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Asian Papermaking

2001 Midwest Chapter Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL

By Jim Canary


Selected Bibliography


Barrett, Timothy. Japanese Papermaking: Traditions, Tools, and Techniques. New York and Tokyo: John Weatherhill, Inc., 1983. 317 pages.
Detailed how-to information on tool construction and papermaking. Excellent appendix by Winifred Lutz on non-Japanese fiber alternatives. The Japanese Style videos in the Papermaking series complement this book. See Videos below.

Bell, Lilian A. Plant Fibers for Papermaking McMinnville, Oregon: Liliaceae Press, 1981. 132 pages.

Farnsworth, Donald. A Guide to Japanese Papermaking. Oakland, California: Magnolia Editions, 1989. 31 pages.
A very good brief introduction to Japanese-style papermaking.

Field, Dorothy. Handmade Paper in Nepal: Tradition and Change.Washington, DC., Hand Papermaking Inc. 1998.
Contains paper samples. Also done in a limited edition.

Hughes, Sukey. Washi: The World of Japanese Paper. Tokyo, New York and San Francisco: Kodansha International, 1978. 400 pages.
Excellent complement to the Barrett book with many photographs. Emphasis on history, aesthetics and the craftspeople.

Hunter, Dard. Papermaking: History and Technique of an Ancient Craft. New York: Dover reprint, 1978. 611 pages.
Originally published in 1943. The standard reference for anyone interested in Eastern or Western hand papermaking.

Koretsky, Elaine. Color for the Hand Papermaker. Brookline, Massachusetts: Carriage House Press, 1983. 84 pages.
The only substantial contemporary work on the use of dyes and pigments in hand papermaking.

Macfarlane, Nigel. A Paper Journey. New Castle, Delaware: Oak Knoll Books, 1993. 103 pages.
Includes paper samples.

Macfarlane, Nigel. Handmade Paper of the Himalayas. Hampshire, England: The Alembic Press, 1986.
Printed on a variety of Himalayan papers.

Macfarlane, Nigel. Handmade Papers of India. Hampshire, England: The Alembic Press, 1987.
Includes paper samples

McClure, Floyd Alonzo. Chinese Handmade Paper. Newtown, Pennsylvania: Bird and Bull Press, 1986. 126 pages.
Includes paper samples.

Needham, Joseph, ed. Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. V: Part 1 "Paper and Printing" by Tsien Tsuen-Hsuin, Ph.D. Cambridge University Press, 1985. 485 pages.

Premchand, Neeta. Off the Deckle Edge: A Paper-making journey through India. Bombay, India: The Ankur Project, 1995. 127 pages.

Soteriou, Alexandra. Gift of the Conquerors: Hand Papermaking in India. Middletown, New Jersey: Grantha Corporation, 1999. 246 pages

Toale, Bernard. The Art of Papermaking. Worcester, Massachusetts: Davis Publications, Inc., 1983. 119 pages.
A good survey of Eastern and Western methods as well as pulp-as-media artistic approaches.

Trier, Jesper. Ancient Paper of Nepal. Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1972. 271 pages.
Fantastic study of Nepalese Papers with samples.

Tsien, T.H.. Written on Bamboo and Silk, The Beginnings of Chinese Books and Inscriptions, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962.

Turner, Silvie. The Book of Fine Paper, New York: Thames and Hudson, 1998.
A worldwide guide to contemporary papers for art, design & decoration.


Hand Papermaking (ISSN 0887-1418). PO Box 77027, Washington, DC 20013.


The following videos are available from:
University of Iowa Center for the Book Paper Facilities
M109 Oakdale Hall
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone: 319-335-4410

Japanese Style Papermaking I: Simple Equipment and Techniques (70 min.), 1994.

Japanese Style Papermaking II: Traditional Equipment and Techniques (35 min.), 1994.

Japanese Style Papermaking III: Professional Equipment and Techniques (38 min.), 1994.


Special Collection Materials in the Lilly Library

Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405
phone: 812-855-2452

All Japan Handmade Washi Association. Heisei No Shifu, Current Handmade Papers of Japan. North American Distributor De Simone Co., 1992.
3 volumes, map and samples.
TS 1095 .J3 H46

Barrett, Timothy. Nagashizuki: the Japanese Craft of Hand Papermaking. North Hills, PA. Bird and Bull Press 1979
TS 1109 .B25

Bolton, Claire. Awa-gami: Japanese handmade Papers from Fuji Mills, Tokushima. Oxford: Alembic Press, 1991.
TS 1130 .B69

Cohen, Jocelyn H. The Spirit and Craft of Chinese Ritual Paper. San Francisco: The Artist 1992.
N 7433.4 .C67 S75

Goto, Seikichiro. ShihochoJapanese Hand-Made Paper. Tokyo: Bijutsu Shuppan-sha, Showa 29 (1954).
TS 1095 .J3 .G68

Jugaku, Bunsho. Papermaking by Hand in Japan. Tokyo: Meiji Shobo, 1959.
TS 1095 .J3 J93

Kume, Yasuo. Tesuki Washi Shuho, Tokyo: Yushodo, 1979.
Collection of Japanese Handmade Papers. 4 volumes in case. samples.
TS 1095 .J3 K97

Kume, Yasuo. Tesuki Washi Shuho. Tokyo: Yushodo, 1980.
Fine Handmade Papers of Japan. 3 volumes in case. samples.
TS 1095 .K95

Kunisaki, Jihe. Kamisuki Chohoki, A handy guide to papermaking: after the Japanese edition of 1798. translated by Charles E. Hamilton. Berkeley: Book Arts Club, University of California 1948.
TS 1095 .J3 K96 1948

McClure, Floyd Alonzo. Chinese Handmade Paper. Newtown, PA: Bird&Bull Press, 1986.
TS 1109 .M47

Morita, Kosei. Tosa Washi. Kyoto 1990.
2 volumes in case and samples.
TS 1130 .T71

Schmoller, Hans. Chinese Decorated Papers: Chinoiserie for Three/ nans Schmoller, Tanya Schmoller and Henry Morris. Newtown, PA: Bird& Bull Press, 1987.
TS 1095 .C6 S35

Schmoller, Hans. Mr. Gladstone's Washi: A Survey of Reports on th Manufacture of Paper in Japan. The Parkes Report of 1871. Newtown, PA: Bird & Bull Press, 1984.
TS 1095 .J3 S35

Takeo Co. Handmade Papers of the World. Tokyo: Takeo Co., Distributor Tokyo Kyuryudo Art Publishing Co., 1979 Fred Siegenthaler other contributor.
2 volumes, three portfolios limited edition 1100 copies.
TS 1104 .H23


Selected Suppliers

Books, Fibers, Pulp, Tools, Pigments, etc. The following listings are not endorsements or recommendations.

Aiko's Art Materials
3347 Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60657
Phone: 773-404-5600

Carriage House Handmade Papers
79 Guernsey Street, Brooklyn, NY 11222
Phone: 800-669-8781

Dolphin Papers
1043 Virginia, Indianapolis, IN 46203
Phone: 800-346-2770

Hiromi Paper International
2525 Michigan Avenue, Bergamot Station G9, Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-998-0098
Fax: 310-998-0028

The Japanese Paper Place
887 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario. Canada M6J 1G5
Phone: 416-703-0089
Fax: 416-703-0163

Lee S. McDonald Inc., Fine Hand Papermaking Equipment
PO Box 264, Charlestown, MA, 02129
Phone: 617-242-2505

Magnolia Editions
2527 Magnolia Street, Oakland, CA, 94607
Phone: 510-839-5268

Paper Source
232 Chicago, Chicago IL 60610
Phone: 312-337-0798
Note: There are other Paper Source locations in the U.S.

Paragon Paper Moulds (moulds only)
14450 Behling Road, Concord, MI, 49237
Phone: 517-524-6318

Twinrocker Handmade Paper & Papermaking Supplies
RFD 2, Brookston, IN 47923
Phone: 800-757-8946



Related Resources

Orange and brown Paper Road Tibet logo of stylized clouds and square

Paper Road Tibet is a web site about one aspect of Asian Papermaking in which Jim Canary is involved.

Other Articles of Interest:

A Tour Through Tibet's Writing Arts - Trace Foundation

Read a review of a 2010 workshop on Himalayan Papers and Books with Jim Canary here.