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Standards 2023 Scholarships - Now Closed

Image of San Francisco beach with golden gate bridge in the background

The Guild of Book Workers offers scholarships to attend the Standards of Excellence in Hand Bookbinding seminar. Scholarships are available for both student and regular members. Non-members may apply, but are required to become a member prior to attending the Seminar. The scholarship consists of:

  • a waiver of registration fees
  • lodging costs for four nights at the conference hotel 
  • a ticket to the Saturday evening banquet dinner 

Scholarship recipients will be asked to volunteer a small amount of their time during the seminar to assist the event organizers, presenters, or other GBW volunteers.

The Scholarship Committee requests a short statement and two letters of reference. The statement should describe what you hope to get out of the seminar, how attending might impact your work, and how you plan to share what you have learned with others. The letters of reference could come from an instructor, supervisor, or client and need not be lengthy. Please complete the online application form.

Apply Now

Applications opened Monday, May 22nd and all materials are due by Friday, June 30th.