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Standards 2020 Tours and Presenters

Standards 2020 Tours

Tour 1: Robert C. Williams Museum of Papermaking at Georgia Tech


Tour 2: Emory University Libraries — The Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archive and Rare Book Library; the Pitts Theology Library; and the Conservation Lab in Woodruff Library


Tour 3: The Center for Puppetry Arts Museum


Tour 4: The printmaking and book arts studios at the Atlanta campus of Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD)


This Year's Presenters and Presentations will be...

“Adhesives for Book Artists and Conservators”

Dr. Cathleen A. Baker

This presentation focuses on water-based adhesives, including wheat- and rice-starch pastes and two cellulose ethers, methylcellulose and sodium carboxymethylcellulose. An introduction to the properties of these adhesives will be followed by preparing them, using them as adhesives and as “water delivery systems” to aid in the removal of old adhesives and guards, and making pre-coated papers for making repairs and for other creative uses. The session will conclude with answering questions from the audience, as well as a few submitted in advance to the speaker by emailing her at: ; deadline for submission of questions is October 1, 2020.


Dr. Cathleen A. Baker began her career as paper conservator at the Courtauld Institute of Art, London, during the 1970s, and she returned to the US to teach that subject in the State University of New York graduate conservation program, located first in Cooperstown and then in Buffalo, from 1978–1993. She is author of numerous articles and books including By His Own Labor: The Biography of Dard Hunter (2000) and the award-winning From the Hand to the Machine. Nineteenth-Century American Paper and Mediums: Technologies, Materials, and Conservation (2010). She holds an MA in Art History from Syracuse University, and an MFA in Books Arts and a PhD in Communication Studies, both from the University of Alabama. In 2005, she joined the conservation department at the University of Michigan Library, where she was paper and book conservator and later, conservation exhibition coordinator. Upon her retirement in 2016, she was honored with the title, conservation librarian emerita. Since “retiring,” she has been concentrating on two projects: her successful publishing business, The Legacy Press (, which issues books about the printing, paper, and bookbinding arts, notably the successful series, Suave Mechanicals, and her research project into how the first western-made wove paper that appeared in John Baskerville’s 1757 Virgil was made.


“Art in 1000 Cuts: The Path of the Blade”

Béatrice Coron


In this presentation Ms. Coron will present the many facets of contemporary paper cutting. She will describe her artistic journey in visual storytelling, and introduce the audience to both the historical roots of this art form as well as to a panorama of international artists. This simple media took her from illustration to artist books, public art and animation. The artist will demonstrate paper cutting and its endless techniques, materials and applications, where there is no limit but your imagination.

Born in France, Béatrice Coron lived in Egypt, Mexico and China before moving to New York. For the last 30 years, Coron has been exploring visual storytelling in artist books, paper cutting and public art. Coron says “Silhouettes fascinate me as they focus on the essential being simple and complex at the same time. I use them as a writing system to catch energies of situations and stories. They become collaborative artwork as each viewer will read them through their own interpretation.” Coron draws with a blade to create empty and full shapes that cast shadows. Playing with shapes that range from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, each project follows its own path. For public art, her papercut designs and artworks are translated into metal, glass or stone. Coron has taught workshops at PBI, Penland, and other creative workshop centers, and her work has been seen in numerous solo and group exhibitions. Her papercuttings were shown at “Slash” at the Museum of Arts & Design in New York and she spoke about her creative process at TED 2011. You can see her work in major collections such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, and her public art in subways and airports. To catch all in one place watch her TED talk or visit her website at


“Stitching Through History - Embroidered Bindings from 14th c. to Today”

Erin Fletcher


Embroidery as a decorative technique for bookbinding may not be considered common, but its use has been found continually on bindings from the 14th century to today. This presentation will focus on both the past and present of embroidered bindings by examining an overview of historical examples from across Europe and how they range in their construction. Embroidery as a technique has seen a revival, particularly in modern design bindings. The demonstration will provide an understanding of how embroidery can be incorporated into bookbinding with a particular focus on leather and using embroidery alongside other decorative techniques.

Erin Fletcher is owner and creator of Herringbone Bindery in Boston, where she designs one-of- a-kind fine bindings and small editions for various clients and institutions. Her work is regularly exhibited throughout the US and abroad. She first discovered a love for bookbinding while studying at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. This experience ultimately brought her to study bookbinding at North Bennet Street School. In addition to her studio practice, Erin is an instructor at NBSS for the Continuing Education department and for the Middle School Book Arts program. She also regularly teaches book arts workshops at institution throughout the county. She has been a member of the Guild of Book Workers for 9 years and currently serves as Chair for the New England Chapter. Learn more about Erin at .


“Forty-One Ways of Reattaching Book Boards”

Jeff Peachey


As most bookbinders know — perhaps all too well — leather bound books often fail at the joints and the boards become detached. Jeff Peachey has organized forty-one techniques for reattaching boards into four broad categories: mechanical sewing extensions/tacketing, inner hinge repairs, outer hinge repairs, and interior board repairs. In this presentation, the pros, cons, and suitability of each for various binding structures will be discussed and demonstrated. Emphasis will be on thinking holistically about the unique requirements of individual books, while using minimally invasive techniques that respect the original elements and character of a binding.

Jeff Peachey is an independent book conservator and toolmaker based in New York City. For more than 30 years, he has specialized in the conservation of books for institutions and individuals. He is a Professional Associate in the American Institute for Conservation, has taught book conservation workshops internationally, and has been awarded numerous fellowships to support his book history research, including the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center (Italy) and Rochester Institute of Technology's Cary Collection (New York). He is a Visiting Instructor for the Library and Archives Conservation Education Consortium (LACE) of Buffalo State University, New York University, and the Winterthur/ University of Delaware. "Ausbund 1564: The History and Conservation of an Anabaptist Icon" is his latest publication. You can learn more about Jeff’s conservation work at and his tools at .