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Statement of Values and Code of Conduct

Statement of Values

The Guild of Book Workers (GBW) is committed to fostering a welcoming, respectful, and inclusive community that embraces diverse representations of human attributes and perspectives, bookwork traditions, practices, and disciplines. Diversity is a core strength across the numerous professions and craft traditions included in our membership and contributes to the intellectual and social life of our organization. We share a resolve to create inclusive experiences both in-person and online, so that thoughtful, supportive, and compassionate interactions can take place. By creating diverse, inclusive, and caring environments, GBW offers the best opportunities for its members to grow and flourish at different stages of their book practices.

Code of Conduct

As fellow members of a shared community, we expect GBW members to:

  • behave in a safe, mature, courteous, considerate, and responsible manner at all GBW events and in GBW’s online spaces;
  • respect others, their property, their opinions, and their work;
  • refrain from engaging in any forms of disruptive, discriminatory, harassing, or bullying behavior;
  • comply with the request to stop any harassing behavior, should another member approach them about this;
  • stay alert to the comfort and safety of other members in their proximity.

We are committed to providing a harassment-free environment for its members and others who participate in its conferences, events, meetings, and online spaces. Harassment is any verbal, non-verbal, or physical contact that threatens, intimidates, silences, or coerces. Leadership in the Guild is available to respond and provide support in the regrettable event that a GBW member, invited speaker, or exhibitor would experience harassment. 

If you would like to contact GBW leadership about an incident, this Statement of Values, or the Code of Conduct, please contact conduct [at] guildofbookworkers [dot] org. All communications will be received confidentially and addressed by the Board of the Guild, with support of the DEI Committee as needed.

Standards for Professional Conduct

GBW members are expected to comply with professional standards and ethical practices. Members shall not:

  • maliciously or recklessly injure or attempt to injure, whether directly or indirectly, the professional reputation of others;
  • engage in illegal business activities such as fraud, theft of property or funds, deceptive advertising, or antitrust violations;
  • divulge to any person, firm, or company, information of a confidential nature acquired during the course of professional activities.

Membership in GBW does not imply professional status, nor does it constitute an endorsement of skills, services, or goods. Members may not use the GBW logo or GBW membership status in the marketing of non-GBW sponsored events, services, or merchandise. 

Members who fail to comply with the Standards for Professional Conduct may have their membership terminated following a vote by the Board of Directors.

If you have concerns regarding a member’s compliance with the Standards of Professional Conduct, you may contact GBW at conduct [at] guildofbookworkers [dot] org. All communications will be kept confidential.