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Exhibit Closing Soon: Delaware Valley Chapter - Smith's Stuctures

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Smith's Structures: Guild of Book Workers, Delaware Valley Chapter members exhibit

CLOSING SOON: through Fri, July 6, 2018 
Art Department at Parkway Central Library

An exhibition inspired by the bookbinding structures of Keith Smith

To honor Keith Smith's contribution to the book arts community, participants from the Delaware Valley Chapter of the Guild of Book Workers have responded to a structure or technique found in his five volume set, 'Non-Adhesive Binding'.

These popular volumes provide comprehensive instruction on bindings that require no adhesive/ heavy equipment or elaborate tools. The innovative and versatile approaches to binding have inspired students, teachers, and book artists to create structures, both simple and elaborate, that are able to support content or exist as a stand-alone form.

This exhibition runs concurrently to Keith Smith at Home, on view at The Philadelphia Museum of Art until July 8.

Parkway Central Library: Second floor landing and Art hallway gallery

May 6 - July 6, 2018


This collection of unique bindings is a really great show! (disclaimer, I have a book in this show.) Set up in the beautiful, stunning, high marble content main branch of the Philadelphia Free Library this exhibition is one not to miss! For those of you who live far away, here are some highlights:  

Jennifer Rosner, KS structure: laced-jacket binding. Woven cut-up vellum indenture, 18th century ledger paper


Ruth Scott Blackson


Denise Carbone


Heidi Kyle


Kristen Balmer