the restoration of books by C. Storm, XII:1, 16–21 (Fall 1973)
Conservation – Education: A Proposed Graduate Degree Program for Conservation Administrators & Conservation Prepared by Paul N. Banks for the School of Library Service, Columbia University by Laura S. Young, XVIII:2, 54–56 (1979–80)
Conservation – Education: About books by Lada– Mocarski, XIV:3, 3–7 (Spring 1976)
Conservation – Education: Book Conservation at Northeast Document Conservation Center by Sherelyn Ogden, XIX:, 37–41 (1980–81)
Conservation – Education: Book Conservation Training Deep in the Heart of Texas (Harry Ramson Humanities Research Center) by Mary Baughman, XXV:2, 11–19 (Spring 1988)
Conservation – Education: Conservation of research library materials by V.M. Ingram, XIV:3, 6–7 (Spring 1976)
Conservation – Education: Conservation standard rebinding of single books by Frost, XV:, 30–39 (1976– 7)
Conservation – Education: Fine Binding with James Brockman: A Report on the Inaugural Program of the Institute of the Fine Binding and Book Conservation at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, May and June, 1987 by Mary C. Baughman, XXVI:, 12– 30 (Fall 1988)
Conservation – Education: I.I.C. American Group Paper Conference, 1972, X:3, 48 (Spring 1972)
Conservation – Education: Legal Aspects of Conservation by Lawrence L. Krasnow, XX:, 32–37 (1981–82)
Conservation – Education: National Trust for Historic Preservation Conservation Workshop, 1972, X:3, 46–47 (Spring 1972)
Conservation – Education: Restoration in Europe, XIV:3, 8–25 (Spring 1976)
Conservation – Education: Salvage of Water–Damaged Library Materials by Peter Waters, XIV:1, 5 (Fall 1975)
Conservation – Education: Seminar on conservation at the Boston Athenaeum, 1971, IX:3, 16–24 (Spring 1971)
Conservation – Education: Seminar on conservation by Nancy and Colton Storm, 1970 & 1971, IX:1, 3– 8; XIV:3, 3–4; XI:1, 20–21 (see Chronology for Dates)
Conservation – Education: Short–stay students of conservation in London, X:2, 15 (Winter 1971–2)
Conservation – Education: Symposium on Paper Conservation–Ninth Northeastern Regional Meeting, American Chemical Society, XVIII:2, 39–43 (1979–80)
Conservation – Education: Texas Book Arts Guild workshop, 1972, XI:1, 21–22 (Fall 1972)
Conservation – Education: The Conservation Internship at the Folger Library: A Personal Note by Don Guyot, XXV:1, 13–18 (Fall 1987)
Conservation – Education: University of Illinois course on Conservation of Research Library Materials, XIV:3, 6–7 (Spring 1976)
Conservation – Education: Washington, D.C. Standards Seminar, XX:, 2–10 (1981–82)
Conservation – Philosophy, Hurricane damage at the University of Corpus Christi Library by G. M. Cunha, IX:1, 13–17 (Fall 1970)
Conservation – Philosophy: A One–Part, Self–Closing Wrapper by Patricia Curtin, XXI:2, 37–46 (Spring 1983)
Conservation – Philosophy: Book Workers and the Care of the Earth by Marcia W. Livesay, XXIV:1, 13–30 (Fall 1986)
Conservation – Philosophy: This Isn't a Business, It's a Lifestyle by Leah Maneaty, Louise Kuflik, and Ursula Hofer, XXV:1, 19–21 (Fall 1987)
Conservation of Historic Bindings Using Adhesive and Nonadhesive Methods, presentation by Nancy Southworth at 24th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2004), XLI:1, 7 (Summer, 2006)
Conservation Repair of Early Manuscripts of English and Irish Origin, talk by Roger Powell, May 14, 1964, II:3, 32–35 (Spring 1964)
Conservation Uses of Japanese Paper by Don Etherington, presented at 17th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1997), Ann Arbor MI (1997), Binders‟ Guild Newsletter XXI–2 reprint, XXXV:2A, 18 (2000)
Conservation: A Textbook for Rebinding Rare Books Based on a New Technical Principle by Alfred Launder, Introduction by Mindell Dubansky, XXXVI:1 + illus. (2000)
Conservation: All the King's Horses: Rare Books and Manuscript Preservation Techniques, reprint of book originally published by the Extra Bindery at the Lakeside Press – The American Association for State and Local History, Madison, Wisconsin, II:2, 30 (Winter 1963–4)
Conservation: Banks, Paul N., Paper cleaning, report including bibliography, V:1, 8–22 (Fall 1966)
Conservation: Banks, Paul N., The Treatment of the First Edition of Melville's 'The Whale', illustrated, VII:3, 15–22 (Spring 1969)
Conservation: Binding Practice as Related to the Preservation of Books by Harold W. Tribolet, Reprinted by permission from "The Library Quarterly", The University of Chicago, Vol. 40 No. 1, January 1970, with bibliography, VIII:2, 15–24 (Winter 1970)
Conservation: Bulletin d'information sur la pathologie des documents et leur protection aux archives de France, Service d'Edition et de Vente des Publications Officielles, Section Education Nationale, Paris, IV:2, 31 (Winter 1966)
Conservation: Burnham, Jean, Preservation and Deterioration of Library Materials, „Review of 34th annual Conference of the Graduate Library School of University of Chicago‟, August 4–6, 1969, VIII:1, 3–4 (Fall 1969)
Conservation: Cane, Lucille M., A Guide to the Care and Administration of Manuscripts, The American Association for State and Local History, Madison, Wisconsin, II:2, 30 (Winter 1963–4)
Conservation: case studies in conservation of library materials, Conservation problems of Audubon's Birds of America by C. Horton, XV:, 17–29 (1976–7)
Conservation: case studies in conservation of library materials, Corning, N.Y. flood damage, XI:1, 19–20 (Fall 1972)
Conservation: case studies in conservation of library materials, Corpus Christi hurricane damage, IX–1, 13–17; IX:3, 21; X:2, 6–8 (see Chronology for Dates)
Conservation: case studies in conservation of library materials, Harvard University, XIV:1, 3–5 (Fall 1975)
Conservation: case studies in conservation of library materials, Hunt Institute, XIV:1, 6–8 (Fall 1975)
Conservation: case studies in conservation of library materials, Hurricane Celia, X:2, 6–8 (Winter 1971– 2)
Conservation: case studies in conservation of library materials, Library of Congress preservation activities, X:3, 19–20; XII:1, 29–34 (see Chronology for Dates)
Conservation: case studies in conservation of library materials, Mills College water damaged books, X:2, 26–29 (Winter 1971–2)
Conservation: case studies in conservation of library materials, New York Botanical Garden, XIV:1, 8– 11 (Fall 1975)
Conservation: case studies in conservation of library materials, New York Public Library, IX:2, 21–23 (Winter 1971)
Conservation: case studies in conservation of library materials, Newberry Library, XIV:3, 6–7; XIV:1, 11–14; XV: 30–39 (see Chronology for Dates)
Conservation: case studies in conservation of library materials, Problems of Audubon's Birds of America, XV:, 17–29 (1976–7)
Conservation: Collection of Materials on the Preservation of Library Resources by R.R. Yabrova et al, (OTS 64– 11053), translated from the Russian, Office of Technical Services, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Washington, D.C., VII:1, 13 (Fall 1968)
Conservation: Conservation of Library Materials, A manual and bibliography on the care, repair and restoration of library materials by George M. Cunha, The Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, N.J., 1967, VI:2, 22–23 (Winter 1967–8)
Conservation: Conserving the Leather Spines of Old Books, by Robert Muma, VIII:2, 25–29 (Winter 1970)
Conservation: Coremans, Paul, Problems of Conservation in Museums, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., Hertfordshire, England, 1969, VIII:2, 31 (Winter 1970)
Conservation: Cunha, George M., Conservation of Library Materials, A manual and bibliography on the care, repair and restoration of library materials, The Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, N.J., 1967, VI:2, 22–23 (Winter 1967–8)
Conservation: Cunha, George M., Flat Plate Process Available, Discusses Xerox process to reproduce missing or damaged pages in books, documents, etc, VIII:3, 22 (Spring 1970)
Conservation: Cunha, George M., Langwell Vapour Phase Deacidification (VPD) technique, talk, October 17, 1967, VI:1, 19–21 (Fall 1967)
Conservation: Cunha, George M., Soluble Nylon: A New Tool for Restorationists, IV:2, 28–30 (Winter 1966)
Conservation: Deterioration and Preservation of Library Materials, 34th Annual Conference of the Graduate Library School, University of Chicago, August 4–6, 1969, Listing of topics and speakers, VII:2, 40–42 (Winter 1968–9)
Conservation: European publications and periodicals on the subject, brief list with information where they can be obtained, IV:I, 26–27 (1965 ?)
Conservation: Experiences at the Biblioteca Nationale in Florence, Illustrated talk by Richard F. Young, Bookbinder and Restorer for the Rare Book Division of the Library of Congress, April 4, 1968, VI:3, 21–25 (Spring 1968)
Conservation: Flat Plate Process Available, by George M. Cunha, Discusses Xerox process to reproduce missing or damaged pages in books, documents, etc, VIII:3, 22 (Spring 1970)
Conservation: Horton, Carolyn, Cleaning and Preserving Bindings and Related Materials, American Library Association, Chicago, 1967, VI:1, 14–15 (Fall 1967)
Conservation: Horton, Carolyn, Saving the Libraries of Florence, including bibliography, reprinted from the Wilson Library Bulletin, June 1967, V:2, 1–9 (Winter 1966–7)
Conservation: Horton, Carolyn, The Restoration of the Salisbury Bible, IV:2, 24–27 (Winter 1966)
Conservation: In Search of a New Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration, Talk by Peter Waters at the Morgan Library, Sponsored by the Guild, February 27, 1969, VII:2, 11–21 (Winter 1968–9)
Conservation: Langwell Vapour Phase Deacidification (VPD) technique, talk by George M. Cunha, October 17, 1967, VI:1, 19–21 (Fall 1967)
Conservation: Library of Congress program for preservation of library materials, reviewed, V:2, 28– 29 (Winter 1966–7)
Conservation: Meyer, Rosalind, report, Volunteer Worker at the Biblioteca Nazionale in Florence, VI:1, 6–9 (Fall 1967)
Conservation: Muma, Robert, Conserving the Leather Spines of Old Books, VIII:2, 25–29 (Winter 1970)
Conservation: New Methods for the Restoration and Preservation of Books by Petrova–Zavgorodnyaya et al, (OTS 64–11054), translated from the Russian, Office of Technical Services, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Washington, D.C., VII:1, 13 (Fall 1968)
Conservation: Paper cleaning, Report by Paul N. Banks, Includes bibliography, V:1, 8–22 (Fall 1966)
Conservation: Paper deterioration, Report on two studies in progress, V:2, 27–28 (Winter 1966–7)
Conservation: Patri, Stella, The Mending Program in Florence, VI:1, 22–24 (Fall 1967)
Conservation: Petrova–Zavgorodnyaya et al, New Methods for the Restoration and Preservation of Books (OTS 64–11054), translated from the Russian, Office of Technical Services, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Washington, D.C., VII:1, 13 (Fall 1968)
Conservation: Plenderleith, H.J., The Preservation of Leather Bookbindings, British Museum, London, 1946, I:3, 31 (Spring 1963)
Conservation: Powell, Roger, talk on the Repair of Early Manuscripts of English and Irish Origin, May 14, 1964, II:3, 32–35 (Spring 1964)
Conservation: Preservation and Deterioration of Library Materials, „Review of 34th annual Conference of the Graduate Library School of University of Chicago‟ by Jean Burnham, August 4–6, 1969, VIII:1, 3–4 (Fall 1969)
Conservation: Preservation of Documents and Papers, translated from the Russian, Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, Virginia, VI:2, 14–15 (Winter 1967–8)
Conservation: Problems of Conservation in Museums by Paul Coremans, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., Hertfordshire, England, 1969, VIII:2, 31 (Winter 1970)
Conservation: Recent Advances in Conservation, edited by G. Thomson, Butterworths, London, 1963, IV:1, 26 (Fall 1965)
Conservation: Report of the Thirty–Fourth Annual Conference of the Graduate Library School of the University of Chicago, reprint of Appendix to the Library of Congress Information Bulletin, August 21, 1969, p. A–75, VIII:1, 5–10 (Fall 1969)
Conservation: report on the seminar on conservation of books, documents, and prints held at the New York State Historical Association at Cooperstown, N.Y., July 1–8, 1962, I:1, 9–11 (Fall 1962)
Conservation: Restaurator, International Journal for the Preservation of Library an Archival Material, Restaurator Press, Copenhagen, Denmark, VIII:2, 31 (Winter 1970)
Conservation: Saving the Libraries of Florence by Carolyn Horton, including bibliography, reprinted from the Wilson Library Bulletin, June 1967, V:2, 1– 9 (Winter 1966–7)
Conservation: Soluble Nylon: A New Tool for Restorationists, by George M. Cunha, IV:2, 28–30 (Winter 1966)
Conservation: Some Technical Problems of Book Conservation, Talk by Peter Waters at the Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine Arts of New York University, February, 1969, VII:2, 21–39 (Winter 1968–9)
Conservation: Stein, Ruth, report, Volunteer Worker at the Biblioteca Nazionale in Florence, VI:1, 3–6 (Fall 1967)
Conservation: Synthetic Materials Used in the Conservation of Cultural Property, International Centre for the Study or the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property, Rome, IV:1, 26– 27 (Fall 1965)
Conservation: The Mending Program in Florence, by Stella Patri, VI:1, 22–24 (Fall 1967)
Conservation: The Preservation of Leather Bookbindings by H.J. Plenderleith, British Museum, London, 1946, I:3, 31 (Spring 1963)
Conservation: The Restoration of the Salisbury Bible, by Carolyn Horton, IV:2, 24–27 (Winter 1966)
Conservation: The Treatment of the First Edition of Melville's 'The Whale', by Paul N. Banks, illustrated, VII:3, 15–22 (Spring 1969)
Conservation: Thomson, G., editor, Recent Advances in Conservation, Butterworths, London, 1963, IV:1, 26 (Fall 1965)
Conservation: Tribolet, Harold W., Binding Practice as Related to the Preservation of Books, Reprinted by permission from „The Library Quarterly’, The University of Chicago, Vol. 40 No. 1, January 1970, with bibliography, VIII:2, 15–24 (Winter 1970)
Conservation: Volunteer Worker at the Biblioteca Nazionale in Florence, report by Rosalind Meyer, VI:1, 6–9 (Fall 1967)
Conservation: Volunteer Worker at the Biblioteca Nazionale in Florence, report by Ruth Stein, VI:1, 3– 6 (Fall 1967)
Conservation: Waters, Peter, In Search of a New Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration, talk at the Morgan Library, Sponsored by the Guild, February 27, 1969, VII:2, 11–21 (Winter 1968–9)
Conservation: Waters, Peter, Some Technical Problems of Book Conservation, talk at the Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine Arts of New York University, February, 1969, VII:2, 21–39 (Winter 1968–9)
Conservation: Yabrova, R.R., et al, Collection of Materials on the Preservation of Library Resources (OTS 64–11053), translated from the Russian, Office of Technical Services, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Washington, D.C., VII:1, 13 (Fall 1968)
Conservation: Young, Richard F., illustrated talk, Experiences at the Biblioteca Nationale in Florence, bookbinder and restorer for the Rare Book Division of the Library of Congress, April 4, 1968, VI:3, 21– 25 (Spring 1968)
Cooksey, Gabby, The Pandemic, Pangolins, and a Book Artist’s Life, LI: 63-67 (2022)
Cooperstown, New York: report on the seminar on conservation of books, documents and prints held by the New York State Historical Association, July 1–8, 1962, I:2, 9–11 (Winter 1963)
Corderoy, John Baron, John Baron Corderoy as a teacher by Natalie Robinson Sirkin, X:2, 4–6 (Winter 1971–2)
Corderoy, John Baron, John Baron Corderoy by Robert C. Akers, X:2, 3 (Winter 1971–2)
Corderoy, John, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 13, 31, 39, 41, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Cornell University, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 5, 7 (Spring 1995)
Corpus Christi: Hurricane damage at the University of Corpus Christi Library by G. M. Cunha, IX:1, 13–17 (Fall 1970)
Coryn, Mary S., Duties of the Secretary–Treasurer, X:3, 25–26 (Spring 1972)
Cover Boards: Their Preparation and Technical Trimming in A Textbook for Rebinding Rare Books Based on a New Technical Principle by Alfred Launder, Chapter 4, XXXVI:1, 49 (2000)
Covering in Leather presentation by Mark Esser at 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003), article by Priscilla Anderson with illustrations by Sylvia Ramos Alotta, XL:1, 27 (Summer, 2005)
Cowgill, Logan O., Necrology, XI:3, 33 (Spring 1973)
Craft Horizons, bibliography of articles on bookbinding, 1949–1964, III:1, 25–27 (Fall 1964)
Craft Students League, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 30, 31 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Craft Students League, visit to bindery, January 26, 1965, III:2, 32–33 (Winter 1964–65)
Craig, Melissa Jay, description and illustration of The Drumleaf Binding, presentation by Timothy Ely at 25th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2005), XLI:2, 6 (Fall, 2007)
Cranbrook Academy Of Art (Michigan), Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered by Joseph Newman, XXXIII:1, 50 (Spring 1995)
Crette, Georges, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 12 (Spring 1995)
Creuzevalt, Henri, Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, 51 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Creuzevalt, Henri, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 10 (Spring 1995)
Crump, Lucy, article on Peter Franck, American Hand Binder, III:1, 5–10 (Fall 1964)
Cummington School Of Fine Arts: discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 37 (Fall 1995)
Cunha, George M. & Dorothy, Conservation of Library Materials, review of, XIV:3, 39–41; X:3, 3–6; XI:1, 19–20, 25–27 (see Chronology for Dates)
Cunha, George M., Hurricane damage at the University of Corpus Christi Library, IX:1, 13–17 (Fall 1970)
Cunha, George M., I.I.C.–American Group Paper Conference, 1972, report, X:3, 48 (Spring 1972)
Cunha, George M., Letter to the Editor, reply to book review, X:3, 3–6 (Spring 1972)
Cunha, George M., National Trust for Historic Preservation Workshop, 1972, report, X:3, 46–47 (Spring 1972)
Cunha, George M., report, A Visit to the Paper Conservation Laboratory at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, VI:2, 16–19 (Winter 1967–8)
Cunha, George M., report, Captain and Mrs. Cunha on a Busman's Holiday, III:2, 6–8 (Winter 1964–65)
Cunha, George M., report, Flat Plate Process Available, VIII:3, 22 (Spring 1970)
Cunha, George M., report, Soluble Nylon: A New Took for Restorationists, IV:2, 28–30 (Winter 1966)
Cunha, George M., talk on Langwell Vapour Phase Deacidification (VPD) technique, October 17, 1967, VI:1, 19–21 (Fall 1967)
Cunha, George M., workshop given, 1972, XI:1, 21–22 (Fall 1972)
Curtin, Patricia, A One–Part, Self–Closing Wrapper, XXI:2, 37–46 (Spring 1983)
Curtin, Patricia, BEAUTIFUL BOOKS– BEAUTIFUL BINDINGS, An Exhibit of Bindings By Four GBW Members, XXIII:, 5–18 (1985)
Cuzin, Adolphe, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 25 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Czech bookbinding: The Path of Czech Bookbinding by Ivan J. Ruzicka, VII:1, 21–26 (Fall 1968)
Da Boll, Raymond, exhibition, XI:1, 18–19 (Fall 1972) Dahlstedt, Manne and Carmencho Arregui, Put A Frame To Your Bindings, XXXV:2A, 113 (2000)
Dahlstrom, Grant, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 36 (Fall 1995)
Dallas Public Library, Guild exhibition, March 11–24, 1963, report on, I:3, 11, 20–21 (Spring 1963)
Dalrymple–Hollo, Jane, Introduction to the Artist  (Laura Wait), XXXVI:2, 1 (2001)
Dams, Jerilyn G., Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 41, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Danforth, Margaret, Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered by Joseph Newman, XXXIII:1, 33, 50 (Spring 1995)
Dartmouth College, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 29 (Fall 1995)
Davis, Jerilyn G., Printed Paper (samples), XVIII:1, 34 (1979–80)
Davis, Jerilyn G., Report, A Visit to the Meriden Gravure Company in Meriden, Connecticut, VI:3, 26–30 (Spring 1968)
Davis, Matthew E., Where Does the Catalog Go? Surveys of Old Printed Books, What We Can Learn from Them, and Why They Matter, XLIII: 63-71 (2009)
Davis, Todd, Binding Isolation, LI: 57-61 (2022)
Dawson, Ernest, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 36 (Fall 1995)
De Buyl, J., Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
De Coverly, Roger, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 14, 41, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
De Gonet, Jean, The Simplified Bindings by Sun Evrard, XXXII:2, 6 (Fall 1994)
De Sauty, Alfred, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 2, 12, 25, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Deacidification, XIV:3, 45–47 (Spring 1976) Deacidification: Langwell Vapour Phase (VPD) Technique, talk by George M. Cunha, October 17, 1967, VI:1, 19–21 (Fall 1967)
Dean, John, bookbinder, XXVIII:1–2, 30 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Dean, John, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 30, 32, 41 (Spring–Fall 1990)
DeCandido, Graceanne A., The Book Thought Through: Small Press Comes of Age in America (exhibition review), XXIV:1, 35–38 (Fall 1986)
Decorated Papers, Binders‟ Guild Newsletter XXII–2 reprint, XXXVII:1, 2 (2002)
Dehartogh, A., Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Teaching Genealogies lll (Spring–Fall 1990)
Delrue, Paul, Lacunose, An Artistic Invention, presentation at 25th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2005), article by Sophia S.W. Bogle, XLI:2, 5 (Fall, 2007)
Dering, Dorothea, 1990 binding for Exlibris, Autoren Kollektiv pictured in Betsy Palmer Eldridge, The German Bookbinding Tradition, XXXIII, 2, 50 (Fall 1995)
Dering, Dorothea, 1990 binding for Lebenslauf Gedichte pictured in Betsy Palmer Eldridge, The German Bookbinding Tradition, XXXIII:2, 54 (Fall 1995)
Design: Some Thoughts About What Should and Should Not be Inflicted on a Book in the Way of Design and Decoration by Selvia Rennie, XXVI:, 38–41 (Fall 1988)
Design: The Exhibition Catalog: First Principles of Design by Greer Allen, XXIII:, 1–4 (1985)
Design/Fine Binding: Box and Sculptural Bindings by Jan Sobota, XXX:2, 1–46 (Fall 1992)
Design/Fine Binding: Eldridge, Betsy Palmer, The German Bookbinding Tradition, XXXIII:2, 45–56 (Fall 1995)
Design/Fine Binding: Ellenport, Sam, The Future of Hand Bookbinding, XXXI:1–2, 36–49 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Design/Fine Binding: Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, 50–53 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Design/Fine Binding: The Simplified Bindings by Sun Evrard, XXXII:2, 5–12, illustrations (Fall 1994)
Design/Fine Binding: Will the Real Otto Zahn Please Stand Up? by Don Etherington, XXXIII, I, 21–31 (Spring 1995)
Designer Bookbinders at the Morgan Library, 1971, XIV:3, 4–5 (Spring 1976)
Designer Bookbinders, IX:1, 9 (Fall 1970)
DeSimon, Daniel P., A Collector's Guide to Book Binding, (book review), XXI:1, 59–60 (Fall 1982)
Dickinson, Lenore M., report on regional meeting in Boston, May 22, 1966, IV:3, 31–32 (Spring1966)
Dickinson, Lenore M., report, The Rosamond B. Loring Collection of Decorated Papers, VI:2, 3–12 (Winter 1967–8)
Dickinson, Lenore, Turn toward the East, IX:2, 10–14 (Winter 1971)
Diehl, Edith, binding pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 17 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Diehl, Edith, library of, acquisition by Guild of Book Workers, VI:2, 12–13 (Winter 1967–8)
Diehl, Edith, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 42–43, 64, Chart I, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Diehl, Edith, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 8, III–3 (Spring 1995)
Diehl, Edith, visit to home of Mary E. Greenfield to inspect the newly acquired Diehl library collection, October 12, 1968, VII:1, 14–15 (Fall 1968)
Disaster Reports. See Conservation – case studies
Disintegration and Preparation for Resewing in A Textbook for Rebinding Rare Books Based on a New Technical Principle by Alfred Launder, Chapter 1, XXXVI:1, 24 + illus. (2000)
Display Cradles for Books: Board Construction by Linda Blaser. XXX:1, 1–16 (Spring 1992)
Display Techniques: Display Cradles for Books by Linda Blaser, XXX:1, 2–16 (Spring 1992)
Display Techniques: illustrated in Display Cradles for Books: Board Construction by Linda Blaser, XXX:1, 2–16 (Spring 1992)
Domont, Jules and Joseph Newman, Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered, XXXIII:1, 50 (Spring 1995)
Domont, Jules, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 25, 30, Chart III, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Donnell Library, New York Public Library: Exhibition of Hand Bookbinding, Case–making, Restoration, Calligraphy and Illumination, and Hand–decorated Papers, sponsored by the GBW, Spring 1966, illustrated catalogue, following page 16, IV:3 (Spring1966)
Doublures: examples pictured in Edge–to–Edge Doublure by Monique Lallier, XXIX:1, 29–31 (Spring 1991)
Doublures: Lallier, Monique, Edge–to–Edge Doublure, XXIX:1, 27–32 (Spring 1991)
Doves Bindery, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 25, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Drake, Dorothy, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 33–35 (Fall 1995)
Dreis, Hazel, Conroy, Tom, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders, XXVIII:1–2, 26, 43, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Dreneau, Constant, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Drumleaf Binding, presentation by Timothy Ely at 25th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2005), XLI:2, 6 (Fall, 2007)
Dubansky, Alfred, introduction and biography A Textbook for Rebinding Rare Books Based on a New Technical Principle by Alfred Launder, XXXVI:1, 1 (2000)
Dubansky, Mindell, A Selection of Bookbindings in the Metropolitan Museum Of Art, Reprinted from the Gazette of the Grolier Club, edited by Kimberly A. LoDico, XXXIV:2A, 1 (1998)
Dubansky, Mindell, Approaching Contemporary Edition Bookbinding presented at 15th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1995), XXXIV:1, 15 (1998)
Dubansky, Mindell, Blooks (Things That Look Like Books, but Aren’t), XLV: 83-95
Dudley, Fanny, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 43, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Duke, Maureen, Action on the Case, presentation at 19th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1999), XXXVIII:1, 6 (Fall 2003)
Duncan, Harry, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 34, 37 (Fall 1995)
Eastley, Louisa, In Pursuit of History: An Undergraduate’s Experience with Bookbinding, LII: 77-83 (2023)
Eberhardt, Fritz & Trudi, visit to Eberhardt studio, XVII: 41–42 (1978–79)
Eberhardt, Fritz and Trudy, introduction to an oral history of, by Don Rash, XXXVII:2, 5 (Fall 2002)
Eberhardt, Fritz and Trudy, oral history of, conducted by Valerie A. Meltzer, XXXVII:2, 8 (Fall 2002)
Eberhardt, Fritz, About Premeditated Style, XXXVII:2, 100 (Fall 2002)
Eberhardt, Fritz, Binding for 1605 Missale Romanum pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 5 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Eberhardt, Fritz, Lettering and Bookbinding, Talk given January 22, 1963, I:2, 23–29 (Winter 1963)
Eberhardt, Fritz, On Binding, XVI:1, 23–24 (1977–78) 
Eberhardt, Fritz, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 44 Chart I, Chart Ia (Spring–Fall 1990)
Eberhardt, Trudi, binding for …Erklarung… Virginia pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 6 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Eberhardt, Trudi, personal message, illustrated, XXXVII:2, 102 (Fall 2002)
Eberhardt, Trudi, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 44 Chart I, Chart Ia (Spring–Fall 1990)
Eberth, Karl, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Ecole Des Arts Et Metiers, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 4 (Spring 1995)
Ecole Estienne (Paris), brief review of two–year course in bookbinding, I:3, 17–18 (Spring 1963)
Edelman, Hilda, Report, The House of the Book, Puerto Rico, VI:1, 9–10 (Fall 1967)
Edelpappband, presentation by Elsi Vassdal Ellis at 25th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2005), XLI:2, 13 (Fall, 2007)
Edge Decoration Techniques, presented by Peter Geraty at 24th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2004), XLI:1, 55 (Summer, 2006)
Edge–to–Edge Doublure by Monique Lallier, XXIX:1, 27–32 (Spring 1991)
Eisenberg, Marvin, exhibition of Anne A. Weeks, X:3, 41–42 (Spring 1972)
Eisenberg, Marvin, exhibition of Heinke Pensky, XI:2, 20–21 (Winter 1972–3)
Eisenberg, Marvin, exhibition of Jacques Ploschek, X:3, 40–41 (Spring 1972)
Eisenberg, Marvin, exhibition of Richard Minsky, XI:1, 14–16 (Fall 1972)
Elbel, Ben, The Pixel Binding, XLIX: 23-31(2020)
Eldridge, Betsy Palmer, demonstration of finishing without finishing tools, presented at 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003) Friday Night Forum, XL:1, 42 (Summer, 2005)
Eldridge, Betsy Palmer, report on visit to the Princeton University Library, February 15, 1964, II:2, 21–23
Eldridge, Betsy Palmer, Sewing Variations, XXXII:1, 29–31 (Spring 1994)
Eldridge, Betsy Palmer, The Checkerboard Album Structure, poster description presentation at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002) Friday Night Forum, XXXIX:2, 57 (Fall 2004)
Eldridge, Betsy Palmer, The German Bookbinding Tradition, XXXIII:2, 45–56 (Fall 1995)
Eldridge, Betsy Palmer, translation of German of article by Peter Franck, on vellum binding, III:1, 11–22 (Fall 1964)
Eldridge, Betsy, editorial, XI:3, 17–18 (Spring 1973) Eldridge, Betsy, exhibition of Frances Manola, XII:2,
Eldridge, Betsy, exhibition of Deborah Evetts, XI:2, 21–23 (Winter 1972–3)
Eldridge, Betsy, exhibition of Gary Frost, XI:2, 23–25 (Winter 1972–3)
Eldridge, Betsy, exhibition of Jean Gunner, XI:3, 14– 15 (Spring 1973)
Eldridge, Betsy, exhibition of Johannes Hyltoft, XII:1, 41–42 (Fall 1973)
Eldridge, Betsy, exhibition of Kathleen Wick, XI:2, 18–19 (Winter 1972–3)
Eldridge, Betsy, exhibition of Mariana K. Roach, XI:1, 16–18 (Fall 1972)
Eldridge, Betsy, exhibition of Mary L. Janes, XI:3, 15– 17 (Spring 1973)
Eldridge, Betsy, exhibition of Raymond DaBoll, XI:1, 18–19 (Fall 1972)
Eldridge, Betsy, The Storm Bindery, XII:1, 39–40 (Fall 1973)
Elephant Bindery, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 64 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Eley, H. Wayne, Jr., review of Cunha's Conservation of Library Materials, XIV:3, 39–41; X:3, 3–6 (see Chronology for Dates)
Ellenpart, Sam, Bookbinding at the Cotting School, LII: 33-37 (2023)
Ellenport, Emily, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Ellenport, Sam, Brass plate dies of the Harcourt Bindery, XIV:2, 9–13 (Winter 1975–6)
Ellenport, Sam, The Future of Hand Bookbinding, XXXI:1–2, 36–49 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Ellenport, Sam, The Harcourt Bindery: Early Leather Bindings, 1900–1910, XLIV: 65-75 (2010-2011)
Ellenport, Samuel B, A Leather Covered Harpsichord, XLIX: 45-51 (2020)
Ellenport, Samuel B., Ribbon Gold Leaf: A Brief History of Gold Leaf on Rolls, LIII: 7-10 (2024)
Ellenport, Samuel, Preface, The GBW's New England Chapter, Fall Exhibition, XXI:1, 15–16 (Fall 1982)
Ellenport, Samuel, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Ellerton, Nerida F. and McKenzie A. Clements, Unique Mathematics: Books from a Lost Tradition, XLIV: 29-39 (2010-2011)
Ellesmere Chaucer Bindings, Open–Boarded Covering/Plus, special report by Anthony G. Cams, XXXVII:1 (2002)
Ellis, Elsi Vassdal, article on Edelpappband, presentation by Renate Mesmer at the 25th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2005), illustrations by Renate Mesmer, XLI:2, 13, (Fall, 2007)
Ely, Timothy C., Altered Materials and Bounded States: Applications and Possibilities in Contemporary Bookbinding from the Leather Book to the Extraterrestrial Book, XXXII:2, 1–4 (Fall 1994)
Ely, Timothy C., binding for 1995 Apocry–Chronon pictured: XXXII:2 (Fall 1994), Cover (inset)
Ely, Timothy C., developmental sketches for Materia pictured on: XXXII:2 (Fall 1994), Cover (outside front/back & inside front/back)
Ely, Timothy, The Drumleaf Binding presentation at 25th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2005), article and illustration by Melissa Jay Craig, XLI:2, 6 (Fall, 2007)
Embree, Anna, Deborah Howe, and Consuela Metzger, This is What I Call I/This is How I do It: Three approaches to a Common Case Binding Technique, LII: 39-56 (2023)
End papers: report on workshop on end papers and headbands, January 25, 1966, IV:2, 36–40 (Winter 1966)
Endbands: construction (French style) pictured in Lallier, Monique, The French Technique of Bookbinding, XXXIII:1, 18 (Spring 1995)
Endbands: construction (German style) illustrated in The Logic and Techniques of German Bookbinding by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:1, 43 (Spring 1991)
Endpapers: Construction (German style) illustrated in The Logic and Techniques of German Bookbinding by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:1, 39 (Spring 1991)
Endpapers: historical aspects illustrated in The Development of Endpapers by Linda Blaser, XXXII:1, 26 (Spring 1994)
Endpapers: The Development of Endpapers by Linda Blaser, XXXII:1, 128 (Spring 1994)
Endpapers: The Logic and Techniques of German Bookbinding, by Frank Mowery, XXIX:1, 38–55, illustrations (Spring 1991)
Engert, Sara Cunningham, necrology, XI:l, 4–5 (Fall 1972)
Ernst, Max, Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, 52 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Eschmann, Jean, Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered by Joseph Newman, XXXIII:1, 51 (Spring 1995)
Eschmann, Jean, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 25 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Esser, Mark, binding for 15th–century manuscript pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 18 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Esser, Mark, Covering in Leather presentation at 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003), article by Priscilla Anderson with illustrations by Sylvia Ramos Alotta, XL:1, 27 (Summer, 2005)
Esser, Mark, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 32, 44, Chart IIa (Spring–Fall 1990)
Etherington, Don, and Nancy Jacobi, Japanese Papers – Identifying & Using, presented at 17th GBW Standards Of Excellence Seminar (1997), Binders’ Guild NewsletterXXI–1 reprintXXXV:2A, 1 (2000)
Etherington, Don, binding pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 18 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Etherington, Don, interview with, XXVI:, 1–11 (Fall 1988)
Etherington, Don, Japanese Handmade Paper presented at the 17th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1997), Ann Arbor MI (1997), Binders’ Guild Newsletter XXI–2 reprint, XXXV:2A, 18 (2000)
Etherington, Don, Selected Repair of Joints and Bindings, XXX:1, 24–28 (Spring 1992)
Etherington, Don, Will the Real Otto Zahn Please Stand Up? XXXIII:1, 21–31 (Spring 1995)
Etherington, Donald, Conservation Uses of Japanese Paper presented at 17th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1997), Ann Arbor MI (1997), Binders’ Guild Newsletter XXI–2 reprint, XXXV:2A, 18 (2000)
Eucalyptus Press, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 35 (Fall 1995)
Evetts, Deborah M., Traditional Islamic Chevron Headband, XIX:, 30–36 (1980–81)
Evetts, Deborah, 1989 binding for 1974 Atlas of the American Revolution pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 19 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Evetts, Deborah, exhibition, 1973, XI:2, 21–23 (Winter 1972–3)
Evetts, Deborah, report on a trip to California, XVI: 35–36 (1977–78)
Evetts, Deborah, report on an informal evening with Roger Powell, XIV:3, 11–13 (Spring 1976)
Evetts, Deborah, report on the Designer Bookbinders exhibition at the Morgan Library, 1971, XIV:3, 4–5 (Spring 1976)
Evetts, Deborah, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 44, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Evrard, Sun, illustrations in The Simplified Binding, XXXIII:2, 5–10 (Fall 1994)
Exhibitions – GBW: BEAUTIFUL BOOKS– BEAUTIFUL BINDINGS, an exhibition of bindings by four GBW members, Watson Library, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, December 4, 1984–January 7, 1985, XXIII:, 5–18 -1985
Exhibitions – GBW: Bley, Nelly Monjardim, XIV:2, 27–28 (Winter 1975–6)
Exhibitions – GBW: Book Work: Diversity and Standards in the Modern Craft of Hand Bookbinding, an Educational Travelling Exhibit Produced by the Standards Committee, XXIV:1, 31–34 (Fall 1986)
Exhibitions – GBW: Brooks, Florence, XIII:1, 13–14 (Fall 1974)
Exhibitions – GBW: DaBoll, Raymond, XI:1, 18–19 (Fall 1972)
Exhibitions – GBW: Dallas Public Library, March 11– 24, 1963, report on exhibition, I:3, 11, 20–21 (Spring 1963)
Exhibitions – GBW: Donnell Library Center, advance notice of GBW exhibition, report of Exhibition Committee, III:3, 13 (Spring 1965)
Exhibitions – GBW: Donnell Library, New York Public Library, An Exhibition of hand bookbinding, case–making, restoration, calligraphy and illumination, and hand–decorated papers, Spring 1966, illustrated catalogue, IV:3
Exhibitions – GBW: Evetts, Deborah, XI:2, 21–23 (Winter 1972–3)
Exhibitions – GBW: Frost, Gary, XI:2, 23–25 (Winter 1972–3)
Exhibitions – GBW: General Theological Seminary, New York, February 1963, list of exhibitors and description of entries, 1:2, 6–13 (Winter 1963)
Exhibitions – GBW: General Theological Seminary, New York, February 1963, prefatory remarks, opening reception, report on exhibition, I:2, 3–5 (Winter 1963)
Exhibitions – GBW: Gerlach, Gerhard, X–1 Supplement; X:3:, 14 (see Chronology for Dates)
Exhibitions – GBW: Houghton–Mifflin Brasses, XII:3, 21–27 (Spring 1974)
Exhibitions – GBW: Hyltoft, Johannes, XII:1, 41–42 (Fall 1973)
Exhibitions – GBW: Kingsborough Community College of the City University of New York, Brooklyn, N.Y. Spring 1968, list of items exhibited, VI:3, 13–17 (Spring 1968)
Exhibitions – GBW: Komer, Carolyn, XV, 44–48 (1976–7)
Exhibitions – GBW: Kyle, Hedi, XV:, 48–51 (1976–7) Exhibitions – GBW: Lada–Mocarski, Polly, XIV:1, 27–29 (Fall 1975)
Exhibitions – GBW: Lauer, Annette J, XIII:3, 21–23 (Spring 1975)
Exhibitions – GBW: Lewisohn, Jeanne F, XIV:3, 47– 49 (Spring 1976)
Exhibitions – GBW: Lima, Lydia C. da Rocha, XIV:2, 27–28 (Winter 1975–6)
Exhibitions – GBW: Manola, Frances, XII:2, 15–17 (Winter 1974)
Exhibitions – GBW: members' exhibition, 1975, XIV:1, 16–18 (Fall 1975)
Exhibitions – GBW: Minsky, Richard, XI:1, 14–16 (Fall 1972)
Exhibitions – GBW: Museum West of The American Craftsmen's Council, San Francisco, June 28 – July 28, 1968, list of items exhibited, VI:3, 13–17 (Spring 1968)
Exhibitions – GBW: On Exhibition, philosophical discussion on Guild exhibitions, by Duncan Andrews, V:1, 26–27 (Fall 1966)
Exhibitions – GBW: Oriental Bindings Exhibition, XXI:2, 17 (Spring 1983)
Exhibitions – GBW: Patterson, Thomas W, X:3, 37–40 (Spring 1972)
Exhibitions – GBW: Pensky–Adam, Heinke, XI:2, 20– 21 (Winter 1972–3)
Exhibitions – GBW: photo of Explorations & Transformations by Laura Wait, held February 20 to May 3, 1998 at Regis University Dayton Memorial Library, Denver CO, XXXVI:2, front Cover (2001)
Exhibitions – GBW: Ploschek, Jacques, X:3, 40–41 (Spring 1972)
Exhibitions – GBW: Reynolds, Lloyd, XV:, 43–44 (1976–7)
Exhibitions – GBW: Roach, Mariana, XI:1, 16–18 (Fall 1972)
Exhibitions – GBW: rroposed plan for future exhibitions, I:3, 19–20 (Spring 1963)
Exhibitions – GBW: Russell, Nancy, XIV:1, 30 (Fall 1975)
Exhibitions – GBW: Salas, Maria, XIV:2, 27–28 (Winter 1975–6)
Exhibitions – GBW: San Francisco Contemporary Hand Bookbinders, report on exhibition held April 17 – May 12, 1967, V:3, 24–26 (Spring 1967)
Exhibitions – GBW: San Francisco Contemporary Hand Bookbinders, report on exhibition held April 17–May 12, 1967, V:3, 24–26 (Spring 1967)
Exhibitions – GBW: Second Exhibition of Members’ Bindings, The Lone Star Chapter of the Guild of Book Workers, Fort Worth, Houston, and Austin, July–December 1999, XXXV:2, (1999)
Exhibitions – GBW: Seventy–Fifth Anniversary Exhibition, 1981, XVII: 52 (1978–79)
Exhibitions – GBW: Simmons College, Boston, Mass. April 3–30, 1968, List of items exhibited, VI:3, 13–17 (Spring 1968)
Exhibitions – GBW: Storm Bindery, XII:1, 39–40 (Fall 1973)
Exhibitions – GBW: The Guild's Travelling Exhibition, A history of and comments on, editorial by Laura S. Young, IV:1, 4–10 (Fall 1965)
Exhibitions – GBW: the New England Chapter, XXI:1, 15–37 (Fall 1982)
Exhibitions – GBW: the New England Chapter; XXIII:, 25–48; XXI:1, 38–39; XXV:1, Insert (see Chronology for Dates)
Exhibitions – GBW: travelling exhibition sold to Yale University, IV:1, 3 (Fall 1965)
Exhibitions – GBW: travelling exhibition, plans for I:2, 15 (Winter 1963)
Exhibitions – GBW: travelling exhibition, reasons underlying decision to abandon the idea of a travelling exhibition by Guild members, II:2, 10–12 (Winter 1963–4)
Exhibitions – GBW: Ullman, Charlotte M, XIII:2, 27– 29 (Winter 1974–5)
Exhibitions – GBW: Weeks, Anna A, X:3, 41–42 (Spring 1972)
Exhibitions – GBW: Weil, Hope G, XIII:2, 25–27; XIV:1, 27–29 (see Chronology for Dates)
Exhibitions – GBW: Wick, Kathleen, XI:2, 18–19 (Winter 1972–3)
Exhibitions – General: 2,000 Years of Calligraphy, 3– part exhibition organized by the Baltimore Museum of Art, Peabody Institute Library and Walters Art Gallery, June 6 – July 18, 1965, Slide talk by Edward A. Karr, May 9, 1966, IV:3, 28–31 (Spring1966)
Exhibitions – General: A Guide to the Oriental Binding Exhibition, XXI:2, 18–37 (Spring 1983)
Exhibitions – General: Ancient & Modern HeraldryHammond Museum, North Salem, NY, 1970, IX:1, 11 (see Chronology for Dates)
Exhibitions – General: Art of the Book, Nantucket, XXI:1, 1–14 (Fall 1982)
Exhibitions – General: Book Arts in the Delaware Valley, An Exhibition at Swarthmore College, review by Michael Peich, XXI:1, 40–55 (Fall 1982)
Exhibitions – General: Book Work: Diversity and Standards in the Modern Craft of Hand Bookbinding, an Educational Travelling Exhibit Produced by the Standards Committee, review by Gary Frost, XXIV:1, 31–34 (Fall 1986)
Exhibitions – General: Bookbinding in America, 1680– 1910, review by Pamela Rash, XXII:1, 57–60 (Fall– Winter 1983)
Exhibitions – General: Books Alive, review by Nelly Balloffet, XXII:1, 63–64 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Exhibitions – General: Catherine Stanescu, XIII:3, 19– 21 (Spring 1975)
Exhibitions – General: Designer Bookbinders at Hatchards, 1970, IX:1, 9 (Fall 1970)
Exhibitions – General: French binding exhibition, advance review, Museum of Contemporary Crafts, New York, January–February 1964, II:1, 18–19 (Fall 1963)
Exhibitions – General: Gerard Charriere, Fine Art Bindings, XXI:1, 56–58 (Fall 1982)
Exhibitions – General: Gerard Charriere, XXII:1, 61– 62 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Exhibitions – General: Hand Bookbinding Today1978, XVI: 18–24; XVII: 38 (see Chronology for Dates)
Exhibitions – General: La Reliure Originale Francaise, Review of French binding exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Crafts, New York January–February 1964, By Frederick B. Adams, Jr, II:2, 6 (Winter 1963–4)
Exhibitions – General: Michael Wilcox Bindings, XXII:2, 20–23 (Spring–Summer 1984)
Exhibitions – General: One Cubic Foot by Norman B. Colp, XXII:1, 65 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Exhibitions – General: Oriental Binding Exhibition, XXI:2, 17 (Spring 1983)
Exhibitions – General: Papantonio Collection at the Morgan Library XI:2, 15–16 (Winter 1972–3)
Exhibitions – General: Sixteenth–Century Gold–Tooled BookbindingsMorgan Library, 1971, IX:3, 26 (Spring 1971)
Exhibitions – General: Spencer Collection at the New York Public Library, IX:3, 24–25 (Spring 1971)
Exhibitions – General: The Art of the Letter, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, 1970, IX:1, 11 (Fall 1970)
Exhibitions – General: The Book Thought Through: Small Press Comes of Age in America, Contemporary Handmade Books in Limited Edition, an Exhibition a the Thomas J. Watson Library, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, December 3–27, 1985, review by Graceanne A. DeCandido, XXIV:1, 35– 38 (Fall 1986)
Exhibitions – General: Women and the Book: Modern Bookbinders, Mills College, 1976 (Issue ?)
Exhibitions: Jean Grolier and his Times, The Grolier Club, III:3, 35 (Spring 1965)
Fache, Jules, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Fahey, (Edna) Peter & Herbert, Finishing in Hand Bookbinding reviewed, XIV:3, 26 (Spring 1976)
Fahey, (Edna) Peter, Belle McMurtry, XII:2, 9–12 (Winter 1974)
Fahey, (Edna) Peter, necrology & exhibition, XIII:1, 3–7 (Fall 1974)
Fahey, Edna Peter, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 44–46, Chart I, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Fahey, Herbert and Peter Fahey, binding for Two Years Before the Mast pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 27 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Fahey, Herbert, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 44–46, Teaching Genealogies 1, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Fahey, Peter, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 44, Chart I, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Fansler, Craig, Home Lab, LI: 49-54 (2022)
Fass, John S., XVIII:2, 45–53 (1979–80)
February 1964, by Frederick B. Adams, Jr., II:2, 3– 6 (Winter 1963–4)
Ferreira, Senhora Artemis Marques, Brazilian hand bookbinder, remarks about her work and items exhibited at the Guild's General Theological Seminary exhibition, February 1963, I:2, 3–4, 6–7 (Winter 1963)
Field Trips, See Programs
Filby, P. W., Modern calligraphy lecture, X:3, 42–46 (Spring 1972)
Filby, P. William, book review, Conservation of Library Materials A manual and bibliography on the care, repair and restoration of library materials, by George D.M. Cunha, VI:2, 22–23 (Winter 1967–8)
Filby, P., talk on calligraphy by Mr. Filby, Assistant Director of the Peabody Institute Library of Baltimore, November 8, 1963, II:1, 14–18 (Fall 1963)
Film, D'or et De ..., report on, V:1, 31–32 (Fall 1966)
Film, La Lettre, report on, V:1, 32–33 (Fall 1966)
Fine Print magazine, XIII:2, 23–24 (Winter 1974–5) 
Finishing: Finishing Tools and Their Makers, presentation by Tom Conroy at 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003), XL:1, 43 (Summer, 2005)
Finishing: Herbert & Peter Fahey, Finishing in Hand Bookbinding, San Francisco, 1951, I:2, 43–44 (Winter 1963)
Fisher, Maggie Magerstadt; See Rosner, Maggie Magerstadt
Fisk (or Fiske), Ella, bookbinder, XXVIII:1–2, 30 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Fiske, Ella, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 30, 46, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Flasch, Joan, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 46, Chart I, Chart IIa (Spring–Fall 1990)
Flood Reports. See Conservation – Case Studies Florence Walter Binding Studiodiscussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E.Berger, XXXIII:2, 36 (Fall 1995)
Foot, Mirjam M., English bookbinding lecture, XVI:1, 30–33 (1977–78)
Foote, Florence, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 46, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Foote, Florence, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 16 (Fall 1995)
Forwarding: The Logic and Techniques of German Bookbinding by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:1, 38– 55, illustrations (Spring 1991)
Forwarding: various stages (German style) pictured in The Logic and Techniques of German Bookbinding by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:1, 41, 42, 45, 46 (Spring 1991)
Foster, Benjamin R., The First Author, XLIV: 61-63 (2010-2011)
Fournier, Catharine, book review of Calligraphy and Handwriting in America, 1710–1962, II:1, 21–23 (Fall 1963)
Fournier, Catharine, report on Fritz Eberhardt's talk, January 22, 1963, I:2, 23–29 (Winter 1963)
Fournier, Catherine, Calligraphy for Guild brochure, X:3 Cover (Spring 1972)
Fox, Gabrielle and Stephen N. Joffe, Contemporary Bindings of Vesalius’ De Humani Corporis Fabrica, 1543 & 1555, XLVI: 23-32 (2018)
Fox, Gabrielle, Miniature Bindings, presentation at 20th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2000), XXXVIII:1, 70 (Fall 2003)
Franck, Peter, American Hand Binder, biography and profile, including bibliography, by Lucy Crump, III:1, 5–10 (Fall 1964)
Franck, Peter, letter thanking the Guild for publishing translation of his article on vellum binding in Vol, III:1, III:2, 38 (Winter 1964–65)
Franck, Peter, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 2, 25 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Franck, Peter, vellum binding, report on, translated from the German, III:1, 11–22 (Fall 1964)
Franke, T.A., Will the Real Otto Zahn Please Stand Up? by Don Etherington, XXXIII:1, 21 (Spring 1995)
Franklin, Colin, The Letters Of Anthony Gardner To Colin Franklin, presentation at 15th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1995), XXXIV:1, 7 (1998)
Frederich, Helene, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 7 (Spring 1995)
Free Library of Philadelphia, visit to, November 16, 1968, VII:1, 15–20 (Fall 1968)
Freeman, Sarah Jane, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 47, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Freeman, Vera, Handmade Paper –The State of the Art, XXII:2, 10–16 (Spring–Summer 1984)
Freitag, Doris, Conservation of library materials at Harvard University, XIV:1, 3–5 (Fall 1975)
French binding exhibition, advance review of exhibition to be held at Museum of Contemporary Crafts, New York, January–February 1964, I:1, 18– 19 (Fall 1962)
French binding exhibition, La Reliure Originale Francaise, review of exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Crafts, New York, January –
French Onlay Technique and Gilding by Tini Miura. XXIX:1, 33–37 (Spring 1991)
French Technique of Bookbinding by Monique Lallier, XXXIII:1, 16–20 (Spring 1995)
French, Hannah D., Bound in Boston by Henry B. Legg (early American bookbinder), reprint from “Studies in Bibliography, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia”, Vol. 17, IV:2, 17–23 (Winter 1966)
French, Hannah D., review of Bookbinding in Colonial Virginia, by C. Clement Samford and John M. Hemphill, VI:1, 12–14 (Fall 1967)
French, Hannah D., talk on early American bookbinding, at the Grolier Club, March 30, 1965, III:3, 25–28 (Spring 1965)
French, William H., necrology, IX:1, 29 (Fall 1970) Frewin, George, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 47, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Frick, Bertha Margaret, necrology, XIV:3, 50–51 (Spring 1976)
Frolich, Hans–Peter, 1990 binding for Erzahlungen  pictured in Eldridge, Betsy Palmer, The German Bookbinding Tradition, XXXIII:2, 48 (Fall 1995)
Frost, Gary, A contemporary approach to the craft of hand bookbinding, XIV:2:17–20 (Winter 1975–6)
Frost, Gary, bindings [blank models of historic structures] pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 6 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Frost, Gary, Book Work: Diversity and Standards in the Modern Craft of Hand Bookbinding, XXIV:1, 31–34 (Fall 1986)
Frost, Gary, Conservation Paper Cover and Case Construction Rebinding, XXII1: 29–38 (see Chronology for Dates)
Frost, Gary, Conservation standard rebinding of single books, XV:, 30–39 (1976–7)
Frost, Gary, exhibition, 1973, XI:2, 23–25 (Winter 1972–3)
Frost, Gary, Sewn Board Bookbinding More Than a Thousand Years Later, XLIV: 19-26 (2010-2011)
Frost, Gary, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 32, 47, Chart I, Chart Ia (Spring–Fall 1990)
G. B. W., see GBW
G.B.W., see GBW
Gallier, Louis, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Gallup, Donald, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 29 (Fall 1995)
Gardner, Anthony, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 7, 10–12 (Spring 1995)
Garlan, Bonnie. Peter Fisher: Archival Portfolio Books, XXIX:1, 16–26 (Spring 1991)
Gaskell, Philip, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 28, 29 (Fall 1995)
Gattringer, Christa, description of Marbled Magic: Making Decorated Paper, 25th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2005) presentation by Renate Mesmer, illustrations by Christa Gattringer and Peggy Skycraft, XLI:2, 18, (Fall, 2007)
GBW – Archives: XVI: 38 (1977–78)
GBW – Formation: November 14, 1906, I:3, 35 (Spring 1963)
GBW – Founders, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
GBW – Functions and Purposes, I:1, 6–8 (Fall 1962) GBW – History: I:1, 6 (Fall 1962)
GBW – History: XIV:3, 41–42 (Spring 1976)
GBW – Programs: A visit to the Beinecke Rare Book Library, Yale University, May 8, 1965, III:3, 29–35 (Spring 1965)
GBW – Programs: an evening at the Grolier Club, with talk by Leonard B. Schlosser on Books on the History of Papermaking, October 14, 1970, VIII:1, 19–23 (Fall 1969)
GBW – Programs: an informal visit to the studio of Mrs. Hope G. Weil, March 16, 1965, III:3, 21–24 (Spring 1965)
GBW – Programs: Book Design, talk by Marshall Lee talk, January 12, 1965, III:2, 20–32 (Winter 1964–65)
GBW – Programs: calligraphy slide talk by Edward A. Karr on 2,000 Years of Calligraphy, 3–part exhibition organized by the Baltimore Museum of Art, Peabody Institute Library and Walters Art Gallery, June 6 – July 18, 1965, Talk given May 9, 1966, IV:3, 28–31 (Spring1966)
GBW – Programs: Calligraphy, talk by P.W. Filby, Assistant Director of the Peabody Institute Library of Baltimore, November 8, 1963, II:1, 14–18 (Fall 1963)
GBW – Programs: Decorated Papers – a workshop demonstration, February 2, 1967, V:2, 16–20 (Winter 1966–7)
GBW – Programs: Diehl, Edith library collection, visit to home of Mary E. Greenfield to inspect the newly acquired collection, October 12, 1968, VII:1, 14–15 (Fall 1968)
GBW – Programs: Early American Bookbinding, Talk by Hannah D. French, at the Grolier Club, March 30, 1965, By Robert P. Melton, III:3, 25–28 (Spring 1965)
GBW – Programs: Eberhardt, Fritz, talk on lettering and bookbinding, January 22, 1963, I:2, 23–29(Winter 1963)
GBW – Programs: end papers and headbands, report on workshop on January 25, 1966, IV:2, 36–40 (Winter 1966)
GBW – Programs: End Papers and Headbands, report on workshop on, January 25, 1966, IV:2, 36–40 (Winter 1966)
GBW – Programs: Experiences at the Biblioteca Nazionale in Florence, Illustrated talk by Richard F. Young, Bookbinder and Restorer for the Rare Book Division of the Library of Congress, April 4, 1968, VI:3, 21–25 (Spring 1968)
GBW – Programs: Free Library of Philadelphia, visit to, November 16, 1968, VII:1, 15–20 (Fall 1968)
GBW – Programs: French, Hannah D., talk on early American bookbinding, at the Grolier Club, March 30, 1965, By Robert P. Melton, III:3, 25–28 (Spring 1965)
GBW – Programs: Greenfield, Mary, visit to home of, to inspect the newly acquired Edith Diehl library– collection, October 12, 1968, VII:1, 14–15 (Fall 1968)
GBW – Programs: Grolier Club visit on October 23, 1962, Report of Program Committee, I:1, 17–18 (Fall 1962)
GBW – Programs: Grolier Club, visit to see exhibition Jean Grolier and his Times, May 27, 1965, III:3, 35 (Spring 1965)
GBW – Programs: Grolier's Binders, lecture by Howard Nixon of the British Museum, held at the Morgan Library, New York, March 24, 1966, IV:3, 25–28 (Spring1966)
GBW – Programs: H. Wolff Book Manufacturing Co., visit on December 1962, I:2, 20–23 (Winter 1963)
GBW – Programs: H.P. Kraus, New York, internationally famous rare book dealer, visit to the quarters of, March 26, 1970, VIII:2, 34–36 (Winter 1970)
GBW – Programs: Hispanic Society of America, visit on November 13, 1965, IV:1, 20–24 (Fall 1965)
GBW – Programs: Horton, Carolyn, Florence as viewed by, May 9, 1967, V:2, 20 (Winter 1966–7)
GBW – Programs: Howell, Douglass, visit to handmade paper workshop and laboratory of, March 21, 1964, II:3, 26–28 (Spring 1964)
GBW – Programs: Inez Pennybacker, visit to bindery of, October 13, 1962, report of the Program Committee, I:1, 15–17 (Fall 1962)
GBW – Programs: Leather, March 28, 1963, Review includes bibliography, I:3, 22–28 (Spring 1963)
GBW – Programs: Lettering and Bookbinding, Talk by Fritz Eberhardt, January 22, 1963, I:2, 23–29 (Winter 1963)
GBW – Programs: Marshall Lee, Marshall, talk on book design, January 12, 1965, III:2, 20–32 (Winter 1964–65)
GBW – Programs: Metropolitan Museum of Art, visit to the Paper Conservation Laboratory of, March 12, 1968, VI:2, 16–19 (Winter 1967–8)
GBW – Programs: New York Public Library, visit to view selections from the Rare Book Division and the Spencer Collection, February 26, 1963, I:2, 29–33 (Winter 1963)
GBW – Programs: Nixon, Howard, lecture on Grolier's Binders, held at the Morgan Library, New York, March 24, 1966, IV:3, 25–28 (Spring1966)
GBW – Programs: Peter Waters' talk at the Morgan Library,  In Search of a New Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration, Sponsored by the Guild, February 27, 1969, VII:2, 11–21 (Winter 1968–9)
GBW – Programs: Powell, Roger, talk on the repair of early manuscripts of English and Irish origin, May 14, 1964, II:3, 32–35 (Spring 1964)
GBW – Programs: Princeton University Library, visit to, February 15, 1964, II:2, 21–23 (Winter 1963–4)
GBW – Programs: program on leather, March 28, 1963, review includes bibliography, I:3, 22–28 (Spring 1963)
GBW – Programs: Repair of Early Manuscripts of English and Irish Origin, talk on, by Roger Powell, May 14, 1964, II:3, 32–35 (Spring 1964)
GBW – Programs: Richard F. Young, Richard F. (bookbinder and Restorer for the Rare Book Division of the Library of Congress), illustrated talk on Experiences at the Biblioteca Nazionale in Florence, April 4, 1968, VI:3, 21–25 (Spring 1968)
GBW – Programs: Schlosser, Leonard B., talk on Books on the History of Papermaking, at the Grolier Club, October 14, 1970, VIII:1, 19–23 (Fall 1969)
GBW – Programs: Some Technical Problems of Book Conservationtalk by Peter Waters at the Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine Arts of New York University, February 1969, VII:2, 21–39 (Winter 1968–9)
GBW – Programs: Strathmore Paper Company, Woronoco, Mass., visit to, April 27, 1968, VI:3, 25–26 (Spring 1968)
GBW – Programs: The Guild is Grateful, editorial on programs 1950–1963 by Laura S. Young, I:2, 14–15 (Winter 1963)
GBW – Programs: two French films, D’or et De... (on gold tooling) and La Lettre (on lettering), shown November 1, 1966, V:1, 31–33 (Fall 1966)
GBW – Programs: visit to bindery of Mrs. Inez Pennybacker, October 13, 1962, report of the Program Committee, I:1, 15–17 (Fall 1962)
GBW – Programs: visit to Douglass Howell's handmade paper workshop and laboratory, March 21, 1964, II:3, 26–28 (Spring 1964)
GBW – Programs: visit to H. Wolff Book Manufacturing Co., December 1962, I:2, 20–23 (Winter 1963)
GBW – Programs: visit to home of Mary E. Greenfield to inspect the newly acquired Edith Diehl library– collection, October 12, 1968, VII:1, 14–15 (Fall 1968)
GBW – Programs: visit to the bindery at the Craft Students League, January 26, 1965, III:2, 32–33 (Winter 1964–65)
GBW – Programs: visit to the Free Library of Philadelphia, November 16, 1968, VII:1, 15–20 (Fall 1968)
GBW – Programs: visit to the Grolier Club to see exhibition Jean Grolier and his Times, May 27, 1965, III:3, 35 (Spring 1965)
GBW – Programs: visit to the Grolier Club, October 23, 1962, Report of Program Committee, I:1, 17–18 (Fall 1962)
GBW – Programs: visit to the Hispanic Society of America, November 13, 1965, IV:1, 20–24 (Fall 1965)
GBW – Programs: visit to the Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection, April 18, 1964, II:3, 28–32 (Spring 1964)
GBW – Programs: visit to the Meriden Gravure Company, Meriden, Conn., May 25, 1968, VI:3, 26–30 (Spring 1968)
GBW – Programs: visit to the Morgan Library, January 18, 1968, VI:3, 18–20 (Spring 1968)
GBW – Programs: visit to the Paper Conservation Laboratory, Metropolitan Museum of Art, March 12, 1968, VI:2, 16–19 (Winter 1967–8)
GBW – Programs: visit to the quarters of H.P. Kraus, New Yorkinternationally famous rare book dealer, March 26, 1970, VIII:2, 34–36 (Winter 1970)
GBW – Programs: visit to the Strathmore Paper Company, Woronoco, Mass., April 27, 1968, VI:3, 25–26 (Spring 1968)
GBW – Programs: Waters, Peter, talk at the Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine Arts of New York University, Some Technical Problems of Book Conservation, February 1969, VII:2, 21–39(Winter 1968–9)
GBW – Programs: Weil, Mrs. Hope G., informal visit to the studio of, March 16, 1965, III:3, 21–24 (Spring 1965)
GBW – Programs: Young, Laura S., The Guild is Grateful, editorial on programs 1950–1963, I:2, 14– 15 (Winter 1963)
GBW – Regional activities: Boston area, report on binding and calligraphy activities in the area, including GBW members' activities, library programs, commercial binderies, instruction available, related organizations, IV:2, 3–16 (Winter 1966)
GBW – Regional activities: San Francisco, Report on exhibition of the San Francisco Contemporary Hand Bookbinders, April 17–May 12, 1967, V:3, 24–26 (Spring 1967)
GBW – Reports on members' travels abroad: Burnham, Jean, A Visit to England, V:1, 3–5 (Fall 1966)
GBW – Reports on members' travels abroad: Cunha, George M., Captain and Mrs. Cunha on a Busman's Holiday, III:2, 6–8 (Winter 1964–65)
GBW – Reports on members' travels abroad: Edelman, Hilda,  The House of the Book (La Casa del Libro), Puerto Rico, VI:1, 9–10 (Fall 1967)
GBW – Reports on members' travels abroad: Goodwin, Harold, Bookbinding in London, Summer 1965, A Student's Impressions, IV:1, 18–20 (Fall 1965)
GBW – Reports on members' travels abroad: Lada– Mocarski, Polly, The Bavarian State Library in Munich, III:3, 18–22 (Spring 1965)
GBW – Reports on members' travels abroad: Lecky, Margaret, Some Binders and Binderies Abroad, III:2, 8–14 (Winter 1964–65)
GBW – Reports on members' travels abroad: Meyer, Rosalind, Volunteer Worker at the Biblioteca Nazionale in Florence, VI:1, 6–9 (Fall 1967)
GBW – Reports on members' travels abroad: Olmsted, Duncan, An Opera Tour with Bookbinding Overtones, Includes reports on U.S. phases of his travels, V:1, 6–7 (Fall 1966)
GBW – Reports on members' travels abroad: Patri, Stella, The Mending Program in Florence. VI:1, 22–24 (Fall 1967)
GBW – Reports on members' travels abroad: Popenoe, Edwin A., A Visit to the Bibliotheque Nationale and the Musee Conde, IV:1, 17 (Fall 1965)
GBW – Reports on members' travels abroad: Stein, Ruth, Volunteer Worker at the Biblioteca Nazionale in Florence, VI:1, 3–6 (Fall 1967)
GBW – Reports on members' travels abroad: Ulman, Charlotte, My Trip Abroad, report of three months spent in France and England studying bookbinding under a fellowship grant from The Ford Foundation, II:1, 8–13 (Fall 1963)
GBW early members and French training, XXVII: 25– 29 (Spring–Fall 1990)
GBW Journal: back issues, notice re, II:3, 25 (Spring 1964)
GBW Journal: future plans, I:1, 4 (Fall 1962) GBW Journal: history of, I:1, 3–4 (Fall 1962)
GBW Library: holdings, M–Z., including brief book reviews, I:3, 29–34 (Spring 1963)
GBW Programs: French binding exhibition, special Guild meeting at the Museum of Contemporary Crafts, New York, to view the exhibition La Reliure Originale Francaise, February 20, 1964, II:2, 6–7 (Winter 1963–4)
GBW Reports on members' travels abroad: Adams, Harriet Dyer, When a 'B–A, L' Goes to Europe to Enjoy Bookish Matters, III:2, 3–5 (Winter 1964–65) Reports on members' travels abroad: Andrews, Duncan, Footloose and Bookish in the British–Isles, IV:1, 14–16 (Fall 1965)
Gehl, Paul F. and Elizabeth Zurawski, Incunables Bound by Elizabeth Kner: The 1950–1951 Project for the Newberry, XXXI:1–2, 1–35 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Geigel, Wilfredo A., The Pilgrimage: Journey to a World of Books in Spain, XLIII: 33-44 (2009)
General Theological Seminary, Guild exhibition, New York, February 1963, I:2, 3–13 (Winter 1963)
Gentry, Helen, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 34 (Fall 1995)
Georges Leroux, An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, 50–53 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Geraty. Peter, 24th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2004), Edge Decoration Techniques, presentation, text, and illustrations by the author, edited by Dorothy Africa, XLI:1, 55 (Summer, 2006)
Gerlach, Gerhard, binding in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 7 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Gerlach, Gerhard, memorial exhibition catalogue, X–1 Supplement; X:3, 14 (see Chronology for Dates)
Gerlach, Gerhard, necrology, includes photographs of four of Mr. Gerlach's bindings, By Laura S. Young, VII:1, 3–12ff (Fall 1968)
Gerlach, Gerhard, photograph, Cover, VII:1 (Fall 1968)
Gerlach, Gerhard, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 47, Chart I, Chart III, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Gerlach, Gerhard, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 9 (Spring 1995)
Gerlach, Kathryn Edwards, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 47, Chart I, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
German Bookbinding Tradition, by Betsy Palmer Eldridge, XXXIII:2, 45–56 (Fall 1995)
German influence on American Hand Binding, XXVIII:1– 2, XXVII: 3–12 (see Chronology for Dates)
German Style Bindings: pictured and illustrated throughout The Logic and Techniques of German Bookbinding by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:1, 38–55 (Spring 1991)
German Style Bindings: pictured throughout:, The German Bookbinding Tradition by Betsy Palmer Eldridge, XXXIII:2, 46–56 (Fall 1995)
Getting the Look, Paste Papers presentation by Claire Maziarczyk at 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003), article by Clair Maziarczyk and Margaret Johnson, XL:1, 6 (Summer, 2005)
Gilbert, Paul, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 9 (Fall 1995)
Gilding, see also Gold
Gilding: at S.S.I. Summer School, IX:2, 18 (Winter 1971)
Gilding: bibliography, XXXIX:2, 23 (Fall 2004) Gilding: book review, Gilding and the Making of a Gold Leaf, Richard H. Barnes, pub., Philadelphia, 1962, I:1, 14–15 (Fall 1962)
Gilding: French Onlay Technique and Gilding by Tini Miura, XXIX:1, 33–37 (Spring 1991)
Ginsberg, Tatiana, Paper Images for Paper Books: Digitally Cut Illustrations from Handmade Paper in Artists’ Books, XLIV: 77-83 (2010-2011)
Glair: report of GBW Supply Committee, II:2, 28–29 (Winter 1963–4)
Glaister, Don, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 47, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Glaister, Donald, Gold Tooling presented at the 17th Standards of Excellence Seminar, Ann Arbor MI (1997), Binders’ Guild Newsletter XXI–2 reprint, XXXV:2A, 18 (2000)
Gluing–Up and Rounding and Backing in A Textbook for Rebinding Rare Books Based on a New Technical Principle by Alfred Launder, Chapter 3, XXXVI:1, 43 (2000)
Gold in illumination, XII:3, 28–31 (Spring 1974) Gold leaf: bibliography, XII:1, 6–10 (Fall 1973)
Gold leaf: Gilding and the Making of Gold Leaf, Richard H. Barnes, pub., Philadelphia, 1962, I:1, 14–15 (Fall 1962)
Gold stamping: Hot (gold) stamping, by Ernest Schaefer, Jr., excerpts from a lecture given by Mr. Schaefer, date unknown, VIII:1, 27–32 (Fall 1969)
Gold Tooling by Donald Glaister, presented at 17th Standards of Excellence Seminar, Ann Arbor MI (1997); Binders’ Guild Newsletter XXI–6 reprint, XXXV:2A, 62 (2000)
Gold tooling exhibition, XIV:1, 27–29 (Fall 1975) 
Gold tooling: review of French film D'or et De ..., shown as part of program on November 1, 1966, V:1, 31–32 (Fall 1966)
Gold–beating: Illustrated, Cover, I:1 (Fall 1962) Goldschmidt, Lucien, exhibition at his bookshop, XI:1, 12–14 (Fall 1972)
Gold: XVIII:2, 7–20; XXII:1, 19; XXII:2, 21 (see Chronology for Dates)
Goodman, Linda, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 36 (Fall 1995)
Goodwin, Harold, article, Bookbinding in London, Summer 1965 – A Student's Impressions, IV:1, 18–20 (Fall 1965)
Gori, , The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII, I, 12 (Spring 1995)
Gottlieb, Jean S., Apprenticeship in Craft, (book review), XX:, 37 (1981–82)
Goudy, Frederic, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 35 (Fall 1995)
Goudy, Frederic, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 10 (Fall 1995)
Gould, Amanda, Laura Hashimoto, and Natasa Krsmanovic, Washi in the West–Part One, Washi Words: Japanese Paper Terminology in Western Conservation Practices, LIII: 39-67 (2024)
Gourley, Paula M., The Hand Bookbinding Program at the University of Alabama, XXV:1, 7–12 (Fall 1987)
Gourley, Paula Marie, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 31, 3K, 47, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Gourly, Paula Marie, True Grit: Hosting The 15th Annual Standards Of Excellence In Tuscaloosa AL, 1995, presentation at 15th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1995), XXXIV:1, 1 (1998)
Grandinette, Maria, A Bookworkers Guide to Forming a Regional Chapter: Suggestions Based on the Midwest Experience, XXV:1, 3–6 (Fall 1987)
Grandinette, Maria, paste paper sample, XVIII: 32 (1979–80)
Grange, Chaumiere, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII, l, 10 (Spring 1995)
Gras, Madeleine, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 25 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Green, Anne Catharine, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 1 (Fall 1995)
Green, Harry, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 48 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Green, Roger, Tooling with Foils, an Alternative Approach, LI: 7-18 (2022)
Greenfield, Jane, binding for 1502 Missal pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 7 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Greenfield, Jane, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 48 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Greenfield, Jane, The Anatomy of a Dated Boston Binding: Jonathan Edwards' Religious Affections, XXIV:2, 21–30 (Spring 1987)
Greenfield, Mary E., Exhibition Bonus at the Yale Conservation Studio, 1975, XIII:3, 18 (Spring 1975)
Greenfield, Mary E., Mylar Envelopes, XI:3, 23–27 (Spring 1973)
Greenfield, Mary E., report on technique to make batik papers, V:2, 17–18 (Winter 1966–7)
Greenfield, Mary E., The Bound Codex, XVII, 25 (1978– 79)
Griffith, Edith, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 8 (Fall 1995)
Grolier Club, visit to the Grolier Club, October 23, 1962, report of Program Committee, I:1, 17–18 (Fall 1962)
Grolier, Jean: Grolier's Binders, lecture by Howard Nixon of the British Museum, held at the Morgan Library, New York, March 24, 1966, IV:3, 25–28 (Spring1966)
Grolier, Jean: visit to the Grolier Club to see exhibitions Jean Grolier and his Times, May 27, 1965, III:3, 35 (Spring 1965)
Gruel, Leon, Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered by Joseph Newman, XXXIIl, 1, 50 (Spring 1995)
Gruel, Leon, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Grund, Clair, description of Half–leather Trade Binding, presentation by Mark Andersson at 24th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2004), XLI:1, 21 (Summer, 2006)
Gryko, Martyna, Reflections, a Series of Interviews Documenting the Voices of Book Art and Craft Practitioners, Students, and Educators, LI: 85-118 (2022). Jeff Altepeter, Laura Beyer, Sarah Bryant, Erin Fletcher, Mitchel Gundrum, andrew Huot, and Aimee Lee
Guild Of Book Workers 1996: Vital At Ninety by Priscilla A. Spitler, edited by Kimberly A. LoDico, XXXV:1, 1 (1998)
Guild of Book Workers, see also GBW
Guild of Book Workers: 75th Anniversary by W. Thomas Taylor, XIX:, 1–9 (1980–81)
Guild of Book Workers: Celebrating Eighty Years by J. Franklin Mowery, XXV:1, 1 (Fall 1987)
Guild of Book Workers: What does the future hold?, from President's Annual Report, III:3, 6–8 (Spring 1965)
Guild Of Women Binders: Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered by Joseph Newman, XXXIII:1, 32 (Spring 1995)
Guild Of Women Binders: Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 10 (Fall 1995)
Gunner, Jean, binding pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 19: (Spring–Fall 1990)
Gunner, Jean, Conservation of library materials at the Hunt Institute, XIV:1, 6–8 (Fall 1975)
Gunner, Jean, exhibition, XI:3, 14–15 (Spring 1973) 
Gunner, Jean, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 48, Chart (Spring–Fall 1990)
Gunner, Jean, Thomas Wightman Patterson, XI:1, 3 (Fall 1972)
Guyot, Don A., Marbled Paper, XVIII:1, 33 (1979–80)
Guyot, Don A., The Conservation Internship at the Folger Library: A Personal Note, XXV:1, 13–18 (Fall 1987)
Guyot, Don A., Turkish Paper–Marbling, XVIII:1, 1–17 (1979–80)
Guyot, Don, workshop, XVII: 55 (1978–79)
H. Wolff Book Manufacturing Co., visit to, December 1962, I:2, 20–23 (Winter 1963)
Haines, Sara, Elaine Koretsky and the Carriage House Handmade Paper Works, XIV:2, 13–17 (Winter 1975–6)
Half–leather Trade Binding, 24th presentation by Mark Andersson at 24th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2004), XLI:1, 12 (Summer, 2006)
Hall, Robert C., discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 30 (Fall 1995)
Hammer, Carolyn, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 29, 32, 33, 34 (Fall 1995)
Hammer, Jacob, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 33 (Fall 1995)
Hammer, Victor, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 32–34 (Fall 1995)
Hampstead Bindery, Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered by Joseph Newman, XXXIII:1, 32 (Spring 1995)
Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 13,
Hand Bookbinders of California, exhibition, XVI: 18– 23 (1977–78)
Hand Bookbinders of California, founding, X:3, 18; XI:1, 22–23; XII:2, 3–6; XVI: 1–5 (see Chronology for Dates)
Hand Bookbinders of California, meetings, XI:1, 22– 24; XII:1, 42–43 (see Chronology for Dates)
Hand Bookbinders of California, structure, XVI:1, 6–9 (1977–78)
Hanford, Helen G., Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 48, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Harcourt Bindery of Boston brass plate dies, XIV:2, 9– 13 (Winter 1975–6)
Harcourt Bindery, founded around 1900, XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Harcourt Bindery, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 31, 32, 44 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Hardware: pictured and illustrated throughout: Mowrey, J. Franklin, Clasps, Schliessen, Clausuren, A Guide to the Manufacture and the Literature of Clasps, XXIX:2, 1–58 (Fall 1991)
Harlow, Terry, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Harrison, Thomas, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 45 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center (Austin, TX), nineteenth century photograph album collection, survey and conservation, presentation by Olivia Primanis at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002), XXXIX:2, 24 (Fall 2004)
Hartley Burr Alexander Press, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 34 (Fall 1995)
Harvard University, conservation at, XIV:1, 3–5 (Fall 1975)
Hatchards, London exhibition at, IX:1, 9 (Fall 1970) Hathaway, E.P., Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Hauser, Robert, Decorative Papers for The Fine Printer, XVIII:1, 39–46 (1979–80)
Hazards: vapors, XI:2, 3–9 (Winter 1972–3)
Headbanding, Back Preparation in A Textbook for Rebinding Rare Books Based on a New Technical Principle by Alfred Launder, Chapter 5, Hollow Forming, Etc., XXXVI:1, 53 + illus. (2000)
Headbands: Headbands, How to Work Them, book review, XXIV:2, 54–55 (Spring 1987)
Headbands: report on workshop on end papers and headbands, January 25, 1966, IV:2, 36–40 (Winter 1966)
Headbands: Traditional Islamic Chevron Headband by Deborah M. Evetts, XIX:, 30–36 (1980–81)
Heckscher, August, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 34 (Fall 1995)
Heim, Edwin Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 31 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Heraldry exhibition, Ancient & Modern Heraldry, IX:1, 11–12 (Fall 1970)
Heraldry, course in calligraphic heraldry, IX:2, 14–19 (Winter 1971)
Herrick, Anson, necrology, IX:1, 30 (Fall 1970)
Herrick, Gale, & Milono, Germano, Japan's unique attraction for the binder, IX:2, 3–10 (Winter 1971)
Herrick, Gale, and Hand Bookbinders of California, XI:1, 22–24; XII:1, 42–43; XII:2, 3–6; XVI: 1–5, 6–9 (see Chronology for Dates)
Hiller, Barbara Fallon, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 48, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Hispanic Society of America, review of the Society's history and purposes, IV:1, 24–25 (Fall 1965)
Hispanic Society of America, visit to, November 13, 1965, IV:1, 20–24 (Fall 1965)
Historical notes, XIV:2, 3–8 (Winter 1975–6)
History, Madison, Wisconsin, II:2, 30 (Winter 1963–4) Hofer, Ursula, This Isn't a Business, It's a Lifestyle,XXV:1, 19–21 (Fall 1987)
Hofstra University Library, dedication, report on Guild's participation in, by a working demonstration of binding and calligraphy, May 6, 1967, V:2, 12–14 (Winter 1966–7)
Hofstra University Library, GBW participates in dedication by a working demonstration of binding and calligraphy, May 6 1967, V:2, 12–14 (Winter1966–7)
Holden, Octavia, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 25, 44, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Honn, Tracy and Katie Garth, Making the Quarantine Public Library, LI: 69-79 (2022)
Hooker, John Daggett, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 13 (Fall 1995)
Hooker, Katharine Putnam, pictured in Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 14, 15 (Fall 1995)
Hooker, Katharine, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 1–27 (Fall 1995)
Hooley, Bessie, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 1 (Fall 1995)
Hoopts, Arthur, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 48, Chart Ia (Spring–Fall 1990)
Hornby, St. John, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 14 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Horowitz, A., & Son Bindery, visit to, XVI: 25–26 (1977–78)
Horton, Carolyn, article, Saving the Libraries of Florence, Reprinted from the Wilson Library Bulletin, June 1967, V:2, 1–9 (Winter 1966–7)
Horton, Carolyn, article, The Restoration of the Salisbury Bible, IV:2, 24–27 (Winter 1966)
Horton, Carolyn, bookbinding background, XXVIII:1–2, 30 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Horton, Carolyn, Cleaning and Preserving Bindings and Related Materials, Library Technology Program, American Library Association, Chicago, Rev. 1969, VIII:1, 17 (Fall 1969)
Horton, Carolyn, Conservation problems of Audubon's Birds of America, XV:, 16–29, 43 (1976–7)
Horton, Carolyn, talk on Florence as viewed by... May 9, 1967, V:2, 20 (Winter 1966–7)
Horton, Carolyn, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 30, 48–49, Chart I, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Horton, Richard W. Photo Album Structures: 1850–1960, XXXII:1, 32–43 (Spring 1994)
Houghton–Mifflin brasses, exhibition of, XII:3, 21–27 (Spring 1974)
Houlihan, Philomena C., necrology on Samuel W. Webb, III:1, 39 (Fall 1964)
Howell, Douglas, visit to his handmade paper workshop and laboratory, March 21, 1964, II:3, 26–28 (Spring 1964)
Hoy, Brian, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 39 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Huber, George, Three Recent Books on Paper Marbling, XXII:1, 46–52 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Huebsch, Rand, Accordion and Tunnel Books: Twenty Years of Exploration, XLIII: 81-88 (2009)
Hugues, Jean, Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, 51 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Hunt, Rachel McMasters Miller, necrology, I:2, 50–51 (Winter 1963)
Hunter, Constance, 1989 binding for 1981 The Fire of the Dragon Yudur pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 28 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Hunter, Constance, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 49, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Hunter, Dard (Jr.), discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 34 (Fall 1995)
Huntington Library bindery, X:2, 13–14 (Winter 1971–2)
Hyltoft, Johannes, exhibition of, XII:1, 41–42 (Fall 1973)
I.I.C.: International Institute of Conservators International Institute of Conservators, American Group conference, 1972, X:3, 48 (Spring 1972)
Illumination: Creation of an Illuminated Page on Vellum, presentation by Dennis Ruud at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002), article by Nancy Ruth Leavitt, XXXIX:2, 11 (Fall 2004)
Illustration: a Parks Williamsburg binding. (1736), Cover VI:1 (Fall 1967)
Illustration: American Institute of Graphic Arts – Guild of Book Workers headquarters, Cover, I:3 (Spring 1963)
Illustration: Barton, Carol, Home Dreams, 1997, accordion book with pop–ups, laser printing, 6 in. high x 4 in. wide x 44 in. long extended, XXXVII:1, front Cover (2002)
Illustration: binding of a Missal printed in Ludguny (Lyons) by Phillibertus Rolletius in 1551, Cover, IV:1 (Fall 1965)
Illustration: book press, V:1 Cover (Fall 1966) Illustration: Charlotte M. Ullman, II:1, Cover (Fall 1963)
Illustration: Donnell Library, New York, view of entrance and exhibition cases, Guild exhibition, Spring 1966, Cover, IV:3 (Spring1966)
Illustration: Embossing Press, No. 2, reproduced from James B. Nicholson, Art of Bookbinding, Philadelphia, 1859, Cover, VIII:1 (Fall 1969)
Illustration: four bindings by Gerhard Gerlach, VII:1, 12ff (Fall 1968)
Illustration: Gerhard Gerlach, VII:1, Cover (Fall 1968) Illustration: gold–beating by hand, I:1, Cover (Fall 1962)
Illustration: Guild traveling exhibition, showing a book in various stages of the binding process, II:2, Cover (Winter 1963–4)
Illustration: Mrs. Otti von Wassilko, binding by, I:2, Cover (Winter 1963)
Illustration: Peter Franck, III:1, Cover (Fall 1964) Illustration: Peter Waters, VII:2, Cover (Winter 1968–9)
Illustration: photographs of conservation work done in restoring the first edition of Melville's The Whale, from article by Paul N. Banks, VII:3, 15–22 (Spring 1969)
Illustration: printed paste paper from the Rosamond B. Loring collection, Harvard College Library, VI:2, Cover (Winter 1967–8)
Illustration: Roger Powell, II:3, Cover (Spring 1964) Illustration: Salisbury Bible, bound in Boston by Henry B. Legg ca. 1799, IV:2 , Cover (Winter 1966)
Illustration: scene outside Uffizi Palace, Florence, V:2, Cover (Winter 1966–7)
Illustration: Sewer at Work, reproduced from Bookbinding for Amateurs by W.J.E. Crane, ca., 1899, VII:3, Cover (Spring 1969)
Illustration: Strathmore Paper Company, Woronoco, Massachusetts, VI:3, Cover (Spring 1968)
Illustration: the Brady & Tate Psalm Book, an early American binding, printed in 1770, bound and presented to Harvard by bookbinder Andrew Barclay, III:3, Cover (Spring 1965)
Illustration: the Brady & Tate Psalm Book, description of binding, III:3, 28 (Spring 1965)
Illustration: woodcut showing 16th century binders at work, reproduced from Schopper, Hartman, Pano lia Omnium Illiberalium Mechanicarum aut Sedentiarum Artium enera ontinens...etc., Frankfurt–am–Main, 1568, VIII:2, Cover (Winter 1970)
Imai, Kiyoshi, Japanese Pouch/Four Hole Binding (Fukuro togi) at 24th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2004); article by Cara Schlesinger, illustrations by Kiyoshi Imai, XLI:1, 36 (Summer, 2006)
Incorporating 3–Dimensional Objects Into Cover Design, presentation by Tini Miura at 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003), article by Constance Wozny and Sabina Nies, illustrations by Sabina Nies, XL:1, 13 (Summer, 2005)
Incunable bindings: Zurawski, Elizabeth and Paul F. Gehl.  Incunables Bound by Elizabeth Kner: The 1950– 1951 Project for the Newberry, XXXI:1–2, 1–35 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Incunables Bound by Elizabeth Kner: The 1950–1951 Project for the Newberry by Paul F. Gehl and Elizabeth Zurawski, XXXI:1–2, 1–35 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Indictor, N., W.H. Phelan, and N.S. Baer, An Evaluation of Adhesives for Use in Paper Conservation, XIV:3, 17–35 (Spring 1976)
Ing, Janet, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 36 (Fall 1995)
Ingle, Eliza, necrology, VI:2, 27 (Winter 1967–8) Ingle, Eliza, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand
Ingram, Virginia, report on course, Conservation of Research Library Materials, XIV:3, 6–7 (Spring 1976)
Inks: XVIII:1, 6–7, XXIV–2: 23 (see Chronology for Dates)
Institute For The Pathology Of The Book, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 7 (Spring 1995)
Institute Library; Italimuse; Inc., Caledonia, N.Y., 1963; I:2, 40; II:1, 21–23 (see Chronology for Dates) 
Introduction to Adhesives, presentation by Karen Zukor at 20th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2000), XXXVIII:1, 86 (Fall 2003)
Introduction to an oral history of Fritz and Trudi Eberhardt, XXXVII:2, 5 (Fall 2002)
Introduction to the Artist (Laura Wait) by Jane Dalrymple–Hollo, XXXVI:2, 1 (2001)
Islamic Binding, Illustrated in Clasps, Schliessen, Clausuren; A Guide to the Manufacture and the Literature of Clasps by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:2, 11 (Fall 1991)
Jacobi, Nancy and Don Etherington, Japanese Papers – Identifying & Using, presented at 17th GBW Standards Of Excellence Seminar (1997), Binders’ Guild NewsletterXXI–1 reprintXXXV:2A, 1 (2000)
Jacobi, Nancy, Chiyogami and Katazome-shi: The Hand-printed Papers of Japan, XLV: 31-41 (2012)
Jacobs, Louis, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 25, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Jaegle, Martin, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 31 (Spring–Fall 1990)
James, Louise Russell, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 49, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
James, Louise Russell, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 11–13 (Spring 1995)
Janes, Mary L., exhibition of, XI:3, 15–17 (Spring 1973)
Janes, Mary L., Italic Handwriting in Elementary Grades, V:3, 21–23 (Spring 1967)
Janes, Mary L., Italic Writing: Thicks and Thins Versus the Hairline, IX:1, 26–29 (Fall 1970)
Japanese Handmade Paper by Nancy Jacobi, presented at 17th Standards of Excellence Seminar, Ann Arbor MI (1997), Binders‟ Guild Newsletter XXI–1 reprint, XXXV:2A, 1 (2000)
Japanese Pouch/Four Hole Binding (Fukuro togi), presentation by Kiyoshi Imai at 24th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2004), XLI:1, 36 (Summer, 2006)
Jarry, Alfred, Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, 50 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Jochem, Eberhard, Binding for Niederlandische Madonnen pictured in Eldridge, Betsy Palmer, The German Bookbinding Tradition, XXXIII:2, 52 (Fall 1995)
Jochym, Caitlin, Magnetic Charm: Constructing a Three Piece Collapsible Book Cradle, LII; 59-64 (2023)
Johnson, Arthur, 1972 binding for 1968 Aesop's Fables pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 20 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Johnson, Arthur, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 49, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Johnson, C. Vernon, report of Exhibition Committee on the Guild's exhibition at the General Theological Seminary, New York, February 1963, 1:2, 4–13 (Winter 1963)
Johnson, C. Vernon, report on Guild exhibition at the Dallas Public Library, March 1963, I:3, 20–21 (Spring 1963)
Johnson, Jen Hunt and Maren Rozumalski, Preserving the Passage of Time through Anachronistic Bindings, LI:29-39 (2022)
Johnson, Margaret and Claire Maziarczyk, description of Getting the Look: Paste Papers, 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003) presentation by Claire Maziarczyk, XL:1, 6 (Summer, 2005)
Johnson, Walter F., Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Joint Repair, Illustrations of technique and tools: Selected Repair of Joints and Bindings by Don Etherington, XXX:1, 25, 26 (Spring 1992)
Joint Repair, Selected Repair of Joints and Bindings by Don Etherington, XXX:1, 24–28 (Spring 1992)
Jones, Elizabeth (Libby) Cordier, 1989 binding for 1985 Passion et Raison pictured in The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. KretzmannXXXIII:1, 5 (Spring 1995)
Jones, Elizabeth (Libby) Cordier, pictured in, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 4 (Spring 1995)
Jordan, Sonia K., description of Chemise and Slipcase, presentation by Monique Lallier at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002), XXXIX:2, 45 (Fall 2004)
Joseph, Reverend Mother Mary, report on St. Teresa's Press, Carmelite Monastery, V:1, 7–8 (Fall 1966)
Joyce, Carol, Gerard Charriere, Fine Arts Binding review, XXI:1, 56–58 (Fall 1982)
Joyce, Carol, On Binding Limited Editions, XIX:, 10–29 (1980–81)
Just What The Doctor Ordered: Rx For Sick Books From The New York Academy Of Medicine, presentation by Elaine Reidy Schlefer at 15th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1995), XXXIV:1, 39 (1998)
Kahle, Anne Henning, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 26, 31, 40, 49, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Kahle, Anne, Binding for Hymnal of the Protestant Episcopal Church and Book of Common Prayer pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 20 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Kahle, Theodore, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 31, 40, 67 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Kairouan Binding: illustrated in Clasps, Schliessen, Clausuren, A Guide to the Manufacture and the Literature of Clasps by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:2, 11 (Fall 1991)
Kantrowitz, Morris S. & Spencer, Ernest W., The Process of Marbling Paper, X:2, 26–37 (Winter 1971– 2)
Karr, Edward A., slide talk, 2,000 Years of Calligraphy, 3–part exhibition organized by the Baltimore Museum of Art, Peabody Institute Library and Walters Art Gallery, June 6 – July 18, 1965, Talk given May 9, 1966, IV:3, 28– 31 (Spring1966)
Kearns, Anita, Philip Smith lecture, XIV:1, 20 (Fall 1975)
Keep, Rosalind, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 35, 36 (Fall 1995)
Kellar, Scott, Rounded Leather Spine Drop–Spine Book Boxes, presentation at 19th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1999), XXXVIII:1, 22 (Fall 2003)
Kelm, Daniel E., Wire–Edge Binding, presentation at 19th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1999), XXXVIII:1, 32 (Fall 2003)
Kelm, Daniel, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIlI:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Kelmscott Press, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 29 (Fall 1995)
Kendall, Mary Ellet, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 49, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Kendall, Sarah Ellet, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 11 (Fall 1995)
Kennedy, President John F., death, comments by Laura S. Young, II:1, 3–4 (Fall 1963)
Kent, Norman, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 34 (Fall 1995)
Kersten, Paul, pupils of, XXVIII:1–2, Teaching Genealogies Chart Ia (Spring–Fall 1990)
Kersten, Paul, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 3, 50, Chart Ia (Spring–Fall 1990)
Kiefer, Rene, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 6 (Fall 1995)
King, Susan, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 35 (Fall 1995)
Kingsborough Community College, (City University of New York) Brooklyn, N.Y, Guild exhibition, Spring 1968, list of items exhibited, VI:3, 13–17 (Spring 1968)
Kirk, September Lynne, maquette with onlays and blind tooling by student in the Book Arts Program at the University of Alabama, XXXIV:1, front Cover (1998)
Kner, Elizabeth, bindings pictured throughout Incunables Bound by Elizabeth Kner: The 1950–1951 Project for the Newberry by Paul F. Gehl and Elizabeth Zurawsk, XXXI:1–2, 4–34 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Know Your Endpapers!, presentation by Terry Boone, Jesse Munn and Mary Wootton at 19th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1999), XXXVIII:1, 42 (Fall 2003)
Knowlton, Daniel G., Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 50, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Komer, Carolyn, exhibition of, XV:, 44–48 (1976–7) Korbel, Barbara, poster description, The Attachment of 3–Dimensional Objects to the Flat Surface of a Book Cover, presented at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002) Friday Night Forum, XXXIX:2, 57 (Fall 2004)
Koretsky, Elaine, About, XIV:2, 13–17 (Winter 1975– 6)
Koretsky, Elaine, Personal Observations on Papermaking in the Himalayas, XXII:2, 1–9 (Spring–Summer 1984)
Krämer, Lena, Three Reflections on Lockdown Independent Learning, LI: 81-83 (2022)
Krasnow, Lawrence L., Legal Aspects of Conservation, XX:, 32–37 (1981–82)
Kraus, H.P., visit to the quarters of H.P. Kraus, New York, internationally famous rare book dealer, March 26, 1970, VIII:2, 34–36 (Winter 1970)
Krause, Dorothy, Revisiting Travel Journals while Sheltering in Place, LI: 41-47 (2022)
Kretzmann, Barbara E., The Ties That Bind, XXXIII:1, 1–15 (Spring 1995)
Kuflik, Louise, Minutes of the Annual Meeting, XXII:2, 27–31 (Spring–Summer 1984)
Kuflik, Louise, This Isn't a Business, It's a Lifestyle, XXV:1, 19–21 (Fall 1987)
Kup, Karl, Report on a lecture by Howard Nixon on Grolier's Binders, March 24, 1966, IV:3, 25–28 (Spring1966)
Kurz, Gotthilf, binding for 1982 Jesaja pictured in Eldridge, Betsy Palmer. The German Bookbinding Tradition, XXXIII:2, 53 (Fall 1995)
Kyle, Hedi, A Guide to the Oriental Binding Exhibition, XXI:2, 18–37 (Spring 1983)
Kyle, Hedi, exhibition of, XV:, 48–51 (1976–7) Kyle, Hedi, On Stenciling, XVIII:1, 18–23 (1979–80) Kyle, Hedi, Orihon's Triumph, XXI:2, 10–16 (Spring 1983)
Kyle, Hedi, Preservation Enclosures, XXX:1, 17–23 (Spring 1992)
Kyle, Hedi, Stenciled Paper (samples), XVIII:1, 32 (1979–80)
Kyle, Hedi, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 50, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Kyle, Hedi, Wunderkabinette: Architectural Book Environments, presentation at 25th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2005), description by Emily Martin, illustrations by Hedi Kyle, XLI:2, 8 (Fall, 2007)
Kyle, Hedi. Preservation Enclosures, XXX:1, 17–23 (Spring 1992)
L'Ecole Estienne, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 2 (Spring 1995)
La Casa del Libro, Puerto Rico, report of visit, by Hilda Edelman, VI:1, 9–10 (Fall 1967)
La Lettre, review of French film shown as part of program on November 1, 1966, V:1, 32–33 (Fall 1966)
Lacunose (An Artistic Invention), presentation by Paul Delrue at 25th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2005), XLI:2, 5 (Fall, 2007)
Lada Mocarski, Polly, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 50, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Lada–Mocarski, Polly, „New Directions in Bookbinding‟ by P. Smith, reviewed, XIV:1, 30–31 (Fall 1975)
Lada–Mocarski, Polly, About books (autobiography), XIV:3, 3–7 (Spring 1976)
Lada–Mocarski, Polly, binding for brochures written by D. Cockerell pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 8 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Lada–Mocarski, Polly, Chambre syndicale nationale de la reliure–brochure–dorure, XVII: 56 (1978–79)
Lada–Mocarski, Polly, committee to honor Laura S. Young, XII:3, 16–17 (Spring 1974)
Lada–Mocarski, Polly, French Bookbinding Leathers, report on, II:1, 30–32 (Fall 1963)
Lada–Mocarski, Polly, Gold and blind tooling exhibition report, XIV:1, 27–29 (Fall 1975)
Lada–Mocarski, Polly, Helpful Hints, VIII:1, 32–33 (Fall 1969)
Lada–Mocarski, Polly, Letter, A New ‘Tool’ for the Bookbinder, VII:2, 42–43 (Winter 1968–9)
Lada–Mocarski, Polly, Opportunities for study, XIV:3, 26, 38–39 (Spring 1976)
Lada–Mocarski, Polly, report on film D'or et De..., shown November 1, 1966, V:1, 31–32 (Fall 1966)
Lada–Mocarski, Polly, report on French binding exhibition, New York, January – February 1964, II:1, 18–19 (Fall 1963)
Lada–Mocarski, Polly, report, The Bavarian State Library in Munich, VIII:3, 18–22 (Spring 1970)
Lada–Mocarski, Polly, Save Everything, XVIII:1, 36–37 (1979–80)
Lallier, Monique, binding for Pilgrim's Progress pictured in Lallier, Monique, The French Technique of Bookbinding, XXXIII:1, 19 (Spring 1995)
Lallier, Monique, Chemise and Slipcase presented at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002), article by Sonia K. Jordan, XXXIX:2, 45 (Fall 2004)
Lallier, Monique, Interview with Don Etherington, XXVI:, 1–11 (Fall 1988)
Lallier, Monique, poster description, Chemise and Slipcase, presented at Standards of Excellence Seminar – 22nd (2002), Friday Night Forum, XXXIX:2, 57 (Fall 2004)
Lallier, Monique, The French Technique of Bookbinding, XXXIII:1, 16–20 (Spring 1995)
Lampert, MimiThe Third Coast—More Than Meets the Eye, XXV:2, 4–10 (Spring 1988)
Lane, Marion U.M., Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 50, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Larsson, Mark, Medieval Limp Vellum/Leather Bindings at 24th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2004); article by Pamela Barrios, XLI:1, 12 (Summer, 2006)
Laudauer, Johannes, portrait shown in Clasps, Schliessen, Clausuren, A Guide to the Manufacture and the Literature of Clasps by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:2, inside back Cover (Fall 1991)
Lauer, Annette J., exhibition of, XIII:3, 21–23 (Spring 1975)
Lauer, Annette J., Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 50, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Laughlin, James: Berger, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 34 (Fall 1995)
Launder, Alfred, A Textbook for Rebinding Rare Books Based on a New Technical Principle, XXXVI:1, 23 + illus. (2000)
Launder, Alfred, prologue A Review and Critical Analysis of the Modus Operandi of Our Reputable Old– Time Craft of Bookbinding: Directly Intended for the Earnest Consideration of All Library Curators and Lovers of Rare Books; Predicated Also as a Prologue to a Specifically Devised Practical Textbook for the Individual Rebinding of Treasured Old Books on a New Technical Principle, XXXVI:1, 13–77 + illus. (2000)
Lazier, Rose, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 51, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Le Fevre, Eunice, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 51, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Le Filliatre, Simone, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 7, 10–12 (Spring 1995)
Leather Bindings, The Simplified Binding by Sun Evrard, XXXII:2, 5–12, Illustrations (Fall 1994)
Leather Bindings: Altered Materials and Bounded States: Applications and Possibilities in Contemporary Bookbinding from the Leather Book to the Extraterrestrial Book by Timothy C. Ely, XXXII:2, 1–4 (Fall 1994)
Leather Bindings: Conserving the Leather Spines of Old Books, by Robert Muma; VIII:2, 25–29 (see Chronology for Dates)
Leather Bindings: German style construction pictured in The Logic and Techniques of German Bookbinding by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:1, 48, 49, 51, 52 (Spring 1991)
Leather Bindings: Lallier, Monique, The French Technique of Bookbinding, XXXIII:1, 16–20 (Spring 1995)
Leather Bindings: Selected Repair of Joints and Bindings
Leather Bindings: The Logic and Techniques of German Bookbinding by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:1, 38– 55, illustrations (Spring 1991)
Leather Paring by L. Blaser, and F. Mowrey, Binders‟ Guild Newsletter XXII–8 reprint, XXXVII:1, 65
Leather preparation and covering in A Textbook for Rebinding Rare Books Based on a New Technical Principle by Alfred Launder, Chapter 6 – Leather Preparation and Covering, XXXVI:1, 60 + illus. (2000)
Leather; XVIII:2, 26–31, 34–35; XIX:, 11, 20, 37; XX:, 14, 15; XXI:1, 2; XXII1: 17–22, 54–55; XXIV:2, 43–45; XXVI:, 12–30 (see Chronology for Dates)
Leather: editorial by Laura S. Young, with bibliography, VIII:1, 11–17 (Fall 1969)
Leather: French bookbinding leathers, A descriptive glossary by Polly Lada–Mocarski, II:1, 30–32 (Fall 1963)
Leather: Hulme, E. Wyndham, and others, Leather for Libraries, published for the Second Leather Committee of the Library Associates by the Library Supply Co., London, 1905, I:2, 47 (Winter 1963)
Leather: Parchment: Its Manufacture, History, Treatment, and Conservation by J. Franklin Mowery, XXXII:2, 13–73 (Fall 1994)
Leather: program, March 28, 1963, review includes bibliography, I:3, 22–28 (Spring 1963)
Leather: Tanning in the United States to 1850, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, 1964, IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Lecky, Margaret Binding for Vathek pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 8 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Lecky, Margaret, book review of A History of English Craft Bookbinding Techniques by Bernard C. Middleton, II:2, 12–13 (Winter 1963–4)
Lecky, Margaret, report, Peter Waters' Visit to Los Angeles, VII:2, 5–6 (Winter 1968–9)
Lecky, Margaret, report, Some Binders and Binderies Abroad, III:2, 8–14 (Winter 1964–65)
Lecky, Margaret, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 30, 51, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Lecky, Margaret, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 1, 12 (Spring 1995)
Lecky, Margaret, Women and The Book: Modern Bookbinders (exhibition report), XV:, 1–10 (1976–7)
Lee, Aimee, Hanji in the Hands: Korean Papermaking Methods and Creative Uses, XLV: 17-29 (2012)
Lee, Marshall, talk on book design, January 12, 1965, III:2, 20–32 (Winter 1964–65)
Leger, Fernand, Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, 52 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Legg, Henry B., Bound in Boston by Henry B. Legg (early American bookbinder) by Hannah D. French, reprint from Studies in Bibliography, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, Vol. 17, IV:2, 17–23 (Winter 1966)
Legrain, Pierre, Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, 50, 51 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Leonard, Julie, description of Presentation Considerations in the Design and Creation of Artist's Books, 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003) presentation by Julie Chen, XL:1, 40 (Summer, 2005)
Leroux, Georges, 1963 binding for 1942 Non Vouloir pictured in Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, front Cover & unnumbered fold–out between pages 50 & 51 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Leroux, Georges, 1987 binding for 1982 Ubu Roi pictured in Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, front Cover & unnumbered fold–out between pages 50 & 51 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Leroux, Georges, 1988 binding for 1919 La Fin du Monde Filmee par L'Ange pictured in Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, front Cover & unnumbered fold–out between pages 50 & 51 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Leroux, Georges, 1991 binding for 1934 Onan pictured in Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, front Cover & unnumbered fold–out between pages 50 & 51 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Leroux, Georges, 1991 binding for 1943 La Chevre– Feuille, pictured in, Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, front Cover & unnumbered fold–out between pages 50 & 51 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Leroux, Georges, 1992 binding for 1924 Soleils Bas pictured in Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, front Cover & unnumbered fold–out between pages 50 & 51 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Leroux, Georges, Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, 50–53 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Leslie, Robert, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 34 (Fall 1995)
Lettering and Bookbinding, talk by Fritz Eberhardt, January 22, 1963, I:2, 23–29 (Winter 1963)
Levine, Hope, exhibition of, 1974, XIII:2, 26 (Winter 1974–5)
Lewis, Florence S., Howard M. Nixon's articles on English bookbindings, XII:1, 10–16 (Fall 1973)
Lewisohn, Jeanne F., exhibition of, XIII:2, 26–27; XIV:3, 47–49 (see Chronology for Dates)
Libraries: Bancroft Library, XXV:2, 23 (Spring 1988) Libraries: Bridwell Library; XX:, 12; XXVI: 27 (see Chronology for Dates)
Libraries: Butler Library, XXII:1, 54 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Libraries: Canaday Library, XXII:1, 57 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Libraries: Chicago Public Library, XXV:2, 5 (Spring 1988)
Libraries: Clements Library, XXV:1, 4 (Fall 1987) Libraries: Edith Diehl's library, acquisition by the Guild, VI:2, 12–13 (Winter 1967–8)
Libraries: Folger Shakespeare Library; XX:, 2: 46; XXIII:, 58; XXV:1, 13–18 (see Chronology for Dates)
Libraries: GBW‟s, editorial by Laura S. Young, including developments during 1962 to 1966 and announcement of its relocation from the American Craftsman's Council, V:2, 10–12 (Winter 1966–7)
Libraries: Harvard University Library, XIV:1, 3–5 (Fall 1975)
Libraries: Huntington Library, X:2, 13–14 (Winter 1971–2)
Libraries: Leningrad University Library, IX:2, 13 (Winter 1971)
Libraries: Library of Congress Library, X:3, 19–20; XII:1, 29–34 (see Chronology for Dates)
Libraries: Metropolitan Toronto Library, XXIV:1, 33 (Fall 1986)
Libraries: Morgan Library, XX:, 46 (1981–82) Libraries: New York Botanical Garden Library, XIV:1, 15–18 (Fall 1975)
Libraries: New York Botanical Garden Library, XX1:2, 17–18 (Spring 1983)
Libraries: New York Public Library, IX:2, 21–23; IX:3, 24–25; XIV:1, 23–25 (see Chronology for Dates)
Libraries: Newberry Library; XXIV:1, 33; XXV:2, 4, 5, 10 (see Chronology for Dates)
Libraries: Northwestern University Library, XXV:2, 4, 5, 7, 8 (Spring 1988)
Libraries: Paley Library, XXI:1, 47 (Fall 1982) Libraries: Perry–Castenda Library, XXV:2, 12 (Spring 1988)
Libraries: Pierpont Morgan Library, XIV:3, 4–6; XI,2, 15–16; XV: 41 (see Chronology for Dates)
Libraries: Princeton University Library, XXIV:2, 8, 9 (Spring 1987)
Libraries: School of Library Service, Columbia University; XVIII:2, 54–56; XXV:1, 2 (see Chronology for Dates)
Libraries: State University Library, Hamburg, XX:, 23 (1981–82)
Libraries: State V. I. Lenin Library, Moscow, IX:2, 13 (Winter 1971)
Libraries: Sterling Memorial Library; XVIII:2, 58; XXIV:2, 7 (see Chronology for Dates)
Libraries: University of Michigan Library, XXV:2, 21 (Spring 1988)
Libraries: Watson Library, XX:, 28, XXI:1, 56, XXII:1, 63, XXII:2, 20, 25, XXIII:, 5, XXIV:1, 35 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Libraries: Yale University Library, XXV:2, 21 (Spring 1988)
Library of Congress conservation activities, X:3, 19– 20; XII:1, 29–34 (see Chronology for Dates)
Library of Congress Restoration Office, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Library Of Congress, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 1, 14, 32, 51, Chart I, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Library of Congress: Preservation Program, of Library Materialsreviewed, V:2, 28–29 (Winter 1966–7)
Lichtenstein, Roy, Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, 52 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Lighting: Basic Paper Treatments for Printed Book Materials by Peter D. Verheyen, XXIX:1, 1–15 (Spring 1991)
Lima, Lydia C. da Rocha, exhibition of, XIV:2, 28 (Winter 1975–6)
Limbour, Georges, Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, 50 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Livesay, Marcia W., Book Workers and the Care of the Earth, XXIV:1, 13–30 (Fall 1986)
Lockhart, Beatrice R., report on An Informal Evening of Slides by Edward A. Karr, May 9, 1966, IV:3, 28–31 (Spring1966)
LoDico, Kimberly A., editor, A Selection Of Bookbindings In The Metropolitan Museum Of Art, by
LoDico, Kimberly A., editor, A Textbook for Rebinding Rare Books Based on a New Technical Principle by Alfred Launder, XXXVI:1, 1 (2000)
LoDico, Kimberly A., editor, Guild Of Book Workers 1996: Vital At Ninety by Priscilla A. Spitler, XXXV:1, 1 (1998)
Loncich, Louis, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Londenberg, Kurt, Binding for Horatii Flacci Carmina & II, Odes d'Horace pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 9 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Londenberg, Kurt, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 51, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
London College Of Printing, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 13 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Lone Star Chapter of the Guild of Book Workers Second Exhibition of Members’ Bindings, Fort Worth, Houston, and Austin, July–December 1999, XXXV:2B, (1999)
Long and Link Stitch Bindings by Pamela Sptizmueller, presented at 17th Standards of Excellence Seminar, Ann Arbor MI (1997); Binders’ Guild Newsletter XXI–8 reprint, XXXV:2A, 86 (2000)
Long Stitch For Conservation Structure Or Sketch Book by Pamela Sptizmueller, presented at 17th Standards of Excellence Seminar, Ann Arbor MI (1997), Binders’ Guild Newsletter XXI–8 reprint, XXXV:2A, 110 (2000)
Long, Charles L., The Library of the New York Botanical Garden, XIV:1, 17–18 (Fall 1975)
Long, Sharon, demonstration of a painted clamshell box with a copper plate inclusion, presented at 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003) Friday Night Forum, XL:1, 42 (Summer, 2005)
Loring, Rosamond B., collection of decorated papers at the Harvard College Library, Report by Lenore M. Dickinson, VI:2, 3–12 (Winter 1967–8)
Lubette, Denise, lecture, XV:, 39–40 (1976–7)
Lucas, Robert, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 51, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Lunow, Robert, Conroy, Tom, Teaching Genealogies of American °Hand Bookbinders, XXVIII:1–2, 25 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Maneaty, Leah, This Isn't a Business, Its a Lifestyle, XXV:1, 19–21 (Fall 1987)
Manola, Frances, calligraphic announcement of Gerlach exhibition, X:1 Supplement: 1 (see Chronology for Dates)
Manola, Frances, demonstration of gold in illumination, XII:3, 28–31 (Spring 1974)
Manola, Frances, exhibition of, 1973–74, XII:2, 15–17 (Winter 1974)
Manola, Frances, Sheila Waters, XVI: 48 (1977–78) Mansfield, Edgar: Teaching Genealogies of American
Manuscript gilding and pen making, suppliers of materials for, XXXIX:2, 22 (Fall 2004)
Marbled Magic: Making Decorated Paper, presentation by Elsi Peggy Skycraft at 25th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2005), XLI:2, 18 (Fall, 2007)
Marbled paper: techniques to produce, V:2, 18–19 (Winter 1966–7)
Margaret Lecky, VII:2, 5–6 (Winter 1968–9)
MARIUS– (Spring–Fall 1990)
Marot, Elizabeth G., Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered by Joseph Newman, XXXIII:1, 32 (Spring 1995)
Marot, Elizabeth G., Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 51–52, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Martin, Emily, description of Wunderkabinette: Architectural Book Environments, 25th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2005) presentation by Hedi Kyle, XLI:2, 8 (Fall, 2007)
Martin, Pierre–Lucien, Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, 51 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered by Joseph Newman, XXXIII:1, 32–51 (Spring 1995)
Maryatt, Kitty, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 35 (Fall 1995)
Masson, Andre, Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, 50 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Matarasso, Henri, Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, 51 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Materials, mylar envelopes, XI:3, 23–27; XII:2, 31 (Spring 1973)
Materials: A Bibliography of Materials Containing Information on Decorated Paper by Caroline F. Schimmel, XVIII:1, 46–56 (1979–80)
Materials: adhesives, XIV:3, 17–35; XV: 13–15 (see Chronology for Dates)
Materials: adhesives; XVIII:1, 4, 24–31; XVIII:2, 40– 41; XXII:1, 18–19 (see Chronology for Dates)
Materials: alum; XVIII:1, 7; XXII:2, 17–19 (see Chronology for Dates)
Materials: batik paper, technique to produce wax resist, V:2, 17–18 (Winter 1966–7)
Materials: brass plate dies, XIV:2, 9–13 (Winter 1975– 6)
Materials: brass Stamps, XVIII:2, 8 (1979–80)
Materials: brushes, XVIII:1, 8, 22 (1979–80) Materials: Conserving the Leather Spines of Old Books byRobert Muma, VIII:2, 25–29 (Winter 1970)
Materials: discussed in a report by Charlotte M. Ullman on her three–month study of bookbinding in France and England under a fellowship grant from the Ford Foundation, II:1, 8–13 (Fall 1963)
Materials: Fabrics for Book Cloths (TS–115), National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Dept. Commerce, V:2, 15 (Winter 1966–7)
Materials: French Bookbinding Leathers, A Descriptive Glossary by Polly Lada–Mocarski, II:1, 30–32 (Fall 1963)
Materials: gold, XVIII:2, 7–20; XXII:1, 19; XXII:2, 21 (see Chronology for Dates)
Materials: inks, XVIII:1, 6–7, XXIV–2: 23 (1979–80)
Materials: leather, editorial by Laura S. Young, including bibliography, VIII:1, 11–17 (Fall 1969)
Materials: leather, program on, March 28, 1963, Review of program, including bibliography, I:3, 22–28 (Spring 1963)
Materials: leather, XVIII:2, 26–31, 34–35; XIX:, 11, 20, 37; XX:, 14, 15; XXI:1, 2; XXII1: 17–22, 54–55; XXIV:2, 43–45; XXVI:, 12–30 (see Chronology for Dates)
Materials: Library Materials Preservation Manual, XXII:1, 53–54 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Materials: marbled paper, technique to produce, V:2, 18–19 (Winter 1966–7)
Materials: Materials and Their Selection, editorial by Laura S. Young, I:1, 12–13 (Fall 1962)
Materials: Oxgall, XVIII:1, 7 (1979–80)
Materials: Paper Cleaning, report by Paul N. Banks, includes bibliography, V:1, 8–22 (Fall 1966)
Materials: Paper, Marbled Paper, Oriental Paper, Glaire, report of Supply Committee, II:2, 27–29 (Winter 1963–4)
Materials: paper, Supply Committee, report of, I:2, 36– 38 (Winter 1963)
Materials: paste paper, technique to produce, V:2, 19– 20 (Winter 1966–7)
Materials: pastepaper, Danish, report of Supply Committee, VII:3, 3 (Spring 1969)
Materials: PVA (Booksaver from Delkote), use in making protective corners of vellum on book boards and on cords laced into boards, VIII:1, 32– 33 (Fall 1969)
Materials: rakes and combs, XVIII:1, 8–9 (1979–80)
Materials: see also GBW Supply Committee Materials: sheet work material, Report of Supply
Materials: Soluble Nylon: A New Tool for Restorationists by George M. Cunha, IV:2, 28–30 (Winter 1966)
Materials: Surfactants, A New 'Tool' for the Bookbinder, by Polly Lada–Mocarski, VII:2, 42–43 (Winter 1968–9)
Materials: Synthetic Materials Used in the Conservation of Cultural Property, International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property, Rome, IV:2, 26–27 (Winter 1966)
Materials: troughs (tanks), XVIII:1, 5 (1979–80)
Materials: various, mentioned in Saving the Libraries of Florence, by Carolyn Horton; report on work done to repair and preserve books damaged in the November 1966 flood; reprinted from the Wilson Library Bulletin, June 1967, V:2, 1–9 (Winter 1966–7)
Materials: vellum; XXII:2, 17–19; XXIV:1, 3–12; XXIV:2, 45 (see Chronology for Dates)
Matheson, Nina, evaluation of Storm seminar on book conservation, 1970, IX:1, 3–8 (Fall 1970)
Matthews, William, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 13, 14, 52, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Mattingly, Kent, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 32, (Spring–Fall 1990)
Maylander, Emile, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 25, Chart III, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Maziarczyk, Claire and Margaret Johnson, description of Getting the Look: Paste Papers, 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003) presentation by Claire Maziarczyk, XL:1, 6 (Summer, 2005)
McAfee, Christopher, The Fixed and the Variable in the Practice of Bookbinding, XLVI: 7-14 (2018)
McCampbell, Irene Gibson, necrology, III:2, 39 (Winter 1964–65)
McLean, Ruari, Victorian Publishers' Bookbindings in Cloth & Leather reviewed, XII:3, 32 (Spring 1974)
McLeish, Charles (The Elder), Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 52–53, Chart II, Chart III (Spring– Fall 1990)
McLeish, Charles (The Elder), Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 1 (Fall 1995)
McLeish, Charles (The Younger), Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 52–53, 67 (Spring–Fall 1990)
McLeish, Peter, binding pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 21 (Spring–Fall 1990)
McLeish, Peter, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 13, 52– 53, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
McLeish, Peter: binding for misc. Doves Bindery pamphlets (1902 and later) pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 21 (Spring–Fall 1990)
McMurtry, Belle, biography & exhibition of, XII:2, 9– 12 (Winter 1974)
Medieval Limp Vellum/Leather Bindings, presentation by Adam Larsson at 24th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2004), XLI:1, 12 (Summer, 2006)
Melanie Mowinski, Suzi Banks Baum, and Miriam Schaer, Empowering Women’s Voices: Two Projects in the Caucasus Region, XLIX: 7-20 (2020)
Melton, Robert P., report on talk by Hannah D. French on Early American Bookbinding, March 30, 1965, III:3, 25–27 (Spring 1965)
Meltzer, Valerie A., An Oral History of Fritz and Trudi Eberhardt, XXXVII:2, 8 (Fall 2002)
Menalda, Elizabeth, Bookbinding in Holland (autobiography), XII:2, 17–31 (Winter 1974)
Mending Paper, presentation by Christine Smith at 21st Standards of Excellence Seminar (2001), XXXIX:1, 21 (Spring 2004)
Meriden Gravure Company, visit to, Meriden, Conn.May 25, 1968, VI:3, 26–30 (Spring 1968)
Merker, Kim, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 36, 37 (Fall 1995)
Merryoaks Bindery, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 7 (Spring 1995)
Mesmer, Renate, Edelpappband, presentation at 25th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2005), article by Elsi Vassdal Ellis, illustrations by Renate Mesmer, XLI:2, 13, (Fall, 2007)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, visit to the Paper Conservation Laboratory of, March 12, 1968, VI:2, 16–19 (Winter 1967–8)
Meyer, Rosalind, report, Volunteer Worker at the Biblioteca Nazionale in Florence, VI:1, 6–9 (Fall 1967)
Michel, Henri, Georges Leroux, An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, 50 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Middleton, Bernard C., English Craft Bookbinding, 1880–1980, XXII:1, 3–22 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Middleton, Bernard, The Restoration of Leather Bindings reviewed, X:3, 49–50 (Spring 1972)
Middleton, Bernard, workshop, XVII: 56 (1978–79)
Middleton, Robert, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 34 (Fall 1995)
Miguet, Colette and Jean-Paul, binding for Elegie a Pablo Neruda pictured in Monique Lallier, The French Technique of Bookbinding, XXXIII:1, 17 (Spring 1995)
Millard, Alice & George, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 36 (Fall 1995)
Miller, Julia, Second Hand Rose: The Value of Visible Structure to Historical Binding Research, XLI:2, 21, (Fall, 2007)
Miller, Steve, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIlI:2, 37 (Fall 1995)
Millimeter–Binding: A Report On John Hyltoft's Workshop, 15th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1995) presentation by Barbara Rosenberg, XXXIV:1, 29 (1998)
Mills College book arts degree program, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Mills College, Course on bookbinding, XI:1, 24–25 (Fall 1972)
Mills College, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 35, 53 (Fall 1995)
Mills College, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Mills College, Water damaged books, XI:2, 26–29 (Winter 1972–3)
Mills College, Women & the book: Modern bookbinders (exhibition), XV:1, 10 (1976–7)
Milono, Germano, & Herrick, Gale, Japan's unique attraction for the binder, IX:2, 3–10 (Winter 1971)
Mindell Dubansky, reprinted from the Gazette of the Grolier Club, XXXIV:2A, 1 (1998)
Miniature Bindings, presentation by Gabrielle Fox at 20th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2000), XXXVIII:1, 70 (Fall 2003)
Minsky, Richard, Center for Book Arts, XII:2, 24 (Winter 1974)
Minsky, Richard, exhibition of, 1972, XI:1, 14–16: XI:2, 29 (see Chronology for Dates)
Minsky, Richard, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 13 (Spring 1995)
Minter, William D., Tool Time–Tool Sharpening, presentation at 20th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2000), XXXVIII:1, 60 (Fall 2003)
Minter, William, binding pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 53 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Minter, William, poster description, Tool Time, showing several kinds of techniques, presented at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002) Friday Night Forum, XXXIX:2, 57 (Fall 2004)
Minter, William, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2 (Spring–Fall 1990), 53, Chart IIa
Minter, William, The Board Shear: Background, Maintenance and Safety Considerations for the Jacques and Similar Models, XLVI: 49-59 (2018)
Miro, Joan, Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, 52 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Mitchell, John, Edge Sprinkling, presentation at 15th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1995)XXXIV:1, 51 (1998)
Miura, Tini, French Onlay Technique and Gilding, presentation at 10th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1990), XXIX:1, 33–37 (Spring 1991)
Miura, Tini, Incorporating 3–Dimensional Objects Into Cover Design, presentation at 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003), article by Constance Wozny and Sabina Nies, illustrations by Sabina Nies, XL:1, 13 (Summer, 2005)
Mollman, Peter, Will glue outlast Auden? XV:, 13–15 (1976–7)
Mondage, Raymond, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Moran, Lansing S., Bertha Margaret Frick, XIV:3, 50– 51 (Spring 1976)
Moran, Lansing S., C. Clement Samford, XIV:3, 50 (Spring 1976)
Moran, Lansing S., Mariana Kendall Roach, XIV:3, 50 (Spring 1976)
Morgan Library, 16th C Gold–tooled Bindings (exhibition), IX:3, 26 (Spring 1971)
Morgan Library, Art of the Printed Book (exhibition), XII:1, 37–38 (Fall 1973)
Morgan Library, Designer Bookbinders exhibition, XIV:3, 4–5 (Spring 1976)
Morgan Library, European and Persian Manuscript Leaves (exhibition), XII:1, 38 (Fall 1973)
Morgan Library, Michael Papantonio Collection, (exhibition), XI:2, 15–16 (Winter 1972–3)
Morgan Library, visit to, January 18, 1968, VI:3, 18–20 (Spring 1968)
Morgan, Margaret, pictured in The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 4 (Spring 1995)
Morin–Pons, M., Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 7 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Morris, Henry, Roller–printed papers for bookbindings, XIII:2, 3–17 (Winter 1974–5)
Morris, William, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 29 (Fall 1995)
Morris, William, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 10 (Spring 1995)
Mowery, F., and L. Blaser, Leather ParingBinders’ Guild Newsletter XXII–8 reprint, XXXVII:1, 65 (2002)
Mowery, Frank, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 53, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Mowery, J. Franklin and Sonja Jordan-Mowery, The Folger Phase Box: A Visible Spine WrapperXLIV: 41-50 (2010-2011)
Mowery, J. Franklin, A Binder's Training, XX:, 21–27 (1981–82)
Mowery, J. Franklin, bookbindings of, XX:, 28–31 (1981–82)
Mowery, J. Franklin, Celebrating Eighty Years, XXV:1, 1 (Fall 1987)
Mowery, J. Franklin, Clasps, Schliessen, Clausuren, A Guide to the Manufacture and the Literature of Clasps, XXIX:2, 1–58 (Fall 1991)
Mowery, J. Franklin, Packing Books for Travel, XXIII:, 58–68 (1985)
Mowery, J. Franklin, Parchment: Its Manufacture, History, Treatment, and Conservation, XXXII:2, 13– 73 (Fall 1994)
Mowery, J. Franklin, The Logic and Techniques of German Bookbinding, XXIX:1, 38–55 (Spring 1991)
Mowrey, J. Franklin, binding for Sonnets for the Portugese pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 9 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Mucci, Paul N., Ancient Skins by Reed reviewed, XI:3, 28–32 (Spring 1973)
Mueller, Ingeborg, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 54, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Muma, Robert, Report, Conserving the Leather Spines of Old Books, VIII:2, 25–29 (Winter 1970)
Munn, Jesse, Alum Tawing Goat and Calf Vellum– Current Experiments, XXII:2, 17–20 (Spring– Summer 1984)
Munn, Jesse, Terry Boone, and Mary Wootton, Know Your Endpapers!presentation at 19th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1999), XXXVIII:1, 42 (Fall 2003)
Museum West of the American Craftsmen's Council: Guild exhibition, San Francisco, June 28 – July 28, 1968, list of items exhibited, VI:3, 13–17 (Spring 1968)
Myers, Fleda Straight, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 5, 712 (Spring 1995)
Nash, John Henry, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 30 (Fall 1995)
Nash, Katherine, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 54, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Nash, Ray, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 30–32, 37 (Fall 1995)
National Trust for Historic Preservation Workshop, 1972, X:3, 46–47 (Spring 1972)
Nauman, V., Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Nebraska Book Arts Center, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 37 (Fall 1995)
Necrology: Cowgill, Logan O., XI:3, 33 (Spring 1973)
Necrology: Engert, Sara Cunningham, XI:1, 4–5 (Fall 1972)
Necrology: Fahey, (Edna) Peter, XIII:1, 3–7 (Fall 1974)
Necrology: French, William H., IX:1, 29 (Fall 1970)
Necrology: Frick, Bertha Margaret, XIV:3, 50–51 (Spring 1976)
Necrology: Gerlach, Gerhard, includes photographs of four of Mr. Gerlach's bindings, VII:1 Cover, 3–12 (Fall 1968)
Necrology: Herrick, Anson, IX:1, 30 (Fall 1970)
Necrology: Hunt, Rachel McMasters Miller, I:2, 50–51 (Winter 1963)
Necrology: Ingle, Eliza, VI:2, 27 (Winter 1967–8) Necrology: Janes, Mary L., by Laura Young, XXI:1, 61–62 (Fall 1982)
Necrology: McCampbell, Irene Gibson, III:2, 39 (Winter 1964–65)
Necrology: Patterson, Thomas W., XI:1, 3–4 (Fall 1972)
Necrology: Perkins, Enid Eder, XII:1, 43–45 (Fall 1973)
Necrology: Rassu, Angelo M., VI:3, 32 (Spring 1968)
Necrology: Roach, Mariana Kendall, XIV:3, 50 (Spring 1976)
Necrology: Samford, C. Clement, XIV:3, 50 (Spring 1976)
Necrology: Walter, Florence S., X:3, 17–18; XII:2, 6–8 (Spring 1972)
Necrology: Webb, Samuel W., III:1, 39 (Fall 1964) Neff, Jr., S.A., Techniques in Decorating Leather, presentation at 21st Standards of Excellence Seminar (2001), XXXIX:1, 36 (Spring 2004)
Necrology: XXI:1, 61–62 (Fall 1982)
New Pasting–Up Scheme in A Textbook for Rebinding Rare Books Based on a New Technical Principle by Alfred Launder, Chapter 7, XXXVI:1, 71 (2000)
New School For Social Research, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 30 (Fall 1995)
New York Public Library, Donnell Library, exhibition of hand bookbinding, case–making, restoration, calligraphy & illumination, and hand–decorated papers, Sponsored by the GBW, Spring 1966, illustrated catalogue, IV:3 following page 16
New York Public Library, Spencer Collection, XIV:1, 23–25 (Fall 1975)
New York Public Library, visit to see selections from the Rare Book Division and the Spencer Collection, February 26, 1963, I:? 29–33 (issue not given)
New York State Historical Association: report on seminar on conservation of books, documents and prints at Cooperstown, N.Y., July 1–8, 1962, I:1, 9–11 (Fall 1962)
Newberry Library, conservation at, XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Newberry Library, Paul Banks at, XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Newberry Library, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 1, 30, 32, 54, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Newberry Library, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 4 (Spring 1995)
Newberry Library, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 12 (Fall 1995)
Newman, Joseph, Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered by Joseph Newman, XXXIII:1, 32–51 (Spring 1995)
Newman, Joseph, Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered, XXXIII:1, 32–51 (Spring 1995)
Newman, Joseph, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 32, Chart IIa (Spring–Fall 1990)
Newman, Marvin, book review, Guide to Italic Handwriting by Fred Eager and George Miller, II:2, 13–15 (Winter 1963–4)
Nexus Press (Atlanta), discussion of A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 38 (Fall 1995)
Nicasius of Nuremberg, 1614 woodcut of Nicasius of Nuremberg, pictured on XXIX:2, Cover (Fall 1991)
Niehoff, Elizabeth, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 30, 54, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Nies, Sabina and Margaret Johnson, description of Incorporating 3–Dimensional Objects Into Cover Design, 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003) presentation by Tini Miura, XL:1, 13 (Summer, 2005)
Nineteenth Century Photograph Albums, presentation by Olivia Primanis at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002), XXXIX:2, 24 (Fall 2004)
Nixon of the British Museum, held at the Morgan Library, New York, March 24, 1966, IV:3, 25–28 (Spring1966)
Nixon, Howard M., English bookbinding articles, XII:1, 10–16 (Fall 1973)
Nixon, Howard M., Grolier's Binders, lecture by Mr.
Noack, Gisela, Binding pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 10 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Noack, Gisela, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 54, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Noel, William, The Archimdes Palimpsest, presentation at 21st Standards of Excellence Seminar (2001), XXXIX:1, 67 (Spring 2004)
Non–trade hand binders (England), Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 13, 14 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Nordhoff, Evelyn Hunter, binding pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 22 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Nordhoff, Evelyn Hunter, Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered by Joseph Newman, XXXIII:1, 32 (Spring 1995)
Nordhoff, Evelyn Hunter, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 54–55, 64, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Nordhoff, Evelyn Hunter, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 14, 16 (Fall 1995)
Norman, Kim Knox, An Interview with Jerushia Graham, LII: 7-17 (2023)
Norman, Kim Knox, An Interview with Mindell Dubansky, LIII: 31-36 (2024)
North Bennet Street School, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 32, 55–56 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Nosco, Jacques, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Noulhac, Henri, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 25, Chart III, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Noyes, Helen Haskell, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 25, 56, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Nuthead, Anne, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 1 (Fall 1995)
Nylon, soluble, Soluble Nylon: A New Tool for Restorationists, by George M. Cunha, IV:2, 28–30 (Winter 1966)
O'Connell, Bonnie, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 37 (Fall 1995)
O'Malley, Bridget, Papermaking, Before and After: Pulp, Paper, and Beyond presentation at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002), article by Jim Canary, XXXIX:2, 6 (Fall 2004)
Ogden, Sherelyn J. B., Conservation of library materials at the Newberry Library, XIV:1, 11–14 (Fall 1975)
Ogden, Sherelyn, Book Conservation at Northeast Document Conservation Center, XIX:, 37–41 (1980–81)
Ohio State University, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 38 (Fall 1995)
Ojascastro, James, Prints, Pleats, and Preservation: Vietnamese Handmade Do Paper and its Applications, LII: 19-31 (2023)
Oldach, Albert and Son, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 30 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Olmon, Kyle, Looking Out for the Little Guys: Small Book Conservation through the Eyes of a Paper Engineer, XLVIII: 9-11 (2019)
Olmsted, Duncan H., Edna Peter Fahey, XIII:1, 3–7 (Fall 1974)
Olmsted, Duncan H., report, A San Francisco Exhibition, April–May–1967, V:3, 24–26 (Spring 1967)
Olmsted, Duncan H., report, An Opera Tour With Bookbinding Overtones, V:1, 6–7 (Fall 1966)
Onlay, French Onlay Technique and Gilding by Tini Miura, XXIX:1, 33–37 (Spring 1991)
Open–Boarded Covering/Plus, A Special Report: The Bindings Of The Ellesmere Chaucer by Anthony G. Cams, XXXVII:1, 15 (2002)
Oral History of Fritz and Trudi Eberhardt, XXXVII:2, 8 (Fall 2002)
Oriental Binding, Clasps, Schliessen, Clausuren, A Guide to the Manufacture and the Literature of Clasps by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:2, 10. Illustrations, (Fall 1991)
Oriental Binding, illustrated in Clasps, Schliessen, Clausuren, A Guide to the Manufacture and the Literature of Clasps by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:2, 11 (Fall 1991)
Oriental Binding, pictured in Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 22 (Fall 1995)
Otis College Of Art And Design, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 38 (Fall 1995) 
Oxgall: XVIII:1, 7 (1979–80)
Pacific Lutheran College, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 38 (Fall 1995)
Pagnier, Charles, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 2, 12 (Spring 1995)
Palmer, Betsy, See Eldridge, Betsy Palmer Papantonio, Michael, collection, exhibition of, XI,2, 15–16; XI:3, 9 (see Chronology for Dates)
Pandey, Radha, Making a Place for Paper, Presented at the GBW Standards of Excellence 2021, LI: 21-27 (2022)
Pandey, Radha, Watermarks in Motion, XLVI: 17-21 (2018)
Paper Conservation: Basic Paper Treatments for Printed Book Materials by Peter D. Verheyen, XXIX:1, 1–15 (Spring 1991)
Paper Conservation: lining of paper pictured in Basic Paper Treatments for Printed Book Materials by Peter D. Verheyen, XXIX:1, 11 (Spring 1991)
Paper Conservation: mending of paper pictured in Basic Paper Treatments for Printed Book Materials by Peter D. Verheyen, XXIX:1, 9 (Spring 1991)
Paper Conservation: steaming creases pictured in Basic Paper Treatments for Printed Book Materials by Peter D. Verheyen, XXIX:1, 6 (Spring 1991)
Paper Conservation: tideline removal pictured in Basic Paper Treatments for Printed Book Materials by Peter D. Verheyen, XXIX:1, 3 (Spring 1991)
Paper Repair in A Textbook for Rebinding Rare Books Based on a New Technical Principle by Alfred Launder, Chapter 1, XXXVI:1, 24 + illus. (2000)
Paper: Acid Paper and Ink Drying, The British Federation of Master Printers, London, IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Paper: batik, technique to produce wax resist batik paper, IV:2, 17–18 (Winter 1966)
Paper: cleaning, report by Paul N. Banks, Includes bibliography, IV:1, 8–22 (Fall 1965)
Paper: conservation; XIV:3, 17–38, XVIII:2, 39–43, 58; XXII:1, 29–38; XXV:1, 13–18 (see Chronology for Dates)
Paper: deacidification, report on Langwell Vapour Phase (VPD) technique, Talk by George M. Cunha, October 17, 1967, VI:1, 19–21 (Fall 1967)
Paper: decorated papers – a workshop demonstration, report on, February 2, 1967, V:2, 16–20 (Winter 1966–7)
Paper: decorated papers, report on the Rosamond B. Loring collection at the Harvard College Library, by Lenore M. Dickinson, VI:2, 3–12 (Winter 1967– 8)
Paper: decorated, XVIII:1, 19–22, 36–37, 39–56, IX:2, 10–14; XIII:2, 3–17 (see Chronology for Dates)
Paper: deterioration, report on two studies in progress, V:2, 27–28 (Winter 1966–7)
Paper: handmade, visit to Douglas Howell's workshop and laboratory, March 21, 1964, II:3, 26–28 (Spring 1964)
Paper: linen rag, XXII:1, 23–28 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Paper: marbled, technique to produce, V:2, 18–19 (Winter 1966–7)
Paper: marbled; X:2, 26–37, XVIII:1, 1–17, 33–34; XXII:1, 46–52 (see Chronology for Dates)
Paper: Paper Conservation Laboratory at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, report on visit, by George M. Cunha, on March 12, 1968, VI:2, 16–19 (Winter 1967–8)
Paper: Paper, Marbled Paper, Oriental Paper, report of Supply Committee, II:2, 27–28 (Winter 1963–4)
Paper: Papermaking, Art and Craft, The Library of Congress, Washington, D. C., VII:1, 13 (Fall 1968)
Paper: papermaking; XX:, 44–46; XXII:2, 1–9, 10–16 (see Chronology for Dates)
Paper: pastepaper, Danish, report of Supply Committee, VII:3, 3 (Spring 1969)
Paper: pastepaper, technique to produce, V:2, 19–20 (Winter 1966–7)
Paper: pastepaper, XVIII:1, 24–31, 35 (1979–80)
Paper: report on workshop on end papers and headbands, January 25, 1966, IV:2, 36–40 (Winter 1966)
Paper: selection of, report of Supply Committee, I:2, 36–38 (Winter 1963)
Paper: stenciled, XVIII:1, 18–23, 32 (1979–80) Paper: The Papermakers, Colonial American Craftsmen, Leonard E. Fisher, Franklin Watts, New York, IV:3, 16 (Spring1966)
Paper: visit to the Paper Conservation Laboratory, Metropolitan Museum of Art, March 12, 1968, VI:2, 16–19 (Winter 1967–8)
Paper: visit to the Strathmore Paper Company, Woronoco, Mass. April 27, 1968, VI:3, 25–26 (Spring 1968)
Papermaking, Before and After: Pulp, Paper, and Beyond, presentation by Bridget O'Malley at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002), XXXIX:2, 6 (Fall 2004)
Papermaking, IX:2, 3–10; XIV:3, 11–12; X:2, 17–25; XIV:1, 26; XIV–2:13–17; XV: 41 (see Chronology for Dates)
Papermaking, talk by Leonard B. Schlosser on Books on the History of Papermaking, Given at the Grolier Club, October 14, 1970, VIII:1, 19–23 (Fall 1969)
Parchment: Its Manufacture, History, Treatment, and Conservation by J. Franklin Mowery, XXXII:2, 13– 73 (Fall 1994)
Parker, Kristin, Mary Crease Sears: A Complete Bookbinder, XLIII: 17-23 (2009)
Parrot, Gray, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 56, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Parsons, Brenda, Two Tool Jigs showing a lifting device for spine rebacking and a jig for gold tooling lines with foils, poster description presented at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002),Friday Night Forum, XXXIX:2, 58 (Fall 2004)
Paste paper, technique to produce, V:2, 19–20 (Winter 1966–7)
Paste, XIII:2, 3–17 (Winter 1974–5)
Patri, Stella, report on The Mending Program in Florence, VI:1, 22–24 (Fall 1967)
Patri, Stella, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 56, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Patten, Graham, Adhered-Thread Sewing Support Extensions, LIII: 23-29 (2024)
Patterson, Thomas W., exhibition of, X:3, 37–40; XI:1, 13 (see Chronology for Dates)
Patterson, Thomas W., necrology on Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt, I:2, 50–51 (Winter 1963)
Patterson, Thomas W., necrology, XI:1, 3–4 (Fall 1972) Patterson, Thomas W., report on Bookbinding at Williamsburg, III:1, 34–36 (Fall 1964)
Patterson, Thomas W., report on the seminar on conservation of books, documents, and prints held at the New York State Historical Association at Cooperstown, N.Y., July 1–8, 1962, I:1, 9–11 (Fall 1962)
Patterson, Thomas, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart Ia, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Pearce, Jane Webster, 1989 binding for 1985 Passion et Raison pictured in The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 5 (Spring 1995)
Pearce, Jane Webster, pictured in The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 3, 4 (Spring 1995)
Pearce, Jane Webster, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 2, 12 (Spring 1995)
Peck, Clara Boardman, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 56, Chart Ia, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Peich, Michael, Book Arts in the Delaware Valley, An Exhibition at Swarthmore College, review, XXI:1, 40– 55 (Fall 1982)
Peller, Hugo, interview with, XXVI:, 31–37 (Fall 1988) Peller, Hugo, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 31 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Penland School Of Crafts (North Carolina), discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 38 (Fall 1995)
Pennybacker, Inez, program on leather, report on, March 28, 1963, I:3, 22–28 (Spring 1963)
Pennybacker, Inez, report on visit to bindery of Mrs. Pennybacker, October 13, 1962, report of Program Committee, I:1, 15–17 (Fall 1962)
Pennybacker, Inez, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 9–12 (Spring 1995)
Pensky–Adam, Heinke, binding in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 10 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Pensky–Adam, Heinke, exhibition of, XI:2, 20–21 (Winter 1972–3)
Pensky–Adam, Heinke, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 56, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Percival, Olive May, bindings (Japanese style) pictured in Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 22 (Fall 1995)
Percival, Olive May, logo pictured in Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 23 (Fall 1995)
Percival, Olive May, pictured in Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 21 (Fall 1995)
Percival, Olive May, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 1–27 (Fall 1995)
Perkins, Enid Eder, Book review on Write Italic, by Fred Eager, IV:2, 32–33 (Winter 1966)
Perkins, Enid Eder, necrology, XII:1, 43–45 (Fall 1973)
Perkins, Enid Eder, report on lecture by P.W. Filby, November 8, 1963, II:1, 14–18 (Fall 1963)
Peter Fisher: Archival Portfolio Books by Bonnie Garlan, XXIX:1, 16–26 (Spring 1991)
Peter Franck, American Hand Binder, biography and profile, including bibliography, by Lucy Crump, III:1, 5–10 (Fall 1964)
Petersen, Dag–Ernst, Wooden Boards presented at the 17th Standards of Excellence Seminar, Ann Arbor MI (1997), Binders’ Guild Newsletter XXI–4 reprint, XXXV:2A, 38 (2000)
Petherbridge, Guy, discussed in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 32, 56, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Petrillo, James, How to Take Great Slides of Your Books in One Easy Lesson, XXIII:, 19–24 (1985)
pH Testing: Basic Paper Treatments for Printed Book Materials by Peter D. Verheyen, XXIX:1, 1–15: (Spring 1991)
Phelan, W. H., N.S. Baer, and N. Indictor, Shelf life of commercial poly (vinyl acetate) emulsions..., XIV:3, 36– 38 (Spring 1976)
Photo Album Structures: 1850–1960 by Richard W. Horton, XXXII:1, 32–43 (Spring 1994)
Photography of books, Peter Fisher: Archival Portfolio Books by Bonnie Garlan, XXIX:1, 16–26 (Spring 1991)
Pichl, Horst, 1990 binding for Wenn schon, den schon pictured in Eldridge, Betsy Palmer, The German Bookbinding Tradition, XXXIII:2, 47 (Fall 1995)
Picht, Rebecca, 1990 binding pictured in Eldridge, Betsy Palmer, The German Bookbinding Tradition, XXXIII:2, 49 (Fall 1995)
Pickwoad, Nicholas, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Pierpont Morgan Library, see Morgan Library Ploschek, Jacques, exhibition of, X:3, 40–41 (Spring 1972)
Plummer, John, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 32, 56 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Poinsot, Monique, The Ties that Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 11 (Spring 1995)
Poly (vinyl acetate) emulsions, shelf life of commercial, by N.S. Baer, W.H. Phelan, and N. Indictor, XIV:3, 36–38 (Spring 1976)
Poole, Frazer, Report, Peter Waters' Visit to Washington, VII:2, 6 (Winter 1968–9)
Pop–up Demonstration, Binders’ Guild Newsletter, XXII–4 reprint, XXXVII:1, 37 (2002)
Popenoe, Edwin A., Article, A Visit to the Bibliotheque Nationale and the Musee Conde, IV:1, 17 (Fall 1965)
Portfolio construction features pictured in Garlan, Bonnie, Peter Fisher: Archival Portfolio Books, XXIX:1, 19–21, 23 (Spring 1991)
Portfolio construction, Peter Fisher: Archival Portfolio Books by Garlan, Bonnie XXIX:1, 16–26 (Spring 1991)
Potter, Beverly, Library Materials Preservation Manual, (book review), XXII:1, 53 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Powell, Roger, An informal evening with Roger Powell by D. Evetts, XIV:3, 11–13 (Spring 1976)
Powell, Roger, binding for 1951 The Art of the Book pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 23 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Powell, Roger, lecture by, XV:, 40 (1976–7)
Powell, Roger, photograph, II:3, Cover (Spring 1964)
Powell, Roger, talk on the repair of early manuscripts of English and Irish origin, May 14, 1964, II:3, 32– 35 (Spring 1964)
Powell, Roger, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 14, 57, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Powell, Roger, thanks to the Guild for the coverage (in Vo1.II), of his May 1964 talk on repair of early English and Irish manuscripts, III:1, 37 (Fall 1964)
Powell, Roger, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 9–13 (Spring 1995)
Powers, Thomas, Mollman, & Young, Laura S. Will glue outlast Auden? XV:, 10–13 (1976–7)
Prat, Minnie Sophia, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 57, 64, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Presentation Considerations in the Design and Creation of Artist's Books, presentation by Julie Chen at 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003), article by Julie Leonard with illustrations by Sylvia Ramos Alotta, XL:1, 40 (Summer, 2005)
Preservation Enclosures by Hedi Kyle, XXX:1, 17–23 (Spring 1992)
Preservation, see Conservation
Preston, Emily, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 25, 57, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Prideaux, Sarah, Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered by Joseph Newman, XXXIII:1, 32–51 (Spring 1995)
Prideaux, Sarah, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 8 (Spring 1995)
Primanis, Olivia, Nineteenth Century Photograph Albums, presentation at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002), XXXIX:2, 24 (Fall 2004)
Princeton University Library, visit to, February 15, 1964, II:2, 21–23 (Winter 1963–4)
Pringle, Sarah, Notes on Working with Parchment from an Allied Craft, XLIX: 33-43 (2020)
Printers/Printing, The Relationship Between Fine Binding and Fine Printing by Tom Taylor, XXXIII:2, 57–61 (Fall 1995)
Printing Presses: Hammer Creek Press, XVIII:2, 44–53 (1979–80)
Printing Presses: Private Press in the Market Place by Anthony Rota, XXIII:, 49–58 (1985)
Printing Presses: The Book Thought Through: Small Press Comes of Age in America (exhibition review) by Graceanne A. DeCandido, XXIV:1, 35–38 (Fall 1986)
Printing, Fine, The Relationship Between Fine Binding and Fine Printing by Tom Taylor, XXXIII:2, 57–61 (Fall 1995)
Programs: Cobden–Sanderson, Binder, Printer, Mystic talk by Norman H. Strouse, May 27, 1964, II:3, 35– 46 (Spring 1964)
Protective Enclosures, Preservation Enclosures by Hedi Kyle, XXX:1, 17–23, illustrations (Spring 1992)
Provost, M., Gruel‟s head assistant, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 30, 58, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Provost, M., Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered by Joseph Newman, XXXIII:1, 32–51 (Spring 1995)
Puissant, Maria Julia, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 31 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Put A Frame To Your Bindings by Carmencho Arregui and Manne Dahlstedt, XXXV:2A, 113 (2000) PVA, see adhesives
Pye, Sybil, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 8 (Spring 1995)
Ramsey, Eleanore, binding for 1980 The First Hundred Years of Painting in California pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 29 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Ramsey, Eleanore, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 57, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Rare Books, editorial by Laura S. Young, II:2, 8–10 (Winter 1963–4)
Rash, Don, Introduction to an oral history of Fritz and Trudi Eberhardt, XXXVII:2, 5 (Fall 2002)
Rash, Donald, John Franklin Mowery Bookbindings, review, XX:, 28–31 (1981–82)
Rash, Pamela, Bookbinding in America: 1680–1910, exhibition review, XXII:1, 57–59 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Rash, Pamela, Library Materials Preservation Manual, book review, XXII:1, 53–54 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Rassu, Angelo M., necrology, VI:3, 32 (Spring 1968)
Reading, W. Gay, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 34 (Fall 1995)
Reed, Judy, Carolyn Komer exhibition, XV:, 44–46 (1976–7)
Reed, Judy, GBW annual meeting report, 1975, XIII:3, 5–7 (Spring 1975)
Reed, Judy, Lloyd J. Reynolds exhibition, XV:, 43 (1976–7)
Reed, Judy, Victorian Publishers' Bookbindings in Cloth & Leather by Ruari McLean, reviewed, XII:3, 32 (Spring 1974)
Reed, R., Ancient Skins reviewed, XI:3, 28–32 (Spring 1973)
Rennie, Selvia, Some Thoughts About What Should and Should Not be Inflicted on a Book in the Way of Design and Decoration, XXVI:, 38–41 (Fall 1988)
Reprints: Binding Practice as Related to the Preservation of Books by Harold W. Tribolet, Reprinted by permission from The Library Quarterly, The University of Chicago, Vol. 40, No. 1, January 1970, with bibliography, VIII:2, 15–24 (Winter 1970)
Reprints: Bookbinding – Progress in the Art During the Past Year – Exhibitions of Bookbindings, from the New York Times Saturday Review of Books, January 9, 1904, VII:3, 23–26 (Spring 1969)
Reprints: Bound in Boston by Henry B. Legg, by Hannah D. French, reprint from Studies in Bibliography, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, Vol. 17, 1964, IV:2, 17–23 (Winter 1966)
Reprints: Regulations for professional training of apprentices and for the Journeyman's examination in the bookbinders craft, translated from the German by Lotte Burg, reprinted in condensed and revised form, by permission of the (Winter 1970) Deutscher Handwerkskammertag, 53 Bonn, VIII:2, 3–14
Reprints: Report on the Thirty–Fourth Annual Conference of the Graduate Library School of the University of Chicago, reprint of Appendix to the Library of Congress Information Bulletin, August 21, 1969, p. A–75, VIII:1, 5–10 (Fall 1969)
Reprints: Saving the Libraries of Florence by Carolyn Horton, including bibliography, Reprinted from the Wilson Library Bulletin, June 1967, V:2, 1–9 (Winter 1966–7)
Restoration, see Conservation
Reynolds, Daniel John Andrew, The Industrial Sand Casting of Types for Bookbinders in Germany Around 1910, LII: 85-94 (2023)
Reynolds, Lloyd, exhibition of, XV:, 43–44 (1976–7)
Rhodes, Barbara J., Reading between the Lines: The Colorful History of Invisible Ink, XLV: 63-81 (2012)
Ripley–Duggan, Edward, Paper–making by Hand, A Book of Suspicions, (book review), XX:, 44–46 (1981–82)
Ritchie, Ward, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 34, 35 (Fall 1995)
Ritzenthaler, Mary Lynn, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 57, Chart IIa (Spring–Fall 1990)
Riverside Press, exhibition of brasses used by, XII:3, 21–27 (Spring 1974)
Roach, Mariana Kendall, commentary on 1970 Storm Seminar, IX:1, 7 (Fall 1970)
Roach, Mariana Kendall, exhibition of, 1972, XI:1, 16– 18 (Fall 1972)
Roach, Mariana Kendall, necrology, XIV:3, 50 (Spring 1976)
Roach, Mariana Kendall, report of Texas Book Arts Guild workshop, XI:1, 21–22 (Fall 1972)
Roach, Mariana Kendall, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 57–58, Chart I, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Robinson, Michael F, The New England Chapter Exhibition (review), XXI:1, 38–39 (Fall 1982)
Rollins, Carl Purington, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 29 (Fall 1995)
Rose Bindery, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 6 (Fall 1995)
Rosenberg, Barbara, Millimeter–Binding: A Report On John Hyltoft's Workshop, presentation at 15th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1995), XXXIV:1, 29 (1998)
Rosenthal, Robert, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 4 (Fall 1995)
Rosenwald, Lessing J., Collection, visit to, April 18, 1964, II:3, 28–32 (Spring 1964)
Rosner, Maggy Magerstadt, Philip Smith lectures, XVI: 27–29 (1977–78)
Rosner, Maggy Magerstadt, see also Fisher, Maggy Magerstadt
Rosner, Maggy Magerstadt, Swann Galleries, XVII: 39– 41 (1978–79)
Rota, Anthony, Private Press in the Market Place, XXIII:, 49–58 (1985)
Rounded Leather Spine Drop–Spine Book Boxes, presentation by Scott Kellar at 19th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1999), XXXVIII:1, 22 (Fall 2003)
Rousellet, M., The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 7 (Spring 1995)
Rowbotham, Al, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Rowfant Bindery, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 2 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Royal College Of Art, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 14 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Roylance, Dale, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 29 (Fall 1995)
Rubovits, Norma B., Marbled Paper (samples), XVIII:1, 34 (1979–80)
Rugg, Harold Goddard, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 29 (Fall 1995)
Rummonds, Richard–Gabriel, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 37 (Fall 1995)
Rups, Pamela, of the GBW Midwest Chapter coordinates Stone Eye Exhibit and CD catalog production with 31 hand–bound copies by GBW members for exhibit at the Minnesota Center for the Book Arts in conjunction with the 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002), XXXIX:2, 59 (Fall 2004)
Russell, Nancy, exhibition of, XIV:1, 30 (Fall 1975) Ruud, Dennis, Illumination: Creation of an Illuminated Page on Vellum presentation at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002), article by Nancy Ruth Leavett, XXXIX:2, 11 (Fall 2004)
Ruzica, Ivan, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 14 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Ruzicka, Ivan J., report, The Path of Czech Bookbinding, VII:1, 21–26 (Fall 1968)
Ruzicka, Ivan, Marbled Paper (samples), XVIII:1, 33 (1979–80)
Ruzicka, Ivan, news note on, IX:3, 13–14 (Spring 1971) Sack, Jeannie, The Bay Area's Rich Tradition Continues, XXV:2, 23–26 (Spring 1988)
Saint Germain, Janet, A Day in New Haven–April 12, 1980, XVIII:2, 58 (1979–80)
Saint Germain, Janet, A visit to A. Horowitz & Son Bindery, XVI: 25–26 (1977–78)
Saint Germain, Janet, A visit to N.Y. Central Supply Company, XVII: 39 (1978–79)
Saint Germain, Janet, A visit to Philadelphia, XVII: 38 (1978–79)
Saint Germain, Janet, A visit to the Eberhardts, XVII: 41– 42 (1978–79)
Saint Germain, Janet, A visit to the new conservation facilities of the Pierpont Morgan Library, XV:, 41 (1976–7)
Saint Germain, Janet, Bookbindings from the Collection of Hope G. Weil, XVIII:2, 57 (1979–80)
Saint Germain, Janet, Denise Lubett at GBW Open Meeting, XV:, 39–40 (1976–7)
Saint Germain, Janet, GBW Open Meeting, 1975, XIV:1, 21–23 (Fall 1975)
Saint Germain, Janet, Leonard Schlosser on the History of Papermaking, XV:, 41 (1976–7)
Saint Germain, Janet, Richard Smith speaks on paper deacidification, XIV:3, 45–47 (Spring 1976)
Saint Germain, Janet, Roger Powell Lecture, XV:, 40 (1976–7)
Saint Germain, Janet, Visit to the Spencer Collection, XIV:1, 23–25 (Fall 1975)
Salas, Maria, exhibition of, XIV:2, 27–28 (Winter 1975–6)
Salisbury Bible, cover illustration, IV:2 (Winter 1966) Salisbury Bible, The Restoration of the Salisbury Bible, by Carolyn Horton, IV:2, 24–27 (Winter 1966)
Samford, C. Clement, necrology, XIV:3, 50 (Spring 1976)
San Francisco Contemporary Hand Bookbinders, report on exhibition held April 17–May 12, 1967, V:3, 24–26 (Spring 1967)
San Francisco French tradition in bookbinding, XXVIII:1–2, Teaching Genealogies Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, XVI:1, 18–25 ((1977–78)
Sanders, Douglas and Nicole Wolfersberger, Ergonomics & Injury Prevention in the Book and Paper Lab, XLIII: 25-30 (2009)
Sanford, P.B., Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered by Joseph Newman, XXXIII:1, 50 (Spring 1995)
Sanford, P.B., Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 30 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Sangorski & Sutcliffe, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 14, 39, 58–59, Chart II, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Sangorski & Sutcliffe, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 10 (Fall 1995)
Sangorski–Sutcliffe, Binding for The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 23 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Sangorski, Francis, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Saumarez–Smith, Romilly, The Simplified Binding by Sun Evrard, XXXII:2, 6 (Fall 1994)
Schaefer, Ernest, Jr., report, Hot (Gold) Stamping, VIII:1, 27–32 (Fall 1969)
Schimmel Collection, Stuart B., visit to, X:2, 12–13 (Winter 1971–2)
Schimmel, Caroline F., A Bibliography of Materials Containing Information on Decorated Paper, XVIII:1, 46–56 (1979–80)
Schimmel, Caroline F., The Man Who Printed Books at the YMCA, XVIII:2, 44–53 (1979–80)
Schlefer, Elaine Reidy, Just What The Doctor Ordered: Rx For Sick Books From The New York Academy Of Medicine, presentation at 15th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1995), XXXIV:1, 39 (1998)
Schlefer, Elaine, poster description: Board Reattachment for Leather–Bound Books Using a Pleated (zigzag) Japanese Paper Hinge, presented at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002) Friday Night Forum, XXXIX:2, 58 (Fall 2004)
Schlesinger, Cara, description of Japanese Pouch/Four Hole Binding (Fukuro togi), presentation by Kiyoshi Imai at 24th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2004), illustrations by Kiyoshi Imai, XLI:1, 36 (Summer, 2006)
Schlosser, Leonard B., Report, Books on the History of Papermaking, VIII:1, 20–23 (Fall 1969)
Schlosser, Leonard B., talk at the Grolier Club on Books on the History of Papermaking, October 14, 1970, VIII:1, 19–23 (Fall 1969)
Schlosser, Leonard, lecture on history of papermaking, XV:, 41 (1976–7)
Schlosser, Mary C., an evening at the French binding exhibition, La Reliure Originale Francaise, II:2, 6–7 (Winter 1963–4)
Schlosser, Mary C., Book review, An Album of Selected Bookbindings, by Clara Louisa Penney, I:3, 31 (Spring 1963)
Schlosser, Mary C., necrology on Angelo M. Rassu, VI:3, 32 (Spring 1968)
Schlosser, Mary C., Oriental Bindings Exhibition, XXI:2, 17 (Spring 1983)
Schlosser, Mary C., report on an informal meeting to view the exhibition at the Donnell Library, IV:2, 42 (Winter 1966)
Schlosser, Mary C., report on an informal meeting, IV:1, 11–13 (Fall 1965)
Schlosser, Mary C., report on an informal meeting, V:1, 29–31 (Fall 1966)
Schlosser, Mary C., report on An Informal Visit to the Studio of Mrs. Hope G. Weil, III:3, 21–24 (Spring 1965)
Schlosser, Mary C., report on film La Lettre, V:1, 32–33 (Fall 1966)
Schlosser, Mary C., report on opening reception for the Guild's exhibition at the General Theological Seminary, New York, February 2, 1963, I:2, 4(Winter 1963)
Schlosser, Mary C., report on talk by Marshall Lee on book design, III:2, 20–32 (Winter 1964–65)
Schlosser, Mary C., report on talk by Norman H. Strouse on Cobden–Sanderson, Binder, Printer, Mystic, II:3, 35–46 (Spring 1964)
Schlosser, Mary C., report on technique to make paste paper, V:2, 19–20 (Winter 1966–7)
Schlosser, Mary C., report on visit to the Hispanic Society of America, IV:1, 20–24 (Fall 1965)
Schlosser, Mary C., report, A Day in Philadelphia, VII:1, 15–20 (Fall 1968)
Schlosser, Mary C., report, A Visit to the Morgan Library, VI:3, 18–20 (Spring 1968)
Schlosser, Mary C., report, A Visit to the Strathmore Paper Company, VI:3, 25–26
Schlosser, Mary C., report, An Evening at the Grolier Club, VIII:1, 19 (Fall 1969)
Schlosser, Mary C., report, An Informal Meeting, VIII:1, 23–25 (Fall 1969)
Schlosser, Mary, report Laura S. Young's years as President of the Guild, XII:3, 18–20 (Spring 1974)
Schlosser, Mary, report The Guild of Book Workers, XIV:1, 18 (Fall 1975)
Scholl, Sonnfriede, 1988 binding for Farbholzschnitt, Bilder, Reliefs pictured in Betsy Palmer Eldridge, The German Bookbinding Tradition, XXXIII:2, 46 (Fall 1995)
Schrag, Suzanne, collection of fine bindings, XI:3, 21– 23 (Spring 1973)
Schrag, Suzanne, exhibition of, 1974, XIII:2, 27 (Winter 1974–5)
Scott, Ralph L., review of Conservation of Library Materials by the Cunhas, XI:1, 25–27 (Fall 1972)
Scripps College Press, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 38 (Fall 1995)
Scripps College, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, –35 (Fall 1995)
Sears, Mary Crease, binding for The Book of William Morris pictured in Newman, Joseph, Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered, XXXIII:1, 49 (Spring 1995)
Sears, Mary Crease, bindings and ephemera pictured in Newman, Joseph, Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered, XXXIII:1, 34–49 (Spring 1995)
Sears, Mary Crease, discussed in Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered by Joseph Newman, XXXIII:1, 32–51 (Spring 1995)
Sears, Mary Crease, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 30, 59 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Second Hand Rose: The Value of Visible Structure to Historical Binding Research, presentation by Julia Miller at 25th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2005), XLI:2, 21 (Fall, 2007)
Seeger, Peggy, How to Utilize Mica in Bookbinding: An Introduction, XLVI: 35-46 (2018)
Selch, Patricia, report on visit to the bindery at the Craft Students League, January 26, 1965, III:2, 32–33 (Winter 1964–65)
Selected Repair of Joints and Bindings by Don Etherington, XXX:1, 24–28 (Spring 1992)
Setterberg, Ruth E., report on technique to make marbled papers, V:2, 18–19 (Winter 1966–7)
Sewing in A Textbook for Rebinding Rare Books Based on a New Technical Principle by Alfred Launder, Chapter 2, XXXVI:1, 34 + illus. (2000)
Sewing Variations by Betsy Palmer Eldridge, XXXII:1, 29–31 (Spring 1994)
Sexton, Euphemia Hart, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 6 (Fall 1995)
Seymour, Ralph Fletcher, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 11 (Fall 1995)
Sheet Work Material, report of Supply Committee, with bibliography, I:1, 25–29 (Fall 1962)
Shelf life of commercial poly (vinyl acetate) emulsions... By N.S. Baer, W.H. Phelan, and N. Indictor, XIV:3, 36–38 (Spring 1976)
Shepherd, Robert M., exhibition of, 1974, XIII:2, 27 (Winter 1974–5)
Siegel, Jane Rodgers, A Curator’s Thoughts on the Book as an Artifact, XLIV: 53-59 (2010-2011) Jane Rodgers Siegel
Simmons College, Boston, GBW exhibition at, April 3– 30, 1968, list of items exhibited, VI:3, 13–17 (Spring 1968)
Sirkin, Natalie Robinson, John Baron Corderoy, X:2, 4– 6 (Winter 1971–2)
Skycraft, Peggy, Marbled Magic: Making Decorated Paper presentation at 25th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2005), article by Christa Gattringer, illustrations by Christa Gattringer and Peggy Skycraft, XLI:2, 18, (Fall, 2007)
Smith, Christine, Mending Paper, presentation at 21st Standards of Excellence Seminar (2001), XXXIX:1, 21 (Spring 2004)
Smith, Ethyl, discussed in Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered by Joseph Newman, XXXIII:1, 32, 33 (Spring 1995)
Smith, Katie, An In-boards Paper Binding, XLV: 53-61
Smith, Pamela, Along the Southwest Border, XXV:2, 20– 22 (Spring 1988)
Smith, Pamela, The Making of an Edition Paper Marbler, XLV: 7-15 (2012)
Smith, Philip, lecture on binding techniques, XVI: 20, 27–30 (1977–78)
Smith, Philip, Letter from London reference, IX:1, 10 (Fall 1970)
Smith, Philip, New Directions in Bookbinding reviewed, XIV:1, 30–31 (Fall 1975)
Smith, Richard D., paper deacidification lecture, XIV:3, 45–47 (Spring 1976)
Smith, Richard D., The relative hazards of vapors from solvents used by conservators, XI:2, 3–9 (Winter 1972– 3)
Smith, Shelagh, North of the Border in Canada, XXV:2, 1–3 (Spring 1988)
Smith, W.H. & Sons, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 14, 59–60, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Sobota, Jan, bindings pictured and illustrated throughout  Box and Sculptural Bindings, XXX:2, 1– 46 (Fall 1992)
Sobota, Jan, Box and Sculptural Bindings, XXX:2, 1–47 (Fall 1992)
Sobota, Jan, pictured/illustrated in Box and Sculptural Bindings, XXX:2, front Cover and 46 (Fall 1992)
Sobota, Jan, Transparent Vellum in Fine Bookbinding, XXIV:1, 3–12 (Fall 1986)
Society of Scribes & Illuminators summer school, 1970, IX:2, 14–19 (Winter 1971)
Solvents, The relative hazards of vapors from solvents used by conservators by R. D. Smith, XI:2, 3–9 (Winter 1972–3)
Sonnichsen, Joanne, binding for 1984 Nathan Oliveira: A Survey Exhibition 1957–1983 pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 29 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Sonnichsen, Joanne, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Southworth, Nancy, Conservation of Historic Bindings Using Adhesive and Nonadhesive Methods at 24th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2004); article by Dorothy Africa, XLI:1, 7 (Summer, 2006)
Spawn, Wilman, Identifying 18th C American Bookbinders, XVII: 25–37 (1978–79)
Spencer Collection, New York Public Library exhibition, 1971, IX:3, 24–25 (Spring 1971)
Spencer, Ernest W., The process of marbling paper, X:2, 26–37 (Winter 1971–2)
Spitler, Priscilla A., at work in her studio, Hands on Bookbinding in Smithville, Texas; photo courtesy of the Smithville Times, XXXV:1 front Cover (1998)
Spitler, Priscilla A., Guild Of Book Workers 1996: Vital At Ninety edited by Kimberly A. LoDico, XXXV:1, 1 (1998)
Spitler, Priscilla A., Using Jigs For Multiple Binding, presentation at 15th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1995), XXXIV:1, 21 (1998)
Spitler, Priscilla, poster description, Jurying for Exhibitions, presented at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002) Friday Night Forum, XXXIX:2, 58 (Fall 2004)
Spitzmueller, Pamela and Don Etherington, Long and Link Stitch Bindings presented at the 17th Standards of Excellence Seminar, Ann Arbor MI (1997), Binders’ Guild Newsletter XXI–8 reprint, XXXV:2A, 86 (2000)
Spitzmueller, Pamela, and Don Etherington, Long Stitch For Conservation Structure Or Sketch Book 17th Standards of Excellence Seminar, Ann Arbor MI (1997), Binders’ Guild Newsletter XXI–8 reprint, XXXV:2A, 110 (2000)
Spitzmueller, Pamela, Headbands, How to Work Them book review, XXIV:2, 54–55 (Spring 1987)
Spitzmueller, Pamela, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 60, Chart I, Chart IIa, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Spitzmueller, Pamela, untitled binding, pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 24 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Springback Ledger Bindings, presentation by Richard Baker at 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003), article by Peter Verheyen with the assistance of Richard Baker, XL:1, 19 (Summer, 2005)
St. John, Agnes, Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered by Joseph Newman, XXXIII:1, 32, 50 (Spring 1995)
St. John, Agnes, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 30, 58, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
St. Teresa's Press, Carmelite Monastery, Flemington, N.J., report by Reverend Mother Mary Joseph, V:1, 7–8 (Fall 1966)
Staats, Juliette W., The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 8, 9, 12 (Spring 1995)
Stackpole, Julie B., Art of the Book exhibition, Nantucket, XXI:1, 1–14 (Fall 1982)
Standard, Paul, calligraphy example, XI:1, 25 (Fall 1972)
Standard, Paul, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 34 (Fall 1995)
Standard, Paul, Hopes and Fears for the Italic Hand, V:3, 3–8 (Spring 1967)
Standards in Book Arts, Laura Young's workshop proposal, XIV:3, 8–9; X:2, 8–10 (see Chronology for Dates)
Standards in Book Arts, See also Conservation – Philosophy
Stanescu, Catherine exhibition of, XII:3, 19–21 (Spring 1974)
Stanescu, Catherine, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 31, 60 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Stark, Lewis M., book review on Cleaning and Preserving Bindings and Related Materials, by Carolyn Horton, VI:1, 14–1–6 (Fall 1967)
Starr, Ellen Gates, binding (with T.J. Cobden– Sanderson) for A Dream of John Bull pictured in Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 8 (Fall 1995)
Starr, Ellen Gates, pictured in Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 7, 10 (Fall 1995)
Starr, Ellen Gates, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 60, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Starr, Ellen Gates, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 1–27 (Fall 1995)
State University Of New York at Brockport, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 38 (Fall 1995)
Stein, Ruth, Report, Volunteer Worker at the Biblioteca Nazionale in Florence, VI:1, 3–6 (Fall 1967)
Stemmle, Joseph, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 31 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Stephens, James G., Gold leaf as a decorative material, XII:1, 6–18 (Fall 1973)
Stephens, James G., Texas Book Arts Guild report, XII:1, 3–6 (Fall 1973)
Stephenson, Jean, illustration of drafting tools pictured on, XXX:1, Cover (Spring 1992)
Stikeman, Henry, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 2 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Stiles, Gertrude, Binding for Book of Common Prayer pictured in Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 11 (Fall 1995)
Stiles, Gertrude, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 60–61, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Stiles, Gertrude, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 1–27 (Fall 1995)
Stinehour, Roderick D., discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 32 (Fall 1995)
Stone Eye Exhibit and CD catalog produced and 31 copies hand–bound by GBW members, coordinated by Pamela Rups for the GBW Midwest Chapter for exhibit at the Minnesota Center for the Book Arts at the GBW 2002
Stone Eye Exhibit Catalogue and CD by Pamela Rups, XXXIX:2, 59 (Fall 2004)
Storm, Colton & Nancy, exhibition of, XII:1, 21–22, 39–40 (Fall 1973)
Storm, Colton & Nancy, history of, IX:2, 25 (Winter 1971)
Storm, Colton & Nancy, seminar in book conservation, IX:1, 3~8, XIV:3, 3–4 (see Chronology for Dates)
Storm, Colton, exhibition of, XII:1, 39–40 (Fall 1973)
Storm, Colton, On the restoration of books, XII:1, 16–21 (Fall 1973)
Storm, Nancy, & Colton, Notes on the Seminar by the Storms, IX:1, 3–4; XIV:3, 3–4 (see Chronology for Dates)
Storm, Nancy, Paste Papers, XVIII:1, 24–35 (1979–80) Storm, Nancy, Storms in St. Louis (exhibition), XII:1, 21–22 (Fall 1973)
Strathmore Paper Company, visit to, Woronoco, Mass., April 27, 1968, VI:3, 25–26 (Spring 1968)
Strobridge, Idah Meacham, bindery pictured in Women Bookbinders of the Second Cities During the Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 18 (Fall 1995)
Strobridge, Idah Meacham, binding for the Friday Morning Club's Guest Book pictured in Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 19 (Fall 1995)
Strobridge, Idah Meacham, binding for The Loom of the Desert pictured in Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 18 (Fall 1995)
Strobridge, Idah Meacham, pictured in Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 17 (Fall 1995)
Strobridge, Idah Meacham, signature, date, and number appearing in a Strobridge binding pictured in Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 20 (Fall 1995)
Strobridge, Idah Meacham, Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 1–27 (Fall 1995)
Strouse, Norman H., talk on (T.J.) Cobden–Sanderson, Binder, Printer, Mystic, May 27, 1964, II:3, 35–46 (Spring 1964)
Sumner, Garrett, The Emperor has New Clothes: Conserving an Imperial Ethiopian Manuscript, LII: 67-74 (2023)
Suppliers of materials for manuscript gilding and pen making, XXXIX:2, 22 (Fall 2004)
Supplies: See Materials
Supply Committee: report on glair, II:2, 28–29 (Winter 1963–4)
Supply Committee: report on leather, VII:3, 15 (Spring 1969)
Supply Committee: report on paper, I:2, 36–38 (Winter 1963)
Supply Committee: report on paper, marbled paper, oriental paper, glair, II:2, 27–29 (Winter 1963–4)
Supply Committee: report on pastepaper, Danish, VII:3, (Spring 1969)
Supply Committee: report on sheet work with bibliography, II:1, 25–29 (Fall 1963)
Surfactants: A New 'Tool' for the Bookbinder, by Polly Lada–Mocarski, VII:2, 42–43 (Winter 1968–9)
Sutcliffe, George, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 13, 31, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Swaim, Elizabeth Ann, Report, A Visit to the Guild's Library, VII:1, 14–15 (Fall 1968)
Swann Galleries, N.Y.C. visit to, XVII: 39–41 (1978– 79)
Taylor, Richard, Kentucky‟s Poet Laureate, and Gray Zeitz of Larkspur Press collaborate to produce a book with wood engravings by Canadian artist Wesley Bates for exhibit at the Minnesota Center for the Book Arts, article by Pamela Rups of the GBW Midwest Chapter, XXXIX:2, 59 (Fall 2004)
Taylor, Tom, The Relationship Between Fine Binding and Fine Printing XXXIII:2, 57–61 (Fall 1995)
Taylor, W. Thomas, Guild of Book Workers 75th Anniversary, XIX:, 1–9 (1980–81)
Taylor, W. Thomas, Making a Masterpiece, XX:, 10–15 (1981–82)
Teaching Genealogies – German, Eldridge, Betsy Palmer, The German Bookbinding Tradition, XXXIII:2, 45–56 (Fall 1995)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy. XXVIII:1–2, 1–64 plus Charts (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Agee, Woodrow: XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Akers, Robert: XXVIII:1–2, 31 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Albro, Tom, XXVIII:1–2, 38 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Ameline, Paule, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IV (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Anthony, Bill, XXVIII:1–2, 14, 38, Chart I, Chart IIa, (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Anthony, Bill, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IIa (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Anthony, Bill: Binding, pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 15 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Arnoult, Roger, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IV (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Art Students League: XXVIII:1–2, 30 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Article: XXVIII:1–2, 1–64 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Arts & Crafts Movement: XXVIII:1–2, 4, 13, 14, 25 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Ashendene Press: XXVIII:1–2, 14 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Aufschneider, Pierre, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Badet, , XXVIII:1–2, 30 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Baer, George: Binding pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 4 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Baer, George: XXVIII:1–2, 8, Chart IV (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Baker, Cordelia: XXVIII:1–2, 25 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Bakewell, Euphemia, XXVIII:1–2, 39, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Banks, Paul: XXVIII:1–2, 32, 39, Chart I (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Bennett, Whitman: XXVIII:1–2, 2 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Blackwell–Bennett Bindery: XXVIII:1–2, 2 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Bleyl, Werner XXVIII:1–2, 39 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Blunn, Denis, XXVIII:1–2, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Boal, Gillian: Tom, XXVIII:1–2, 39 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Bock, Max: XXVIII:1–2, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Bookbinding Training History – England: XXVIII:1–2, 13–24 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Bookbinding Training History – France: XXVIII:1–2, 25–29 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Bookbinding Training History–Germany: XXVIII:1–2, 3–12 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Boone, E., XXVIII:1–2, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Bourbeau, David P., binding for The Raven pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 5 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Bourbeau, David P., XXVIII:1–2, 39, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Brock, David, XXVIII:1–2, 39 Chart I. Chart IIa (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Bruckman, Robert: XXVIII:1–2, 39, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Buffum, Clara, XXVIII:1–2, 38, Chart III (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 1–64 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Cains, Anthony, XXVIII:1–2, 39, Chart II (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Cains, Anthony: 1989 binding for Book of Gospels pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 16 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Camberwell School Of Art & Crafts, XXVIII:1–2, 13, 31, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Capricornus School Of Bookbinding & Restoration, XXVIII:1–2, 40, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Carter, Deborah: XXVIII:1–2, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Central School Of Arts & Crafts: XXVIII:1–2, 13 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Centro Del Bel Libro: XXVIII:1–2, 31, 38, 40 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Chaika, Betty Lou: binding pictured in XXVIII:1– 2, 26 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Chaika, Betty Lou: XXVIII:1–2, 32, Chart Ia, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Charriere, Gerard, Binding for 1990 Teoti Huacan pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 27 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Charriere, Gerard, XXVIII:1–2, 30, 40 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Clarkson, Christopher, XXVIII:1–2, 40, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Club Bindery, XXVIII:1–2, 2,, Chart III (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Cobden–Sanderson, T.J., XXVIII:1–2, 2, 14, 25, 26,, Chart II, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Cobden–Sanderson, Thomas James: binding for 1850 Poems pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 16 (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Cockerell, Douglas, binding pictured in XXVIII:1– 2, 17 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Cockerell, Douglas, XXVIII:1–2, 13, 14, 25, 40, Chart I, Chart II, Chart III, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Columbia University Conservation And Preservation Education Program: XXVIII:1–2, 31, 32, 41 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Corderoy, John, XXVIII:1–2, 13, 31, 39, 41, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Craft Students League, XXVIII:1–2, 30–31 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Craft Students League, XXVIII:1–2, 30, 31 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Cuzin, Adolphe, XXVIII:1–2, 25 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Davis, Jerilyn G., XXVIII:1–2, 41, Chart I (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: De Buyl, J., XXVIII:1–2, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: De Coverly, Roger, XXVIII:1–2, 14, 41, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: De Sauty Alfred, XXVIII:1–2, 2, 12, 25, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Dean, John, XXVIII:1–2, 30, 32, 41 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Dehartogh, A., XXVIII:1–2, Teaching Genealogies III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Diehl, Edith, binding pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 17 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Diehl, Edith, XXVIII:1–2, 42–43, 64, Chart I, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Domont, Jules, XXVIII:1–2, 25, 30, Chart III, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Doves Bindery, XXVIII:1–2, 25, Chart II (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Dreis, Hazel, XXVIII:1–2, 26, 43, Chart II (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Dreneau, Constant, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IV (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Dudley, Fanny, XXVIII:1–2, 43, Chart II (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Eberhardt, Fritz, binding for 1605 Missale Romanum pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 5 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Eberhardt, Fritz, XXVIII:1–2, 44, Chart I, Chart Ia (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Eberhardt, Trudi, binding for ... Erklarung...Virginia pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 6 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Eberhardt, Trudi, XXVIII:1–2, 44, Chart I, Chart Ia (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Eberth, Karl, XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Elephant Bindery, XXVIII:1–2, 64 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Ellenport, Emily, XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Ellenport, Samuel, XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: English Background, XXVIII:1–2,  Chart II
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand BookbindersEnglish Background, XXVIII:1–2, Chart II (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Eschmann, Jean, XXVIII:1–2, 25 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Esser, Mark, Binding for 15th–century manuscript pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 18 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Esser, Mark, XXVIII:1–2, 32, 44, Chart IIa (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Etherington, Don, binding pictured in XXVIII:1– 2, 18 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Evetts, Deborah, XXVIII:1–2, 44, Chart II (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Fache, Jules, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Fahey, Edna Peter, XXVIII:1–2, 44–46, Chart I, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Fahey, Herbert and Peter Fahey, binding for Two Years before the Mast pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 27 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Fahey, Herbert, XXVIII:1–2, 44–46, Chart I, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Fahey, Peter, XXVIII:1–2, 44, Chart I, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Fiske, Ella, XXVIII:1–2, 30, 46, Chart III (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Flasch, Joan, XXVIII:1–2, 46, Chart I, Chart IIa (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Foote, Florence, XXVIII:1–2, 46, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand BookbindersFounders of the Guild of Book Workers, XXVIII:1–2, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Franck, Peter, XXVIII:1–2, 2, 25 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Freeman, Sarah Jane, XXVIII:1–2, 47, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Frewin, George, XXVIII:1–2, 47, Chart II (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Frost, Gary, Bindings [blank models of historic structures] pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 6 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Frost, Gary, XXVIII:1–2, 32, 47, Chart I, Chart IIa (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Gallier, Louis, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: GBW founders, XXVIII:1–2, Chart III (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Gerlach, Gerhard, Binding pictured in XXVIII:1– 2, 7 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Gerlach, Gerhard, XXVIII:1–2, 47, Chart I, Chart III, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Gerlach, Kathryn Edwards, XXVIII:1–2, 47, Chart I, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Glaister, Don, XXVIII:1–2, 47, Chart IV (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Gourley, Paula Marie, XXVIII:1–2, 31, 38, 47 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Gras, Madeleine, XXVIII:1–2, 25 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Green, Harry, XXVIII:1–2, 48 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Greenfield, Jane, Binding for 1502 Missal pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 7 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Greenfield, Jane, XXVIII:1–2, 48 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Gruel, Leon, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Gunner, Jean, Binding pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 19 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Gunner, Jean, XXVIII:1–2, 48, Chart II (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Hanford, Helen G., XXVIII:1–2, 48, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Harcourt Bindery, XXVIII:1–2, 31, 32, 44 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Harlow, Terry, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Harrison, Thomas, XXVIII:1–2, 45 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Hathaway, E.P., XXVIII:1–2, Chart III (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Heim, Edwin, XXVIII:1–2, 31 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Hiller, Barbara Fallon, XXVIII:1–2, 48 Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Holden, Octavia, XXVIII:1–2, 25, 44, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Hoopts, Arthur, XXVIII:1–2, 48, Chart Ia (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Hornby, St. John, XXVIII:1–2, 14 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Horton, Carolyn, XXVIII:1–2, 30, 48–49 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Hoy, Brian, XXVIII:1–2, 39 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Hunter, Constance, 1989 binding for 1981 The Fire of the Dragon Yudur pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 28 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Hunter, Constance, XXVIII:1–2, 49, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Ingle, Eliza, XXVIII:1–2, 49, Chart III (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Jacobs, Louis, XXVIII:1–2, 25, Chart III (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Jaegle, Martin, XXVIII:1–2, 31 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: James, Louise Russell, XXVIII:1–2, 49, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Johnson, Arthur, 1972 binding for 1968 Aesop's Fables pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 20 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Johnson, Arthur, XXVIII:1–2, 49, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Johnson, Walter F., XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Kahle, Anne Henning, XXVIII:1–2, 26, 31, 40, 49, Teaching Genealogies lI (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Kahle, Anne, binding for Hymnal of the Protestant Episcopal Church and Book of Common Prayer pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 20 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Kahle, Theodore, XXVIII:1–2, 31, 40, 67 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Kelm, Daniel, XXVIlI:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Kendall, Mary Ellet, XXVIII:1–2, 49, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Kendall, Sarah Ellet, XXVIII:1–2, 49 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Kersten, Paul, XXVIII:1–2, 3, 50, Chart Ia. (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Knowlton, Daniel G., XXVIII:1–2, 50, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Kyle, Hedi, XXVIII:1–2, 50, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Lada–Mocarski, Polly, XXVIII:1–2, 50, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Lane, Marion U.M., XXVIII:1–2, 50, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Lauer, Annette J., XXVIII:1–2, 50, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Lazier, Rose, XXVIII:1–2, 51, Chart III (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Le Fevre, Eunice, XXVIII:1–2, 51, Chart III (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Lecky, Margaret, binding for Vathek pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 8 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Lecky, Margaret, XXVIII:1–2, 30, 51, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Library of Congress, XXVIII:1–2, 1, 14, 32, 51, Chart I, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Loncich, Louis, XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Londenberg, Kurt, binding for Horatii Flacci Carmina & II, Odes d'Horace pictured in XXVIII:1– 2, 9 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Londenberg, Kurt, XXVIII:1–2, 51 Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: London College Of Printing, XXVIII:1–2, 13 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Lucas, Robert, XXVIII:1–2, 51, Chart IV (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Lunow, Robert, XXVIII:1–2, 25 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Mansfield, Edgar, XXVIII:1–2, 13 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Marot, Elizabeth G., XXVIII:1–2, 51–52, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Matthews, William, XXVIII:1–2, 13, 14, 52, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Mattingly, Kent, XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Maylander, Emile, XXVIII:1–2, 25, Chart III, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: McLeish, Charles (The Elder), XXVIII:1–2, 13, 52– 53, Chart II, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: McLeish, Charles (The Younger), XXVIII:1–2, 52– 53, 67 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: McLeish, Peter, binding for misc. Doves Bindery pamphlets (1902 and later) pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 21 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: McLeish, Peter, Binding in XXVIII:1–2, 21 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: McLeish, Peter, XXVIII:1–2, 13, 52–53, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Minter, William, Binding in XXVIII:1–2, 22 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Minter, William, XXVIII:1–2, 53, Chart IIa (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Mondage, Raymond, XXVIII:1–2, Chart I (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Morin–Pons, M., XXVIII:1–2, 7 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Mowery, Frank, XXVIII:1–2, 53 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Mowrey, J. Franklin, binding for Sonnets for the Portuguese  pictured, XXVIII:1–2, 9 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Mueller, Ingeborg, XXVIII:1–2, 54, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Nash, Katherine, XXVIII:1–2, 54, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Nauman, V., XXVIII:1–2, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Newberry Library, XXVIII:1–2, 1, 30, 32, 54, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Newman, Joseph, XXVIII:1–2, 32, Chart IIa (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Niehoff, Elizabeth, XXVIII:1–2, 30, 54, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Noack, Gisela, Binding pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 10 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Noack, Gisela, XXVIII:1–2, 54, Chart I (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Non–Trade Hand Binders (ENGLAND), XXVIII:1–2, 13, 14 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Nordhoff, Evelyn Hunter, binding pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 22 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Nordhoff, Evelyn Hunter, XXVIII:1–2, 54–55, 64, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: North Bennet Street School, XXVIII:1–2, 32, 55–56 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Nosco, Jacques, XXVIII:1–2, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Noulhac, Henri, XXVIII:1–2, 25, Chart III, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Noyes, Helen Haskell, XXVIII:1–2, 25, 56, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Oldach, Albert and Son, XXVIII:1–2, 30 (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Parrot, Gray, XXVIII:1–2, 56, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Patri, Stella, XXVIII:1–2, 56, Chart IV (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Patterson, Thomas, XXVIII:1–2, Chart Ia, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Peck, Clara Boardman, XXVIII:1–2, 56, Chart Ia, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Peller, Hugo, XXVIII:1–2, 31 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Pensky–Adam, Heinke, binding pictured, XXVIII:1–2, 10 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Pensky–Adam, Heinke, XXVIII:1–2, 56, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Petherbridge, Guy, XXVIII:1–2, 32, 56, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Pickwoad, Nicholas, XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Plummer, John, XXVIII:1–2, 32, 56 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Powell, Roger, XXVIII:1–2, 14, 57, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Prat, Minnie Sophia, XXVIII:1–2, 57, 64, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Preston, Emily, XXVIII:1–2, 25, 57, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Provost, M., XXVIII:1–2, 30, Chart III (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Puissant, Maria Julia, XXVIII:1–2, 31 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand BookbindersPupils of Ignatz Wiemeler, XXVII:1-2, Chart I (Spring-Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand BookbindersPupils of Paul Kersten, XXVII:1-2, Chart Ia (Spring- Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Ramsey, Eleanore, XXVIII:1–2, 57, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Ritzenthaler, Mary Lynn, XXVIII:1–2, 57, Chart IIa (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Roach, Mariana Kendal, XXVIII:1–2, 57–58, Chart I, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Rowbotham, Al, XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Rowfant Bindery, XXVIII:1–2, 2 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Royal College Of Art, XXVIII:1–2, 14 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Ruzica, Ivan, XXVIII:1–2, 14 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand BookbindersSan Francisco French Tradition, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand BookbindersSan Francisco French Tradition, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Sanford, P B., XXVIII:1–2, 30 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Sangorski & Sutcliffe, XXVIII:1–2, 14, 39, 58–59, Chart II, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Sangorski, Francis, XXVIII:1–2, Chart II (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Sears, Mary Crease, XXVIII:1–2, 30, 59 (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Smith, W.H. & Sons, XXVIII:1–2, 14, 59–60, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand BookbindersSome Pupils of Bill Anthony, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IIa (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Sonnichsen, Joanne, XXVIII:1–2, 60, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Spitzmueller, Pamela, XXVIII:1–2, 60, Chart I, Chart IIa (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: St. John, Agnes, XXVIII:1–2, 30, 58, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Stanescu, Catherine, XXVIII:1–2, 31, 60 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Starr, Ellen Gates, XXVIII:1–2, 60, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Stemmle, Joseph, XXVIII:1–2, 31 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Stikeman, Henry, XXVIII:1–2, 2 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Stiles, Gertrude, XXVIII:1–2, 60–61, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Sutcliffe, George, XXVIII:1–2, 13, 31, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Teaching Genealogies–Pupils of Paul Kersten, XXVIII:1–2, Chart Ia (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Teaching Genealogies–San Francisco French Tradition, XXVIII:1–2, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand BookbindersTeaching Genealogies–United States, XXVIII:1–2, Chart Ia, Chart II, Chart IIa, Chart III, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: trade hand binders (England), XXVIII:1–2, 13, 14 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Ullman, Charlotte M., XXVIII:1–2, 61, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Ullman, Charlotte: Binding for 1958 Verse & Prose pictured in XXVIII:1–2, 11 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: United States, XXVIII:1–2, Charts I, Ia, II, IIa, III, IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: University of Alabama: XXVIII:1–2, 31 (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Valentine, Mary Kendall, XXVIII:1–2, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Van Sweringen, Eleanor I., XXVIlI:1–2, 25 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Vaughan, Alex J., XXVIII:1–2, 13, 31, 39, 61–62, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Waters, Peter, XXVIII:1–2, 14, 62, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Weil, Hope, XXVIII:1–2, 62, Chart I, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Weimeler, Ignatz, XXXIII:1 & 2, 1, 3, 63, Chart I, Chart Ia, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Weisse, Franz: XXVIII:1–2, 62, Chart I (Spring– Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Werner, Arno: XXVIII:1–2, 62–63, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Wiemeler, Ignatz: XXVIII:1–2, 1, 3, 63, Chart I, Chart Ia, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Wright, Ray: XXVIII:1–2, 39 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Young, Belle McMurtry: XXVIII:1–2, 63, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Young, Fred: XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Young, Laura: XXVIII:1–2, 63–64, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Zachary, Shannon: XXVIII:1–2, 39 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders: Zaehnsdorf, Joseph (The Elder), XXVIII:1–2, 14, 64, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders:Adler, Rose: XXVIII:1–2, 25 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Teaching Genealogies, Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered by Joseph Newman, XXXIII:1, 32–51 (Spring 1995)
Techniques in Decorating Leather, presentation by S.A. Neff, Jr. at 21st Standards of Excellence Seminar (2001), XXXIX:1, 36 (Spring 2004)
Texas Book Arts Guild, about, XII:1, 3–6, 22–23 (Fall 1973)
Texas Book Arts Guild, Workshop, XI:1, 21–22 (Fall 1972)
Thatcher, Elizabeth, Necrology on Irene Gibson McCampbell, III:2, 39 (Winter 1964–65)
The Archimdes Palimsest, presentation by William Noel at 21st Standards of Excellence Seminar (2001), XXXIX:1, 67 (Spring 2004)
The Development of Endpapers by Linda Blaser, XXXII:1, 1–28 (Spring 1994)
The Flexible Medieval Binding, presentation by Terry Buckley at 20th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2000), XXXVIII:1, 48 (Fall 2003)
The French Technique of Bookbinding by Monique Lallier, XXXIII:1, 16–20 (Spring 1995)
The Future of Hand Bookbinding by Sam Ellenport, XXXI:1–2, 36–49 (Spring–Fall 1993)
The German Bookbinding Tradition by Betsy Palmer Eldridge, XXXIII:2, 45–56 (1995)
The Letters Of Anthony Gardner To Colin Franklin, presentation by Colin Franklin at 15th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1995), XXXIV:1, 7 (1998)
The Logic and Techniques of German Bookbinding by J. Franklin Mowery, XXIX:1, 38–55 (Spring 1991)
The Relationship Between Fine Binding and Fine Printing by Tom Taylor, XXXIII:2, 57–61 (Fall 1995)
The Simplified Binding by Sun Evrard, XXXII:2, 5–12 (Fall 1994)
The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 1–15 (Spring 1995)
Ting, Walasse, Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, 52 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Toof, S.C., Will the Real Otto Zahn Please Stand Up? by Don Etherington, XXXIII:1, 21 (Spring 1995)
Tool Time–Tool Sharpening, presentation by William D. Minter at 20th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2000), XXXVIII:1, 60 (Fall 2003)
Tooling: French Onlay Technique and Gilding by Tini Miura, XXIX:1, 33–37 (Spring 1991)
Tools: brass stamps, XVIII:2, 8 (1979–80)
Tools: brushes, XVIII:1, 8, 22 (1979–80)
Tools: rakes and combs, XVIII:1, 8–9 (1979–80)
Tools: rakes and combs, XVIII:1, 8–9 (1979–80) Tools: troughs (tanks), XVIII:1, 5 (1979–80) Tours: See Programs
Tools: troughs (tanks), XVIII:1, 5 (1979–80) 
Trade Hand Binders (England), Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 13, 14 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Training of binders in England, XXVIII:1–2, XXVII, 13–24 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Transylvania University, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 33 (Fall 1995)
Treanor, Mary, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 35 (Fall 1995)
Treatment Reports, Basic Paper Treatments for Printed Book Materials by Peter D. Verheyen, XXIX:1, 1–15 (Spring 1991)
Tribolet, Harold W., Article, Binding Practice as Related to the Preservation of Books, Reprinted from The Library Quarterly, VIII:2, 15–24 (Winter 1970)
Trottier, Marie, Interview with Hugo Peller, XXVI:, 31– 37 (Fall 1988)
True Grit: Hosting The 15th Annual Standards Of Excellence In Tuscaloosa, 1995, presentation by Paula Marie Gourley at 15th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1995), XXXIV:1, 1 (1998)
Turner, Decherd, Binding–Binder–Buyer: A Strained Trinity, XXII:1, 39–43 (Fall–Winter 1983)
Tzara, Tristan, binding for Entre–temps  pictured on Cover, XXXIII:2 (Fall 1995)
Ullman, Charlotte M., A tribute to Miss Ullman, by Laura S. Young, II:1, 5–7 (Fall 1963)
Ullman, Charlotte M., exhibition of, XIII:2, 27–29 (Winter 1974–5)
Ullman, Charlotte M., photograph, II:1, Cover (Fall 1963)
Ullman, Charlotte M., report on Roger Powell's talk on the repair of early manuscripts of English and Irish origin, May 14, 1964, II:3, 32–35 (Spring 1964)
Ullman, Charlotte M., report on workshop and end papers and headbands, January 25, 1966, IV:2, 36–40 (Winter 1966)
Ullman, Charlotte M., report, My Trip Abroad, II:1, 8– 13 (Fall 1963)
Ullman, Charlotte M., Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 61, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Ullman, Charlotte M., The Restoration of Leather Bindings by Bernard Middleton, reviewed by, X:3, 49–50 (Spring 1972)
Ullman, Charlotte, binding for 1958 Vers & Prose pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 11 (Spring–Fall 1990)
University of Alabama book arts program, M.F.A. Program in the Book Arts, XXVIII:1–231 (Spring–Fall 1990)
University Of Alabama, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 28–44 (Fall 1995)
University Of Alabama, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 31 (Spring–Fall 1990)
University Of California, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 35 (Fall 1995)
University of Corpus Christi, Hurricane damage at the University of Corpus Christi Library by G. Cunha, IX:1, 13–17 (Fall 1970)
University Of Iowa, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 37 (Fall 1995)
University Of Kentucky, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 34 (Fall 1995)
University Of Nevada, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 38 (Fall 1995)
University Of Southern California, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 38 (Fall 1995)
Using Jigs For Multiple Binding, presentation by Priscilla A. Spitler at 15th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1995), XXXIV:1, 21 (1998)
Vaill, Dudley A., The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 8, 12 (Spring 1995)
Valentine, Mary Kendall, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
van der Marck, Jan, Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder, XXXI:1–2, 50–53 (Spring–Fall 1993)
van Regemorter, Bertha, The Bound codex, XVII: 1–25 (1978–79)
Van Sweringen, Eleanor I., Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIlI:1–2, 25, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Vaughan, Alex J., Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 13, 31, 39, 61–62, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Vaughan, Alice assisted by Mark Kirchner, demonstration of solutions to binding projects on one–sided paper, presented at 23th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003) Friday Night Forum, XL:1, 42 (Summer, 2005)
Vellum binding, report by Peter Franck, translated from the German by Betsy Palmer, III:1, 11–22 (Fall 1964)
Vellum binding: report by Peter Franck, translated from the German, III:1, 11–22 (Fall 1964)
Vellum Over Boards, presentation by Peter Verheyen at 21st Standards of Excellence Seminar (2001), XXXIX:1, 6 (Spring 2004)
Vellum: XXII:2, 17–19; XXIV:1, 3–12; XXIV:2, 45 (see Chronology for Dates)
Verberg, Paul, Women Bookbinders of the Second Cities During the Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 8 (Fall 1995)
Verheyen, Peter and Donia Conn, poster description, The Springback, presented at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002) Friday Night Forum, XXXIX:2, 58 (Fall 2004)
Verheyen, Peter D., Basic Paper Treatments for Printed Book Materials, XXIX:1, 1–15 (Spring 1991)
Verheyen, Peter D., Der Pressbengel: The Bone Folder, XLIII: 49-63 (2009)
Verheyen, Peter, and Donia Conn, demonstration of oversize wooden mockups of historic endband models, presented at 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003) Friday Night Forum, XL:1, 42 (Summer, 2005)
Verheyen, Peter, organizer of 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002) Friday Night Forum, XXXIX:2, 57 (Fall 2004)
Verheyen, Peter, with the assistance of Richard Baker, description of Springback Ledger Bindings, 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003) presentation by Richard Baker, XL:1, 19 (Summer, 2005)
Verheyen. Peter, Vellum Over Boards, presentation at 21st Standards of Excellence Seminar (2001), XXXIX:1, 6 (Spring 2004)
Vnoucek, Jiri, An Early Medieval Binding Structure, presentation at 21st Standards of Excellence Seminar (2001), XXXIX:1, 60 (Spring 2004)
Wait, Laura, An Artist’s Eye View of a Book Exhibit (Explorations & Transformations), XXXVI:2, 5 (2001)
Wait, Laura, Introduction to the Artist  by Jane Dalrymple–Hollo, XXXVI:2, 1 (2001)
Wait, Laura, photo of binding for Aesop’s Fables with snake design based upon illustrations within the book, XXXVI:2, back Cover (2001)
Walker, C. Howard, Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered by Joseph Newman, XXXIII:1, 33, Photos (Spring 1995)
Walkup, Kathleen, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 36 (Fall 1995)
Waller, Ainslie C., The Guild of Women–Binders, XXIV:2, 31–53 (Fall 1986)
Walp, Robert, Elizabeth Corbett Yeats and the Cuala Press, XLVIII: 13-18 (2019)
Walter, Florence S., exhibition of, XII:2, 6–9 (Winter 1974)
Walter, Florence S., necrology, X:3, 17–18; XII:2, 6–8 (see Chronology for Dates)
Warhol, Andy, Georges Leroux: An Exemplary Bookbinder by Jan van der Marck, XXXI:1–2, 52 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Warr, Griselda, Exhibition of Michael Wilcox Bindings, review, XXII:2, 20–23 (Spring–Summer 1984)
Waters, Peter, introduction to the Peter Waters issue of the GBW Journal, by Laura S. Young, VII:2, 3–4 (Winter 1968–9)
Waters, Peter, Peter Waters' visit to Chicago, February 18–22, 1969, report by Paul Banks, VII:2, 4–5 (Winter 1968–9)
Waters, Peter, Peter Waters' Visit to Los Angeles, February 25–26, 1969, report by
Waters, Peter, Peter Waters' Visit to Washington, March 3–12, 1969, report by Fraser Poole, VII:2, 6 (Winter 1968–9)
Waters, Peter, photograph, VII:2, Cover (Winter 1968– 9)
Waters, Peter, talk at the Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine Arts of New York University, Some Technical Problems of Book Conservation, February, 1969, VII:2, 21–39 (Winter 1968–9)
Waters, Peter, talk at the Morgan Library, In Search of a New Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration, Sponsored by the Guild, February 27, 1969, VII:2, 11–21 (Winter 1968–9)
Waters, Peter, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 14, 62, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Waters, Peter, The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 9 (Spring 1995)
Waters, Sheila, calligraphic example, XIV:3, Cover (Spring 1976)
Waters, Sheila, lecture & demonstration, XIV:3, 42–43 (Spring 1976)
Webb, Samuel W., necrology, III:1, 39 (Fall 1964)
Webb, Samuel W., report on visit to Douglass Howell's hand made paper workshop and laboratory, March 21, 1964, II:3, 26–28 (Spring 1964)
Weeks, Anne A., exhibition of, X:3, 41–42 (Spring 1972)
Weeks, Anne W., 1957 binding for The History of Bookbinding 525–1950 A.D., pictured in Kretzmann, Barbara E. The Ties That Bind, XXXIII:1, 13 (Spring 1995)
Weeks, Anne W., pictured in The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 6 (Spring 1995)
Weeks, Anne W., The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 2, 5, 9–12 (Spring 1995)
Weida, Courtney Lee, Exploring the Book (Cases): The Art of Books, Museums, and Digital Culture, XLIII: 73-78 (2009)
Weil, Hope G., bookbindings of; XVIII:2, 25–37, 57; XXIV:2, 15–20 (see Chronology for Dates)
Weil, Hope G., Hope G. Weil by Laura S. Young, XXIV:2, 2–11 (Spring 1987)
Weil, Hope G., tributes to, XXIV:2, 12–14 (Spring 1987)
Weil, Hope G., visit to Mrs. Weil's studio, March 16, 1965, III:3, 21–24 (Spring 1965)
Weil, Hope, binding for 1913 Chanson de Bilitis pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 11 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Weil, Hope, exhibition of, 1975, XIII:2, 25–27; XIV:1, 30 (see Chronology for Dates)
Weil, Hope, Gold and blind tooling, XIV:1, 27–29 (Fall 1975)
Weil, Hope, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 62, Chart I, Chart III (Spring–Fall 1990)
Weimeler, Ignatz, 1928–30 bindings for Goethe's Faust pictured in XXVIII:1–2, Cover (Spring–Fall 1990)
Weimeler, Ignatz, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 1, 3, 63, Chart I, Chart Ia, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Weisse, Franz, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 62, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Wells College, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 32–34 (Fall 1995)
Werner, Arno, binding for 1941 Bookbinding in America pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 12 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Werner, Arno, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 62–63, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Western Washington College, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 38 (Fall 1995)
Wick, Kathleen, exhibition of, 1972, XI:2, 18–19 (Winter 1972–3)
Wiemeler, Ignatz, bookbinding pupils of, XXVII:1–2, Teaching Genealogies Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Wiemeler, Ignatz, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 1, 3, 63, Chart I, Chart Ia, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Wilcox, Michael, exhibition of, XXII:2, 20–23 (Spring–Summer 1984)
Wiley, James, binding Heaven on Earth, XXXV:2A, front Cover (2000)
Wilkinson, Charles, Women Bookbinders of the Second Cities During the Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 1 (Fall 1995)
Will the Real Otto Zahn Please Stand Up? by Don Etherington, XXXIII:1, 21–31 (Spring 1995)
Williamsburg, bookbinding at, calligraphic report by Thomas W. Patterson, III:1, 34–36 (Fall 1964)
Wire–Edge Binding, presentation by Daniel E. Elm at 19th Standards of Excellence Seminar (1999), XXXVIII:1, 32 (Fall 2003)
Wolff, Helen & Kurt, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 34 (Fall 1995)
Wollenberg, Leah, Florence S. Walter, XII:2, 6–9 (Winter 1974)
Wollenberg, Leah, Hand Bookbinding Today exhibition report, XVI: 18–23 (1977–78)
Woman's Building, The (Pasadena), discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 38 (Fall 1995)
Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 1–27 (Fall 1995)
Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During the Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 1–27 (Fall 1995)
Women Bookbinders: Incunables Bound by Elizabeth Kner: The 1950–1951 Project for the Newberry by Paul F. Gehl and Elizabeth Zurawski, XXXI:l–2, 1–35 (Spring–Fall 1993)
Women Bookbinders: Katherine P. Hooker at sewing frame pictured in Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 15 (Fall 1995)
Women Bookbinders: Mary Crease Sears Rediscovered by Joseph Newman, XXXIII:1, 32–51 (Spring 1995)
Women Bookbinders: plaque, La Reliuse by Maurice Favre pictured in Women Bookbinders of The Second Cities During The Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 2 (Fall 1995)
Women Bookbinders: Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 1– 64 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Women Bookbinders: The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 1–15 (Spring 1995)
Women Bookbinders: Women Bookbinders of the Second Cities During the Progressive Era by Michele Valerie Cloonan, XXXIII:2, 1–27 (Fall 1995)
Wooden Boards by Dag–Ernst Petersen, presented at 17th Standards of Excellence Seminar, Ann Arbor MI (1997), Binders’ Guild Newsletter XXI–4 reprint, XXXV:2A, 38 (2000)
Wootton, Mary, Terry Boone, and Jesse Munn, Know Your Endpapers!, presentation at 20th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2000), XXXVIII:1, 42 (Fall 2003)
Workshop: (Rochester, N.Y.), discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 38 (Fall 1995)
Workspace, Verheyen, Peter D. Basic Paper Treatments for Printed Book Materials, XXIX:1, 1–15 (Spring 1991)
Wozny, Constance and Sabina Nies, description of Incorporating 3–Dimensional Objects Into Cover Design, 23rd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2003) presentation by Tini Miura, XL:1, 13 (Summer, 2005)
Wright, Edna, poster description, Starting Your Own Business, presented at 22nd Standards of Excellence Seminar (2002) Friday Night Forum, XXXIX:2, 58 (Fall 2004)
Wright, Helena, The Harcourt Bindery of Boston, XIV:2, 3–8 (Winter 1975–6)
Wright, Ray, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 39 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Wrotenberg, Carl R., More on Hurricane Celia, X:2, 6–8 (Winter 1971–2)
Wunderkabinette: Architectural Book Environments, presentation by Hedi Kyle at 25th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2005), XLI:2, 8 (Fall, 2007)
Yale University, discussed in A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 29 (Fall 1995)
Yale University, exhibition of GBW members, 1975, XIII:3, 3, 14–18; XIV:3, 36 (see Chronology for Dates)
Yale University, exhibition of Houghton–Mifflin brasses, 1974, XII:3, 14–18 (Spring 1974)
Young, Belle McMurtry, binding for Les Erinnys pictured in Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 28 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Young, Belle McMurtry, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 63, Chart IV (Spring–Fall 1990)
Young, Fred, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 32 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Young, Laura S., A Proposed Graduate Degree Program for Conservation Administrators & Conservators Prepared by Paul N. Banks for the School Library Service, Columbia University, XVIII:2, 54–56 (1979–80)
Young, Laura S., Aesthetics in restoration work, IX:1, 17 (Fall 1970)
Young, Laura S., autobiography, XII:1, 24–26 (Fall 1973)
Young, Laura S., biography, by Mary C. Schlosser, XII:3, 18–20 (Spring 1974)
Young, Laura S., Bookbinding as a Handcraft  by Banister reviewed by, XIII:3, 23–25 (Spring 1975)
Young, Laura S., Bookbindings and the Conservation of Books, (book review), XX:, 40–44 (1981–82)
Young, Laura S., Boston Athenaeum Seminar report, 1971, IX:3, 16–24 (Spring 1971)
Young, Laura S., Committee to honor… Laura S. Young, XII:3, 16–17 (Spring 1974)
Young, Laura S., editorial on plan to include in the GBW Journal articles on renowned American hand binders, III:1, 23–24 (Fall 1964)
Young, Laura S., editorial on resignation of Mary Lou Lamont as Secretary–Treasurer of the Guild, II:1, 20 (Fall 1963)
Young, Laura S., editorial on the death of President John F. Kennedy, II:1, 3–5 (Fall 1963)
Young, Laura S., editorial on the status of hand binding and the Guild's responsibilities thereto, III:2, 15–17 (Winter 1964–65)
Young, Laura S., editorial, Craftsman? Designer? Artist?, V:1, 23–25 (Fall 1966)
Young, Laura S., editorial, Edith Diehl's Library, VI:2, 12–13 (Winter 1967–8)
Young, Laura S., editorial, Leather, VIII:1, 11–17 (Fall 1969)
Young, Laura S., editorial, Materials and their selection, I:1, 12–13 (Fall 1962)
Young, Laura S., editorial, Peter Waters, VII:2, 3–4 (Winter 1968–9)
Young, Laura S., editorial, Rare Books, II:2, 8–10 (Winter 1963–4)
Young, Laura S., editorial, Regional Activities, IV:2, 3– 16 (Winter 1966)
Young, Laura S., editorial, The Guild is Grateful, I:2, 14–15 (Winter 1963)
Young, Laura S., editorial, The Guild's Library, V:2, 10– 12 (Winter 1966–7)
Young, Laura S., editorial, The Guild's Travelling Exhibition, IV:1, 4–10 (Fall 1965)
Young, Laura S., editorial, Training Programs, VIII:2, 29–30 (Winter 1970)
Young, Laura S., editorial, What is Hand Bookbinding?, VI:1, 16–17 (Fall 1967)
Young, Laura S., Enid Eder Perkins, XII:1, 43–45 (Fall 1973)
Young, Laura S., Hope G. Weil, XXIV:2, 2–11 (Spring 1987)
Young, Laura S., necrology on Eliza Ingle, VI:2, 27 (Winter 1967–8)
Young, Laura S., necrology, Mary L. Janes, XXI:1, 61– 62 (Fall 1982)
Young, Laura S., photograph of, XII:8, Cover (issue unknown)
Young, Laura S., prefatory, remarks about the Guild's exhibition at the General Theological Seminary, New York, February 1963, I:2, 3–4 (Winter 1963)
Young, Laura S., program on leather, report on, March 28, 1963, I:3, 22–28 (Spring 1963)
Young, Laura S., report on visit to New York Public Library, February 26, 1963, I:2, 29–33 (Winter 1963)
Young, Laura S., Sara Cunningham Engert, XI:1, 3–4 (Fall 1972)
Young, Laura S., Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 63–64, Chart I (Spring–Fall 1990)
Young, Laura S., The Presidency of the Guild, (job analysis), X:3, 24–25 (Spring 1972)
Young, Laura S., The Ties That Bind by Barbara E. Kretzmann, XXXIII:1, 9 (Spring 1995)
Young, Laura S., tribute and necrology on Gerhard Gerlach, VII:1, 3–12 (Fall 1968)
Young, Laura S., tribute to Charlotte M. Ullman, II:1, 5–7 (Fall 1963)
Young, Laura S., Will Glue Outlast Auden? XV:, 15–16 (1976–7)
Young, Richard F., at U.S. Senate Library, XII:2, 14; XIV:3, 43–45 (see Chronology for Dates)
Young, Richard F., lecture on bookbinding at U.S. Senate Library, XIV:3, 43–45 (Spring 1976)
Young, Richard, illustrated talk, Experiences at the Biblioteca Nazionale in Florence, VI:3, 21–25 (Spring 1968)
Zachary, Shannon, Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 39 (Spring–Fall 1990)
Zaehnsdorf, Joseph (The Elder), Teaching Genealogies of American Hand Bookbinders by Tom Conroy, XXVIII:1–2, 14, 64, Chart II (Spring–Fall 1990)
Zahn, Otto, binding for A Ballad of Hartford pictured in Will the Real Otto Zahn Please Stand Up? by Don Etherington, XXXIII:1, 24 (Spring 1995)
Zahn, Otto, binding for A Demagogue and Lady Phayre pictured in Will the Real Otto Zahn Please Stand Up? by Don Etherington, XXXIII:1, 26 (Spring 1995)
Zahn, Otto, binding for A Woman of No Importance pictured in Will the Real Otto Zahn Please Stand Up? by Don Etherington, XXXIII:1, 25 (Spring 1995)
Zahn, Otto, binding for An Ideal Husband pictured in Will the Real Otto Zahn Please Stand Up? by Don Etherington, XXXIII:1, 28 (Spring 1995)
Zahn, Otto, binding for At the Gate of Samaria pictured in Will the Real Otto Zahn Please Stand Up? by Don Etherington, XXXIII:1, 24 (Spring 1995)
Zahn, Otto, binding for Monologues pictured in Will the Real Otto Zahn Please Stand Up? by Don Etherington, XXXIII:1, 22 (Spring 1995)
Zahn, Otto, binding for Poems pictured in Will the Real Otto Zahn Please Stand Up? by Don Etherington, XXXIII:1, 25 (Spring 1995)
Zahn, Otto, binding for The Beloved Vagabond pictured in Will the Real Otto Zahn Please Stand Up? by Don Etherington, XXXIII:1, 27 (Spring 1995)
Zahn, Otto, binding for The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll pictured in Will the Real Otto Zahn Please Stand Up? by Don Etherington, XXXIII:1, 28 (Spring 1995)
Zahn, Otto, binding for The Rubaiyat of a Persian Kitten pictured in Will the Real Otto Zahn Please Stand Up? by Don Etherington, XXXIII:1, 27 (Spring 1995)
Zahn, Otto, binding for The White Dove pictured in Will the Real Otto Zahn Please Stand Up? by Don Etherington, XXXIII:1, 22 (Spring 1995)
Zahn, Otto, binding for Theatri Mortis Humanae pictured in Will the Real Otto Zahn Please Stand Up? by Don Etherington, XXXIII:1, 23 (Spring 1995)
Zahn, Otto, binding for Wine, Women and Song pictured in Will the Real Otto Zahn Please Stand Up? by Don Etherington, XXXIII:1, 26 (Spring 1995)
Zahn, Otto, binding in Will the Real Otto Zahn Please Stand Up? by Don Etherington, XXXIII:1, 29, 30 (Spring 1995)
Zahn, Otto, Will the Real Otto Zahn Please Stand Up? by Don Etherington, XXXIII:1, –31 (Spring 1995)
Zeitlin, Jake, A History of Book Arts Programs in America by Sidney E. Berger, XXXIII:2, 36 (Fall 1995)
Zeitz, Gray, of Larkspur Press and Richard Taylor, Kentucky‟s Poet Laureate collaborate to produce a book with wood engravings by Canadian artist Wesley Bates for exhibit at the Minnesota Center for the Book Arts article by Pamela Rups of the GBW Midwest Chapter, XXXIX:2, 59 (Fall 2004)
Zukor, Karen, Introduction to Adhesives,  presentation at 20th Standards of Excellence Seminar (2000), XXXVIII:1, 86 (Fall 2003)
Zurawski, Elizabeth and Paul F. Gehl, Incunables Bound by Elizabeth Kner: The 1950–1951 Project for the Newberry, XXXI:1–2, 1–35 (Spring–Fall 1993)

Journal Issue Links

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Volume XLII: 42, Centennial Issue 2008Ongoing
Volume XLI: 41, Number 2Fall 2007
Volume XLI: 41, Number 1Summer 2006
Volume XL: 40, Number 1Summer 2005
Volume XXXIX:  39, Number 2Fall 2004
Volume XXXIX:  39, Number 1Spring 2004
Volume XXXVIII:  38, Number 1Fall 2003
Volume XXXVII:  37, Number 2Fall 2002
Volume XXXVII:  37, Number 12002
Volume XXXVI:  36, Number 22001
Volume XXXVI:  36, Number 12000
Volume XXXV: 35, Number 11998
Volume XXXV: 35, Number 2 Section A2000
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Volume XXXIV:  34, Number 11996
Volume XXXIV:  34, Number 2 Section A1998
Volume XXXIV:  34, Number 2 Section B1997
Volume XXXIII:  33, Number 1Spring 1995
Volume XXXIII:  33, Number 2Fall 1995
Volume XXXII:  32, Number 1Spring 1994
Volume XXXII:  32, Number 2Fall 1994
Volume XXXI: 31Spring/Fall 1993
Volume XXX: 30, Number 1Spring 1992
Volume XXX: 30, Number 2Fall 1992
Volume XXIX: 29, Number 1Spring 1991
Volume XXIX: 29, Number 2Fall 1991
Volume XXVIII:  28Spring/Fall 1990
Volume XXVII:  27, Number 1Spring 1989
Volume XXVII:  27, Number 2Fall 1989
Volume XXVI: 261987-1988
Volume XXV: 25, Number 1 Section AFall 1986
Volume 25, Number 1 Section BFall 1986
Volume XXV: 25, Number 2Spring 1987
Volume XXIV: 24, Number 1Fall 1985
Volume XXIV: 24, Number 2Spring 1986
Volume XXIII: 231984 - 1985
Volume 22, Number 1Fall/Winter 1983
Volume XXII: 22, Number 2Spring/Summer 1984
Volume XXI: 21, Number 1Fall 1982
Volume XXI: 21, Number 2Spring 1983
Volume XX: 20Spring 1981-82
Volume XIX: 19Spring 1980-81
Volume XVIII:  18, Number 11979-80
Volume XVIII:  18, Number 21979-80
Volume XVII: 17Spring 1978-79
Volume XVI: 161977-78
Volume XV: 151976-77
Volume XIV: 14, Number 1Fall 1975
Volume XIV: 14, Number 2Winter 1975-76
Volume XIV: 14, Number 3Spring 1976
Volume XIII: 13, Number 1Fall 1974
Volume XIII: 13, Number 2Winter 1974-75
Volume XIII: 13, Number 3Spring 1975
Volume XII: 12, Number 1Fall 1973
Volume XII: 12, Number 2Winter 1973-74
Volume XII: 12, Number 3Spring 1974
Volume XI: 11, Number 1Fall 1972
Volume XI: 11, Number 2 Winter 1973-73
Volume XI: 11, Number 3Spring 1973
Volume X: 10, Number 1 Section AFall 1971
Volume X: 10, Number 1 Section B1972
Volume X: 10, Number 2Winter 1971-2
Volume X: 10, Number 3Spring 1972
Volume IX: 9, Number 1Fall 1970
Volume IX: 9, Number 2Winter 1970-71
Volume IX: 9, Number 3Spring 1971
Volume VIII: 8, Number 1Fall 1969
Volume VIII: 8, Number 2Winter 1969-70
Volume VIII: 8, Number 3Spring 1970
Volume VII: 7, Number 1Fall 1968
Volume VII: 7, Number 2Winter 1968-69
Volume VII: 7, Number 3Spring 1969
Volume VI: 6, Number 1Fall 1967
Volume VI: 6, Number 2Winter 1967-68
Volume VI: 6, Number 3Spring 1968
Volume V: 5, Number 1Fall 1966
Volume V: 5, Number 2Winter 1966-67
Volume V: 5, Number 3Spring 1967
Volume IV: 4, Number 1Fall 1965
Volume IV: 4, Number 2Winter 1966
Volume IV: 4, Number 3 Section ASpring 1966
Volume IV: 4, Number 3 Section BSpring 1966
Volume III: 3, Number 1Fall 1964
Volume III: 3, Number 2Winter 1964-65
Volume III: 3, Number 3Spring 1965
Volume II: 2, Number 1Fall 1963
Volume II: 2, Number 2Winter 1963
Volume II: 2, Number 3Spring 1964
Volume I: 1, Number 1Fall 1962
Volume I: 1, Number 2Winter 1963
Volume I: 1, Number 3Spring 1963