Cathy Adelman
Malibu, California
Cathy Adelman is a studio binder living in California. She received her diploma from the American Academy of Bookbinding in 2003 and has taken many master classes with Edwin Heim at the Centro del Bel Libro. Adelman is the winner of awards from the Society of Bookbinders, Chicago Public Library, and Design Bookbinders of Estonia. She teaches at Penland School of Craft, where she also serves as a Trustee.
John Berger, A Load of Shit, 1999
Reliure articulee, featuring vertical panels of calf, printed calf, and sycamore veneer. The boards of this binding are exible, with suede doublure and yleaves. A Load of Shit was written by John Berger, and includes a delightful etching by Mirta Ripoll depicting the "vessel" involved with the process.
Calf, sycamore veneer, printed calf.
6.25 x 8.25 x .5 inches; 16 x 21 x 1.5 centimeters. Created 2015.