Heather Bain
Susan Bonthron
Amy Borezo
Patty Bruce
Carolee Campbell
Rebecca Chamlee
Susan Collard
Coleen Curry
Cathy DeForest
Anna Embree
Ethan Ensign
Mark Esser
Don Etherington
Samuel Feinstein
Erin Fletcher
Madelyn Garrett
Ken Gilbert
Karen Hanmer
Monica Holtsclaw
Deborah Howe
Peggy Johnston
Jamie Kamph
Ellen Knudson
Rebecca Koch
Jill Krase
Alison Kuller
Monique Lallier
Sammy Lee
Amy LeePard
Carolyn Leigh
Sue Huggins Leopard
Christopher McAfee
Suzanne Moore
Hanne Niederhausen
Jeff Nilan
Claire Owen
Jan Owen
Graham Patten
Jana Pullman
Veda and Meda Rives
Suzanne Sawyer
Susan Share
CB Sherlock
Stanley Sherman
Priscilla Spitler
Emily Tipps
Jonathan Tremblay
Claire VanVliet
Tom Virgin
Robert Walp
Thomas Parker Williams
Wendy Withrow
Rutherford Witthus

Erin Fletcher
Allston, Massachusetts

I was first introduced to the craft of bookbinding while obtaining my BFA at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Experimenting with structures of the book as a conceptual platform for art created a desire to extend my knowledge of the craft. Upon graduating from North Bennet Street School, I was able to fine tune my hand skills and focus on the traditional craft of bookbinding. I greatly appreciate the foundations of bookbinding and I strive to weave in contemporary practices while keeping true to the craft in order to create a unique bookbinding style.

Website: herringbonebindery.com

Erin Fletcher Erin Fletcher

A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin A. Abbott , 2012

Abbott's novella is an observation on the social hierarchy of Victorian culture set in a fictional two-dimensional world known as Flatland, whose denizens are geometric figures. This defines their place in the social ladder, where women are depicted as lowly lines. We are guided through the text by a Square who dreams of other dimensions and challenges the authority of the high class Circle. As you move around the book, a sphere begins to emerge from the cover, illustrating the Square's discovery of the third dimension. I aimed to challenge the “horizon” of a book cover by exploring three-dimensional possibilities.

Dimensions: 8 x 5.5 x 1.25 inches, 20.5 x 14 x 3 centimeters

White buffalo with onlays in goat and buffalo, dome shaped from lens and basswood, palladium tooling and edge gilding, white buffalo edge-to-edge doublures with white suede flyleaf, pop-up endpaper made from Mohawk superfine white paper.